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Construction Timing


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Is it just me, or does it seem strange that a large number of projects are timed to start this Fall. Starting in September/October, we should expect to see: Riverhouse, Marriott, the Riverfront Building expansion (maybe sooner), Michigan Ave Medical Towers (do they have a name yet?), the Cancer Center, Fort Mochx. Obviously some of these that are close to each other are timed accordingly. But for projects on opposite sides of downtown, does it have something to do with material or labor contracts, or were these just simply coincidental? The older I get, the more I realize that nothing in business is coincidental.

Anyone else curious?

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Is it just me, or does it seem strange that a large number of projects are timed to start this Fall.  Starting in September/October, we should expect to see:  Riverhouse, Marriott, the Riverfront Building expansion (maybe sooner), Michigan Ave Medical Towers (do they have a name yet?), the Cancer Center, Fort Mochx.  Obviously some of these that are close to each other are timed accordingly.  But for projects on opposite sides of downtown, does it have something to do with material or labor contracts, or were these just simply coincidental?  The older I get, the more I realize that nothing in business is coincidental.

Anyone else curious?


Here are a couple of potential factors:

-If a project is getting any sort of subsidy like a tax credit or the like, there are funding rounds by which a project is bound. Many of these rounds would result in a spring award with a fall start.

-I do not know about other developers, but we try to have properties for sale...ie condos hit the market in the Spring.

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Has the construction on the Mariott begun yet?


Construction is not supposed to start until this Fall. They have to coordinate construction with the Riverfront Building's expansion. jschutmtu may be able to shed some more light.

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