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Memphis Zoo's 100th Anniversary


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And it all started with a black bear chained to a tree. Memphis zoo was also home to the roaring MGM lion. I'm so glad they stopped I-40 from cutting thru this part of town. Instead of a 4 lane interstate, we have this


Climbing the animals up front was always fun! I agree that the zoo is really special and is a fun trip for kids and adults.

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I have always loved the Memphis Zoo, and ever since it gained the pandas I have tought of it as a world class zoo. And now it just keeps getting better with the new exhibit. I will enjoy going to go see the polar bears and other animals. It is a zoo on the rise. :D

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I'm one of the biggest fans of the Memphis Zoo. We are very blessed to have such an awesome facility in Memphis that serves the the city and region so well. Its an awesome facililty that is IMO far superior to many of its peer cities.

The zoo landing the pandas I think put the zoo on a whole other level again from its peers, I mean being one of 4 zoos in the nation with Pandas and in the company of DC, San Diego, and Atlanta is not a bad place to be.

I will be taking a trip to Memphis to the zoo in a couple of weeks in fact to see the pandas (again).

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I love your zoo. It is far and away the best in the state, and one of the better zoos in the nation. It really is a jewel for the city of Memphis, and something that all the people of Memphis should be proud. I visited the zoo about six month ago and had an awesome time!

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