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Posts posted by Ka3kab

  1. Well, I just got back from my little trip to Detroit and in doing so, I just had to get off I-75 and drive through Flint just to see how it was looking.

    I jumped on 475 and took the Saginaw St. exit and then drove south all the way to downtown. Beecher was looking as always. Nothing new and not so good. But I have to say, it hasn't gotten any worse, so I guess that's good news. Same for Flint from the city limits to the edge of downtown. Nothing new, but still the same. Downtown, however looked pretty good. It was Tuesday and in the afternoon, and to my suprise there was quite a bid of foot traffic, as well as auto traffic. It looked cleaner than I remember and I wish I had my camera to take some pics, but I did not.

  2. I never really noticed a huge traffic problem. About the only problem is with how the turn arrows light up on the traffic light. It really is stupid. On top there is a red light and in the middle there is the yellow light just like on a normal traffic signal. But on bottom are two lights, a turn arrow on the left hand side and a regular green light on the right. When the arrow turns green, nobody goes because it is so hard to see and then to top that off, there is no yellow turn arrow, so when the light turns green, you have to pretty much hope that the people turning stop.

    As to the corner itself, it is all zoned C2 commercial. C2 in Traverse City means no higher than 25 feet and no bigger than 8,000 sq. feet per floor. So it would have to be a small office for that to work, probebly something like another bank brance office or something similar.

  3. There was something in the Record-Eagle today (link below) about some interest in re-developing the area around Division St (US 31) and Front St. There are still two corners of that intersection, the southwest and the northeast, that are still vacant. One used to be a gas station, the northeast corner, and the other was some sort of random commercial building. If you have ever seen it, you know that the area is in need of some serious work. The article says that nobody will specify what may go there, but that they are serious about taking it over. I hope so, it is one of the ugliest corners in town.

    Traverse City Record-Eagle

  4. I just don't think there are enough topics personally. Right now there are only three or four major projects in the works, and who knows how long it could take for those to get going. Plus there is rarely any info out there about what is going on.

  5. I showed you rowhouses in SW Detroit. What I showed you was most of them. There's quite a few on the far east side tho.


    So I've been working out here in Chicago for a week and a half now, and I've taken the CTA and metra commuter system everywhere. I must say we really need this back in Michigan.

  6. What building? I was unaware they were doing more there.

    In other TC news, the county may be buying into the downtown parking deck that Federated wants to put in its eight story building. I love it. I wish the county would get more involved with stuff like this. The city is in an uproad about it, of course, and are saying the county has no buisness in downtown TC. Bullsh!t, I say. And in another kind of strange stick it up your arsse move, the Grand Traverse Band want to put into federal trust something like 45 acres to build their own mega commercial development right buy the casino in williamsburg. It will be in both East Bay and Whitewater Townships and of course this has East Bay Township in an uproar. Got to love those sneeky behind the back moves the township and tribe have pulled. I love it, love it, love it. Now, lets just see if any of it comes through.

  7. This is one of the same properties that a developer pulled out of late last year. They were going to put affordable housing into it. I posted about it a while back. This time around, the commision hopes the same kind of developer buys the property, but it won't be a stipulation to purchase. We'll see.

    Boardman Lake probebly smelled like sewage because that is where the sewage goes, to a waste water treatment plant right off 8th street on the river and I know last summer they spilled a few hundred tons into the water, maybe you were here in town that day. It doesn't usually smell like that though.

  8. Yeah, I was pretty sure about it being all guys, but you never know. Anyway, so I took another look at my entrance letter, and I'm a space cadet. It's 613 Abbott St. and this makes a little more sense too me because of the buildings location right next door to the McNamara Fed. Building. So, again, thanks for the help, but I was giving you guys the wrong info.

  9. Well thanks. If the Ford is at 615 and that is right next to the Penobscot, I'm sure I'll be able to find it, I might be from Traverse City but I like to think that I get to Detroit enough to know what is what. Besides, if this interview goes well I should be living there in the next few months.

  10. Well, its been a while since any activity so I guess I'll give an update. Its cold, lots of snow and this time of year nothing really gets done. Work on the bank at State and Union is going really slow with no real change to anything different in the past two weeks. West Front street projects are still stalled, along with the Acme Meijer and I saw some jackass out on West Bay this morning. On the ice that is. Yes, it is finally frozen a good portion out into the water. That is something we haven't seen in a number of years.

    Thats all I have. Anyone else? :D

  11. I hate to throw off everybodys conversation, but I was looking for a little help. I have an interview next month and it is at 613 Griswold St. Any idea what building that is? I can tell the names of buildings in Detroit, but usually have no idea of the address. From what I could tell from google, it is right next door to the Penobscot Building. Does that sound right?

  12. That's good. Keep those subdivision out of there. It really amazes me how much people complain about sprawl around here, but yet everyone lives in it. There is probebly a ton of land within a few miles of the city limits that could be developed, but they always choose to build out further away (you know, close to the lakes) and then complain about mess they just created.

    Then on the other hand, when someone tries to build up (Federated Properties), they get shot down too. Thats right, that project got shelved for at least 180 days while the good ole' dumbasses on the city commision try to figure away to bury for good. Sometimes I just hate this town. No vision, no leadership, not a single person it seems has a damn clue.

  13. Who know's. The Meijer store is supposed to be part of some big "town center" that they want, wait for it, walkable. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all for less cars on the roads. But for the love of Pete, give me a break, it's Acme. You can throw a rock from your house and not hit anything, even if you can throw over a mile. It's not like a real "downtown" and I'm not sure how people are supposed to get there. Acme and the whole east side over there will eventually, if any of these plans go through, be the place for people coming in from Elk Rapids, Kalkaska, Mancelona and possibly Boyne City and of course people like me who live on the east side of Traverse City or East Bay and Acme Townships.

    Edit: Cool, I missed it last week, but I've been here for over a year now. :yahoo:

  14. The last time I heard about other options, Acme Township wanted to be able to tell Meijer they would have to close between midnight and 6 am, not allow the gas station/conveniance store and it seems like one other condition, but I can't think of it. Meijer countered that offer with not building the gas station/store but being able to stay open 24 hours. It seems like that is how its going to stand, as far as I can tell.

  15. There is no downtown in Acme. The area where they want to build the Meijer store was going to be called the Acme Town Center. Starting with the Meijer, there would be other development built out from it, according to the actual master plan of the Township of Acme. The board that voted that plan in was kicked from office the following election cycle (I think it was 2002) and since then nothing has gotten done. But what is most confusing is that it seems only a small amount of people in Acme Township oppose the plan and the majority still want it, but the minority are also the same people who run the board now. It really is more confusing and not as simple a problem as it seems.

    Also, jkdacz, the casino is actually in Whitewater Township. I know what's the difference and I also understand what you're saying, because it is just inside Whitewater Township only four or five miles from Acme (M-72 and US 31)

    In other news, the Hospital will open its new Emergency Room at Munson Medical Center. The other expansion at the hospital is still about a year off of completion.

  16. I don't really know anything about the bank other than it will be three stories and a bank.

    I thought Meijer was a done deal also, but goes to show what I know. There's just a little sarcasm in that statement. Crap like this happens all the time around here. Meijer, the Hammond-Hartman bridge (going on about 15 years now), Incholee Woods and just about any other project that gets proposed has to be dragged on for a minimum of one to two years before any decision is made. I would hate to be a developer around here, and if I was, I would have tried one project and moved.

  17. Yeah, I saw that. That will be cool. Have you ever gone there? Kinda good, kinda typical of a small diner.

    Some news from around town.

    The new bank at Union and State is coming along farther than I thought, not much further, but still. They've poured the concrete in the basment and have a few blocks up on the foundation.

    Meijer lost their latest ruling and it was decided that the township commision does have some say in interpreting the master plan. So now, Meijer will stop construction, again, and appeal their case to the state Court of Appeals. What a mess, I'm glad I don't live in Acme Township.

  18. Just drove by there a few days ago, and like the above post, unless your standing right in front of it its hard to see what is happening. No camera with me either, so no pics. There is a big crane there though and it looks like most of the skeleton is up.

  19. Not yet, I think it is happening right now in time for next summer. I honestly don't know for sure though, the way the hotel is positioned, you can't really see anything from the road. I will be there on the 27th of this month though, I will let you know then.

  20. Get that done, build the damn bridge, let Meijer build in Acme, there is a list of crap that is sitting on a planners desk somewhere that was started 15 years ago and is nowhere near completion. Just this past week, the Leland village board recommended that a tree be cut down, granted the tree is over 100 years old and it really is a landmark for the town, but for god's sake, huge branches are falling off of it, near people and buildings and there is a group out there who wants the thing preserved. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not for just chopping down tree's just for the hell of it, but when its posing a hazard to the community its in, it has to go. Just like me, I wish I could continue this rant, but I have to leave now.

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