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Posts posted by gosscj

  1. Ha! Racy for Richmond? I remember that photographer couldn't show her work here at the VA Musem of Fine Arts... and she was from Virginia.. forget her name... I've seen her work. I'm not offended.

    Sally Mann. I saw some of her work at a show in the Reynolds Gallery last year and she's really a fine photographer. It's appalling that the VMFA would turn away one of the most well-known Virginia artists just because of overblown controversy over some pretty tame photographs.

  2. Me, sarcastic? Never.

    Oh wait, that was sarcasm, too. Damn.

    For me, entertainment venues be they concert halls or stadiums are at the bottom of a city's priorities. Those are items you build when roads, schools, parks, jails, fire stations, and libraries have all been built. Basic needs, then basic wants, then luxurious wants. Economic investments like MacArthur Mall and TC don't figure into this equation, though.

    I agree, and I feel it's especially admirable for Norfolk to take on the task of completely reinventing its library system. I have to say, though, that I'm really not a fan of the branch library system generally and I would rather see the city invest in one central library rather than several smaller branches. I also agree that a library needs to be a public place for serious research. If libraries spent less of their budget stocking up on Dan Brown novels and more time on reference materials and specialized non-fiction titles, they would be a much greater public asset than they are now. I can't wait to see what Norfolk has in mind for it's new central library - I hope I'm not disappointed.

    That had nothing to do with sports in Norfolk, I know, but I expect this whole little conversation will be moved soon and this seemed like the only appropriate place for my post. Sorry.

  3. There is no real timetable at the moment. The mayor and city council have emphasized that replacing or significantly modifying the Scope/Chrysler Hall complex is something they would like to see done in the near future, but building a new courts/city hall facility and replacing more or less the entire library system (both huge undertakings) are the higher priorities at the moment.

  4. For one thing Jamestown is in our region not Richmonds so it should be a no brainer but Richmond can't keep themselves out of the mix so I would bet that Richmond will get it because they are greedy and want the money from it.

    I think there's more clout to be won in this situation than money. And Jamestown might be a part of Hampton Roads' metro area but it is pretty central to both locations so it's not unreasonable to expect Richmond to compete for much of the publicity and tourism. If we're going to get upset about Richmond trying to "steal" the flights from the rigtful recipient, then we should wonder also why Norfolk has the gall to try to steal from Newport News/Williamsburg. They are, after all, the closest airport by far.

  5. As much as I am glad to think that the flights might come to Norfolk (in the Richmond v. Norfolk fight, I can't hide my bias), I can't imagine why, in this case, RIC would be overlooked - their huge expansion and renovation project would have just been completed. Also, I would think just being the capital would would give it the upper hand.

  6. Amen, vdogg. I cannot conceive how an order prohibiting discrimination could possibly be "unconstitutional". Is that supposed to mean that there are specific provisions in the state constitution that direct discrimination against certain individuals? There almost certainly will be after November, which is utterly despicable but another discussion. I wonder at Mr. McDowell's specific interpretation of the document that led to his recent decision.

  7. Oh, and Norfolk's Redevelopment@Housing Division could use more space and they are quietly discussing building a tower on Granby Street similar in size to the Royster Bldg. Nothing firmed up yet, but that would add some more height to the street-scape heading North.

    Is this the first time this has been mentioned? Where did you hear about it?

  8. I hope we never fall prey to that same mindset that Norfolk had in the 50s and 60s - how could they possibly feel it was a good idea to get rid of all the amazing pieces of architecture that they seemed to have no problem destrooying? Did they think their modern architecture was progress? Look how that stuff is aging!

  9. Wow, just that one tower makes the skyline look so much bigger! It really makes me see how close we are getting to a really major skyline. My favorite view has always been from Crawford Parkway because it goes on uninterrupted from Lambet's Point all the way to Dominion Tower - not all highrises, but still a dense looking city for that whole stretch.

    PS - you should add Hoffler Tower on the left!

  10. Traffic is notorious for being awful, but there are really only a few spots that are truly unbearable (the rest are just mildly annoying if you have some patience). Traffic in Hampton Roads crosses the shipping channels of the James and Elizabeth Rivers using a series of underwater tunnels that are only a lane or two wide each direction, so all traffic into Norfolk from Portsmouth or the Peninsula has to funnel through these few lanes of tunnel and the result is miles and hours of traffic. The worst by far is the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, which crosses from Hampton at Old Point Comfort into Norfolk at Willoughby Spit. Traffic there is rarely ever steady and at rush hour you can generally expect at least a half-hour delay. Other than that, the Midtown and Downtown tunnels between Norfolk and Portsmouth are probably the most consistent problem that I face, but usually you can get through those without more than a ten or fifteen minute delay. Some streets in town get congested at busy hours, but mostly those are the streets that lead to the tunnels. Also, I know that there are some parts of the suburbs (High Rise Bridge in Chesapeake, some of the main roads in Virginia Beach) that I hear can get pretty bad but I don't usually get out that way so I don't know first-hand.

  11. I should probably save this for the Coffee House, but IMO Del Marshall is a nutcase and causes far too much ridiculous controversy in the General Assembly.

    He's the delegate who introduced the current proposal to ammend the state constitution to forbid homosexual marriages, civil unions and leal contracts. I hate him. I attended a recent meeting of the House Priviledges and Elections Committee (which he is on) where they talked at some length about the ammendment and his remarks and demeanor were extraordinarily disrespectful. I wonder what could possibly cause him to oppose the bill - unless Prince William County manages to land an NBA franchise, it has nothing to do with him or his constituents!

  12. Thanks for the replies (and sorry to keep going on with this) but it seems I'm not able to send messages directly to users... maybe I don't have enough posts? Anyhow, is there any email address or AIM screen name that I can reach you at, Lammius? Feel free to send them to me at [email protected] if you're not comfortable posting them here. Thanks again!

  13. Can somebody spell out for me the merits of ODU? I'm in the process of looking for graduate schools to apply to for the fall and I've really not paid much attention to the school (mostly, I think, because I never found it a very attractive place with all those parking lots and 1980s architecture). I do LOVE the city of Norfolk, though, and even though I'm mostly looking at schools in the New Englad area, I could possibly be convinced to stay. Either way, I plan to move back at some point. I want to study early American history, by the way. Thanks for the information.

    (Oooh, and could you also dispell my notion of ODU as an ugly school? Tell me where to go to see the school's best side.. I feel a little funny asking that because I spent the first 8 or so years of my life on Magnoia Ave. not 5 blocks away!)

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