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Everything posted by gumpking1

  1. I hope your right.Iam really interested in seeing how much money Devos is going to give.The paper quoted as saying it would be a substantial amount.I wonder how much that is?last time around he offered 10 mil.I hope its alot more than that this time cause thats just a drop in the bucket.Go magic
  2. I agree.No need in pumping new money into an old building.Hope they build it downtown though.
  3. I agree.I have said this b/4.In Indianapolis they had the same problem.The city state and feds got together and built 2 low to mid income apts downtown.They both are 45 stories each and really add to the view downtown.Looks to me like that something like that could be built in Parramore there are monies available for these type projects.
  4. Why is everyone so ready to tear down the td waterhouse.I still think it could be utilized for something.Maybe ucf could use it in some way not as an arena but something else.It would be a shame to tear it down. Is that site large enough for a arena?
  5. I disagree.Play at td waterhouse till new arena is built.Then the td waterhouse can be used for other things.It would be a waste of mney to tear it down.
  6. gumpking1

    The VUE

    How bout some nite photos from a distance
  7. Well there wasn't much to choose from
  8. Cant believe i voted for him
  9. gumpking1

    The VUE

    What building is this a drawing of?
  10. Tell me .As i read in the paper this project wouldnt be finished till 2012 i think.Why would it take so long to build?
  11. To heck with spring training i want a major league team here in Orlando.Anyone else feel that way
  12. Like i said before.Orlando is going to be the next great city of the south.Go Magic
  13. gumpking1

    The VUE

    I would love to see some to photos of Vue's progress.Anyone got new pics lately.
  14. I agree.Martinez is onour side and i understand he and Rosen or not allies.In fact they dontr like each other.Maybe Mel will help us out down here.
  15. I agree with all of you guys about this tourist tax thing.imo the problems isnt so much with crotty as it is with the big hotel owners like rosen and all those people.He thinks that none of the tax money should be spent on downtown orlando.He and his buddies want all the money for advertisement and the convention center.Now all that said how does any of those things benefit any of us poor folk that live here and only want to enjoy some of the venues we have and need updated or a new one.I dont help him out at all.
  16. gumpking1

    The Plaza

    Thanks for the photo.That is awesome
  17. gumpking1


    I agree.But on the bright side just think the higher prices for gas equals more people wanting to live closer to their work.I think this is really helping those folks dowtown to sell their condos
  18. gumpking1

    The Plaza

    Thanks for the pic keep em coming
  19. gumpking1

    The VUE

    I agree and thanks for the pic cant wait till the other projects get started
  20. Thanks then tt would be closest to the lake?
  21. Where i this pic will tt be located.Not be downtown for some time please show me where it will be
  22. Your right.Iam a deputy sheriff and have seen my share of accidents.One thing in particular is people running red lights.When entering the intersection and the light turns yellow what do u do.Slow down and come to a complete stop as the statute reads or try and beat the light.Everyone that reads this forum knows that ur supposed to slow down and stop but 99 percent of people try to bbeat it because they are in a hurry add to that cell phones and you have a total plan for diaster
  23. gumpking1

    The VUE

    Thanks for the update
  24. gumpking1

    The VUE

    Does anyone know how many floors are up now on this building?
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