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Posts posted by sean

  1. Its been a few months ago, but this is one that screams hit job:

    'DC Madam' Deborah Jeane Palfrey hangs herself... yeah right! Her client list had a bunch of heavy hitters in DC and once the rumors started swirling around about Dick Cheney, she commits suicide... whoda thunk it?... theory and conjecture...

  2. I think one has to question why technology and the understanding of science advanced so dramatically in the 20th century. Its the fastest advancement in recorded time. It would normally take thousands of years to advance from technology of 1900 to the technology of 2000......but something happened in the 20th century and this NASA scientist seems to confirm what has happened.

    What other civilization development trajectories' are you comparing our's to?

  3. "What can we do to avoid gridlock?" Mass transit, re-orienting communities to a walkable scale, conservative fuel use, long-term regional planning...

    One thing I'd like to see is for DoT and local communities to take some leadership in the land use immediately adjacent to freeway intersections. I've said it before somewhere on the UP forums... How often have we all observed a 'roadway improvement project' focused on alleviating congestion that just enables more traffic with more lanes? A rural crossroad today, is a major traffic hotspot tomorrow.

    I am encouraged by DoT's 'door to door' tactic, as it recognizes that this is ultimately a human problem.

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