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Slow Progress: Sounds Stadium


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If it's a question of the city being liable for shortfalls in the construction/operation of the stadium, I don't have any problem with doing the best deal to minimize taxpayer liability. I believe the taxpayers already pay for operating losses at the GEC.

If on the other hand, if it's just a matter of bad blood between the Sounds owners and city hall, I say the mayor should step up and see to it that it gets built.

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Nashville is so slow that pretty soon we will have our own timezone! I am having serious doubts as to this really happening and Bill Purcell has no interest at all. :(


patience everyone. this stuff doesn't just happen overnight.

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We have patience, I still thank there slow and I hope are grandchildren will enjoy the new b-park.


well you can't rush into things like this. if we want it done right, then we need to take the time and make sure it's done right.

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Yah...the Commercial Appeal ran an article a while back that was saying that there was a chance the stadium will take some time to get built. I wish I still had the article! Very interesting. I hope you guys get it soon! AutoZone Park is wonderful! I've been to the current stadium for the Sounds...you need an AutoZone Park!!!!!!

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How about 1-65 north?? Its that is the slowest interstate expansion ever. I saw a show on the Hong Kong airport yesterday and the built the longest doubledecker suspension bridge in the world, put a highway over a n existing 16 lanes of traffic(w/o closing any of the lanes), built a bridge under the bay, and built their own island for the airport. This project took 7 years(the 22 miles of road and the island). This make me embarassed for our road construction companies. they blow!!!!

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Yah...the Commercial Appeal ran an article a while back that was saying that there was a chance the stadium will take some time to get built. I wish I still had the article! Very interesting. I hope you guys get it soon! AutoZone Park is wonderful! I've been to the current stadium for the Sounds...you need an AutoZone Park!!!!!!


i agree, i would love to get something like autozone park downtown.

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I personally think this will happen. My appreciation for the fiscal caution is large. Sure, I'd like it to happen yesterday, but if all the i's are dotted, the t's crossed to assure that my tax bill doesn't escalate to build a baseball park, I'll be much happier.

This can all be compared to smart shopping. One can buy virtually anything one wants. You can use the money you have, or use your credit cards. Credit cards are pure evil, whether civic use or personal use. That leaves using the money you have to get the things you want. It's smart to take the time to get the absolute best for the money you have and that takes research, steadfast negotiating, a good poker face, and ability to wait for the highest and best use of your funds. This doesn't mean lesser goods by any means.

It boils down to the fact that if one is smart with money, one can have a closet full of slick clothes, other great goodies, less debt than when doing things willy nilly because "it's cool" or "we just want them". That's a surefire way to fiscal insolvency. And believe me, fiscal insolvency last a helluva lot longer than the thrill of immediate acquisition. Trust me, hurried bad decisions will affect people's ability to buy things many years down the line unless common sense is used now.

Get a hobby, stop watching every brick being laid. You'll be surprised how much the pot boils when you're not constantly watching it. ;)

Gee, I'm turning into my mother.

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Dave, I don't know if you are turning into your mother, but you have a point! Nashville development has been slow and we are all excited to see Nashville to make a name for itself on the map.

Personally, I have my writing, music, and hiking as my hobbies. Unfortunately when part of your weekend life is studying the built environment, you get impatient. One thing all of this development does in my profession, is giving people something to talk about. I have guests from all around the world and they are facinated to hear about things going on in Nashville.

It has always been the case that people gauge a cities solvency by the construction projects they see, and although its not correct but when you pass Chattanooga from the interstate, you have not seen a new tower in 30 years. People ask me all the time if Memphis and Chattanooga are dead and I tell them they are not dead, they are just doing projects one cannot see from first glance.

Nashville has the unfortunate problem of being compared to Atlanta and Charlotte because they grow at a rapid pace. Its a morbid comparison, but Atlanta grows like a cancer out of control. People expect Nashville to be the same way now and it is impossible. Nashville simply does not have the population and tax base to support all the projects we want.

Atlanta has the "build it and they will come" philosophy and Nashville has the "wait and see forever" way of thinking. Nashville would expect people to be lined up at the old thermal plant property waiting to buy tickets before they will even break ground.

If this were Atlanta or Dallas West End Summit would be finished. The Viridian would have two cranes and it would be up 31 floors by now.

I don't mean to sound morbid, but I will be 42 soon and life is too short for me to wait for a city to grow to where I can look forward to years of enjoyment. If I could afford to live in Atlanta or Dallas I would. I don't like the fact I have to keep waiting for Nashville to grow up.

This city for years has been controlled by the religious right and the evangelical christian fundamentalists. Urban living, coffee shops, gay citizens, jazz, rock and roll, liberal thinking artists, actors, and writers have all been ostracized in this "small town." We can not even buy wine in a grocery store here and some religious pharmacists won't even sell birth control!

This city has a lot of growing up to do and some us who have been here all our lives are really getting impatient. I moved here when I was 2 in 1965 and some parts of Nashville are still the way they were in 1965.

Yes Dave, I look for any hobby I can to exprss my joy and rage at this town! I have become involved with The Public Forum (www.thepublicforum.org) to help make a difference. I also help a few journalists in town with stories. I also write for Shake! Magazine.

All of us need to find ways to make Nashville better. In my profession as a Doorman, I have the opportunity to "sell" Nashville to every business traveler I come in contact with. I don't like these non forward thinking George Bush rednecks. I try to tell them that I don't share the views with the people that have a "W" on their pick-up trucks.

I was reading the 'ticked off' section in the West Side News. It is a call in feature where people leave messages on an answering machine to see their gripes in the paper. There was another anti-gay message that advocated violence to gays. This is just another example of the UT Vol football redneck George Bush pick-up truck driving attutude in this city. An attitude that makes me sad. This city has a lot of growing up to do, and fast.

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This city for years has been controlled by the religious right and the evangelical christian fundamentalists. Urban living, coffee shops, gay citizens, jazz, rock and roll, liberal thinking artists, actors, and writers have all been ostracized in this "small town." We can not even buy wine in a grocery store here and some religious pharmacists won't even sell birth control!

i don't agree with this. yes we do have our share of the religious right, but i find nashville to still be more open minded. just look at our cultural make up now. and if you think that the liberal are in the minority, look at how nashville almost always votes democrat.

I was reading the 'ticked off' section in the West Side News. It is a call in feature where people leave messages on an answering machine to see their gripes in the paper. There was another anti-gay message that advocated violence to gays. This is just another example of the UT Vol football redneck George Bush pick-up truck driving attutude in this city. An attitude that makes me sad. This city has a lot of growing up to do, and fast.

the view that the ut fan who drives a pickup is a gay hating bush supporting redneck is kind of hypocritical don't you think? if you're wanting repsect, you must give the same back. sure, i don't support the right wing, but i cannot bash them when i'm asking for respect. we need to quit stereotyping people. it won't be easy, but then again nobody said it would ever be easy. 


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This is why people hate liberals. Think about it, do you see anyone bashing liberals on this post? There is also a majority of conseratives in our nation. This is supposed to be the most conservative time in american history. You just made many enemies on this post i assure you. That was NOT smart. Many people would probably pay for you to move to Dallas or Atlanta, then again you would probably be hated their too. If you hate conservatives that much move to San Franscisco or NYC. I assure you that you will not change the mentality of the people in the south.


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This is why people hate liberals. Think about it, do you see anyone bashing liberals on this post? There is also a majority of conseratives in our nation. This is supposed to be the most conservative time in american history. You just made many enemies on this post i assure you. That was NOT smart. Many people would probably pay for you to move to Dallas or Atlanta, then again you would probably be hated their too. If you hate conservatives that much move to San Franscisco or NYC. I assure you that you will not change the mentality of the people in the south.




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This is why people hate liberals. Think about it, do you see anyone bashing liberals on this post? There is also a majority of conseratives in our nation. This is supposed to be the most conservative time in american history. You just made many enemies on this post i assure you. That was NOT smart. Many people would probably pay for you to move to Dallas or Atlanta, then again you would probably be hated their too. If you hate conservatives that much move to San Franscisco or NYC. I assure you that you will not change the mentality of the people in the south.



Sounds like you're doing the bashing. There is not a majority of conservatives and never has been. The only reason they have so much power is because Bush is a conservative and they therefore have a stranglehold on the Republican party. Conservative does not equal Republican.

Isn't this thread supposed t be about the Sounds stadium?

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Satalac misses my point. I am suggesting that Nashville, which voted Republican for the most part in 2004 and statistically reported as such by the Republican Party in Nashville, has a lot of people who value Tennessee Vol football over Tennessee Vol education. They protest any form of diversity.They drive the gas guzzling SUV's, and they try to force their religion down my throat. Most people who cut me off on the interstate have Bush stickers on their cars, they give me the finger and have even cursed me. You don't see this type of behavior in the "blue states."

A lot (not all) of people in this town who support Bush, support the Vols, are anti-choice, and anti-gay, support the gun and tobacco lobby, and vote Republican are the ones with less education and do not support any advances for Nashville except sports arenas. I did not print anti-gay propoganda in the West Side News. I don't print anti-gay letters in the Tennessean. I don't subscribe to the "your going to hell philosophy" that so many Christians do. These types of people give the city a bad name and they are generally the people who do not support growth and change.

I don't come to an opinion board to make friends. This is what it is, opinion and unfortunately Satalac, some people cannot take criticism that this city sometimes deserves. I am not putting all Bush supporters in one catagory, but my experience with Bush supporters has been one that has been negative and judgemental on THEIR part. I am only speaking about my experience.

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I'm a conservative liberal. Therefore I abstain from most political discussions. Being a gay, non-Bible thumping, pro-choice, pro-arts, pro-live and let live kind of guy makes me a bit clumsy in these discussions.

Nashville is a collection of people, many of whom exercise their rights to think as they will. I get along with most of them. I like it that way.


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Thanks Dave! Yes, lets play ball! I am a liberal democrat. I am a musician and writer. I collect reptiles. I have varied interests. I apologize if some of my commentary was taken the wrong way. I have just had a lot of negative experiences in this city because of my political and religious views and my gay friends have been verbally assaulted by members of various groups.

Enough said!

I hope Purcell and the financial institutions can get this thing done. I hope the lawyers can get out of the way so this can get done.

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Satalac misses my point. I am suggesting that Nashville, which voted Republican for the most part in 2004 and statistically reported as such by the Republican Party in Nashville



Nashville was not republican in the 2004 Election. It was 55% to 45%, Kerry's favor. And do you know why there was an Iraqi election site in Nashville? Because Nashville has a large population of Kurds (I think that's who they are). To me that says Nashville isn't some hotbed for conservative rednecks. Yes, there are a few evangelical religions headquartered here, but that doesn't seem to hold Nashville back from having an NFL franchise, an impressive skyline, a world-class library, an excellent symphony center under construction, and promise of even more downtown construction. It was even declared that Nashville is a city where all races live in harmony (during Black History Month, I think. It was a quote by an African-American, and there was a City Paper article about it). I know you probably see the worst of Nashville, being a writer for the Tennessean, but you shouldn't let that blur your vision of Nashville overall.

Also, I detest your point about UT fans being pickup-driving, gun-toting, conservative rednecks. I happen to enjoy Tennessee football, and although I do drive a pickup, I don't own a gun and am politically neutral.

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