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  1. I certainly hope 200,000 is true. But according to Census Bureau estimates, Little Rock lost population in the last two years. Only estimates, but even at 200,000, growth is anemic. Source: https://www.census.gov/data/tables/time-series/demo/popest/2010s-total-cities-and-towns.html
  2. Those little groups aren't the problem. The City Board is. Those little groups have every right to speak up. The Board should hear their concerns, and if those concerns aren't in the best interest of the City as a whole, proceed contrary to them. That will never happen with the current City government. Little Rock is paralyzed by a mindset to fear the unknown, be apprehensive about change, be sentimental for what was. That is abetted by the Board which for decades has been unwilling to think past its next election. Midtown is turning into a drive through-addled wasteland. Parking lots may be full, but the soul is vacant. There is no cohesion. There is no vision. There is no purpose. The City's government is supposed to give vision and purpose. It seems to be content with strip malls, fast food joints, and plenty of easy parking. Good luck attracting anyone under 40 to live in a place like that. Things don't bode well for our city which, for the first time in its history, is losing population. Progress never happens without opposition. Progress happens when a city isn't ossified by opposition. Sadly, that's Little Rock in 2020. But, there is hope. That Mayor, despite his faults, seems to understand that a corner needs to be turned. If only we could get a City Board that understood that as well...
  3. I wouldn't put money in a residential project in that area, but some folks don't mind living in a parking lot. The Park Avenue Lofts are an example. I think there is a real shortage of quality, upmarket apartments in LR. You can get a 2 bedroom at any of the complexes you cite for under $1500/mo. That price is modest, but it gets you a cheaply constructed, cheaply fitted apartment surrounded by asphalt. A quality project in a walkable location would merit a premium. Aside from a few efforts downtown, nothing like that exists in the market.
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