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Gaines Street


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Well, I WAS, excited about gaines street and the transformation of the corridor, but nothing is going on. When do they plan to tear down the warehouses and are they shrinking the road down to 2 lanes?

WHEN WHEN WHEN? Its pathetic Ive read the entire gaines street plan, and I see no action,

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are you kidding me??? gaines street will only be 2 lanes when they are done with it? that is one of the dumbest ideas i have ever heard if it is true.

Laney... the intent is to not make Gaines another road that we can use to speed from east to west, but to make it a more flattering part of the downtown area. It will be enhanced to make it more pedestrian friendly, more urban friendly, as this corridor is expected to become Tallahassee's next premier destination downtown. TONS AND TONS of citizen participation went into making this plan a reality, and its only a matter of time before the actual work will begin and the potential of the corridor will be revealed. You will be proud.

Yes the capacity of the road will be two lanes in one direction. A side street will be used to carry traffic in the other direction. This will make travel safer for both motorist and pedestrians, and also allow for sidewalks and landscaped medians.

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