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Posts posted by 1Spartanburg

  1. Ed was the one that was able to put deals together. His retiring was at a bad time with  this hand full of projects and new projects needing a push to get them started and completed.  Chris has a lot on his shoulders to take care of.  We need to be aggressive and take advantage of every project we get.

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  2. I wish that was the case. It is a lack of knowledge and leadership in our city hall.  I am sorry for sounding negative but PB is our economic director and she needs to go.  We need a strong economic development person, a real go getter. We can’t afford to let any project go by without making sure it happens.

  3. I believe that the land owners changed there minds and backed out of the agreement and Space did not spend the money in time and lost the funding for the extension of the Cottonwood trail. It is ashamed that we have several individuals that are killing the extension. It would be an unbelievable trail!

  4. What was interesting was that he was the only person from or near that neighborhood. The rest of the people weren’t even from the neighborhood. No one has said anything about the new apartments or townhouses being built behind Sams Club. When the word annexation came up everyone came from all over to complain. I was very disappointed in Junie White and Sterling Anderson. They both need to retire! I was very  proud of all of the council members that voted for it. 

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  5. If you know Chris Story you may want to drop by and see him to let him know that we would like to see the Smith Drug project happen! Apparently the project ended up in the wrong hands at city hall and that person told Chris we could not do it! It is about a 9 million dollar project and will help Main Street like the Aug Smith project did.

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