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Posts posted by Wrangler

  1. 16 minutes ago, CharlotteWkndBuzz said:

    This was discussed in the Ally thread, but the consensus was that this building, including the crown, is far from finished.  Essentially, we need to let this play out and not judge it prematurely based on what we see now.  I also believe RDF mentioned there are LED allowances per side.  I think it will turn out fine and if the LEDs have video/animation capabilities, this crown has the potential to be a CLT first.

    *Yes, KJH...there is only one "crown" in the QC and it resides on 100 North Tryon lol.

    Alright. I will keep my blood pressure down on this for awhile and let it play out. I just hope they get it right.

    13 minutes ago, turbocraig said:

    I'm not freaked out about the screening because some folks on this board that seem to know a lot of things are talking about big digital signage and whatnot and 'just wait', so I'll reserve judgement, BUT... that elevator shaft or whatever it is up on top sticking up is atrocious.  I came off 77 yesterday and drove up the 277 ramp by the stadium and it is incredibly visible.  I tracked how close I could get before it was completely hidden out of view behind the top of the screening and I got all the way to where the Honeywell building meets the LU parking deck.  So it's gonna be visible unless you are about a block away or less.  It's skewed toward the 277 side, so maybe more hidden if you're looking from the north, but good God, how did someone get that so wrong?  That's the worst part of this otherwise handsome building.  It's crazy how much that visually detracts from the project.  It bugs me more than the screening does.

    Yeah, I am not sure what that is. Maybe that problem will get fixed too.

  2. On 1/26/2020 at 3:42 PM, turbocraig said:

    I really like the contouring on this side.  It could very easily have been a completely flat curtain wall here, and honestly that's what I had originally expected.  The renderings all seemed to show the south facing curved side, so I didn't realize this side would have some interest too.  I wonder what's up with that row of glazing three rows down that looks like it's reflecting the light differently.   And that one little window on the corner in that same row.

    Yes, it is. Everything about this design is unique and pleasing to the eye and when done will be one of the better designs Charlotte has. Not liking the conformity of the glass to it's neighbors but it will be special despite it's lack of height. The other features make it wonderful.

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  3. This last set of pics are awesome. The last one in particular reveals  how much uptown is actually hilly. look at the elevation differences that so much affect how we see different heights from a distance even though some structures are taller than others. Again, great photos. I am amazed at how great the Deloitte tower is progressing. The angles and creativity from all sides make it look very modern which is what we need from a design standpoint.

  4. 33 minutes ago, j-man said:

    I really believe this building will look even better than the renderings once complete. It’s very sleek, sharp, and has great character nee the bottom with a nice razor top. Most buildings look worse when constructed like a few I won’t name but I have high hopes for this one. 

    I would agree at this standpoint. Don't know anything for sure but i do think think things could could change on the secret nature of this project. It is true prognostication at this standpoint.

  5. 31 minutes ago, ricky_davis_fan_21 said:

    Yea. So when I said 660, I had heard it got a few floors taller, and made an assumption. It didn't, its 632' 10 from College and 618' 7" from Tryon. So it'll appear shorter than Legacy Union by 14 feet. 

    A little disappointing. I thought it was a great opportunity to make a bigger impact with something in that 750 to 800 range. Heck, could have gone to 900 and been the new tallest. Would have made a serious visual impact on that corner of uptown and been a new icon for Charlotte.

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