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Posts posted by ilektronik

  1. Nor do you see it in many other Asian cities like Singapore and Honk Kong.  So then the question begs, how do they do it?  Is it strictly a cultural thing?


    that is exactly it. most americans feel like they are "owed" something just because they were born in america. in asian cultures there is strict work ethic that is engrained in the minds of the people from childhood.

  2. Maybe, but how many more people are going to say, "Wow, they've got a Hall of Fame, maybe this is a real sport and I have to go see a race."  I really, really don't see it working out that way.  You don't care about the history of the sport until you're very deep into it.  You either see it on TV and it is fun to watch, or you go to a race and it is fun to watch, and you become a fan.  If you're opinion is that NASCAR is dumb, a hall of fame won't change your mind.


    I guess it depends on the person. The only reason I gave Nascar a chance was because I saw that they were getting a HoF, so I thought ,"hmmm....let me go see what this thing is all about". I know I can only speak for myself though.

  3. Then what is Nascar's reason for building the HOF?  Certainly it is to increase the appeal of the sport.


    I would disagree. It seems more logical that the purpose of the HoF is to validate Nascar as a "true" sport in the eyes of the general population.

  4. I agree. I betcha' someone like a high profile Bob Johnson has already eyeballed the layout and put down not only a deposit, but simply wrote a check to purchace the unit. Man, I wsh I had it like that. Must be nice !  B)



    Yea I could drop 6 mil on that unit if I wanted to. Instead though I am saving up for that private moon flight they are planning for '08.

  5. I saw a sign yesterday that the aforementioned NorthLake Village is the name for the previously unnamed group of stores east of 77 from the mall, where Boyles and all those furniture stores and hotels are now. They are currently building the HH Gregg in the middle of it; I would say the frame is about 75% finished.

    Unfortunately because different pieces of this shopping center have been added at different times, all the buildings look haphazard. The newest section, with Quizno's and Azteca, has entrances that face the middle (where HH Gregg will be), leaving quite an ugly view to the road, but some other portions have entrances that face Statesville Rd.

    Ultimately I think it will be like that grouping of stores across 85 from Concord Mills, where BJ's and Garden Ridge are, but not as large.


    what is HH Gregg?


    I just answered my own question. However, I see no mention of that site on their website??


  6. I wonder with all our transplants from bigger cities whether that gives people a lot more purchasing power than what you'd typically expect from a person that would, say, be selling their place in south charlotte to move downtown. 


    that is VERY true. I only paid $230K for my house, and it is freakin 3000+ sqft!!!! back home I would be lucky to get a 2 room condo for $230K!!!

    plus the greatest part is, even though the houses and cost of living are both so cheap down here, the salaries are the same as up north. well, for us nerds at least, err um programmers.

  7. how many people here are considering purchasing a unit there? i can tell you that if i didn't have two small children and wasn't forced to do the "suburban" thing, I would be the first person to purchase a unit at the Vue!!!!

  8. wow, I thought they were from Boston. Well then they would be the top ones right now.


    they relo'd to the Boston scene because that is the "home" of metalcore (the unholy blend of maiden'esque riffs blended with hardcore breakdowns)

    I have another one, James Taylor grew up in Chapel Hill. He wasn't born in the Carolinas though.

  9. Good Charlotte is from DC...

    The most known band from the charlotte area right now is between the buried and me... Charlotte is only known for the hardcore scene, someone correct me if I am wrong.


    yes Good Charlotte is from the DC area (Rockville, MD to be exact). Being a fan of metal I consider GC to be the biggest embarrasment for us Washingtonians.

    As for Charlotte area bands, in the pop-metal world there is Killswitch Engage who hail from Charlotte. They are Ozzfest heroes.

  10. Target to me seems more inviting and livelier. Better than that old blue and white smelly neighbor of theirs. Also Target keeps their stores ALOT neater.


    seeing as how Target is owned by a French company I would have assumed that Targets are more smelly :whistling:

  11. Indeed it is.  Harris Blvd changes names to Vance Rd at this point and there is a very long term plan to extend this road all the way to Hwy 73 at the Lake.  This is currently known as the Vance Rd extension.  Beyond Huntersville-Mt. Holly Rd, control of the road reverts from Charlotte to Huntersville where there have been long debates over where the extension might go.

    I would assume at the time the Vance Rd. extension is constructed the dual laneing will be continued to match what will be at the mall end of the road.


    that is actually ashame because it sort of dead-ends into some beautiful wooded area

  12. edit: after seeing that pic, i'm pretty sure northlake commons will be on the mall side and supertarget will be across northlake boulevard at the corner of Harris Blvd and Northlake Blvd... and northlake commons would be on the northeast corner of it


    will there be enough room?? because you can see where they have dug out for 485 right there where you are talking about.

    while we are on the subject.....i've noticed that they are going to do two one-way two lane roads in each direction for that section of harris; but then it all merges back into one lane at the mt holley-huntersville rd intersection. can that be right????

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