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Posts posted by DowntownCoruscant

  1. 3 hours ago, blopp1234 said:

    As someone from the area, I can tell you that the NIMBYs are going BANANAS over this. Anything that gets built out there causes a firestorm that makes the NIMBYs in the city look somewhat reasonable. Hopefully this gets through in order to provide a border between the rural areas in Amelia and the fast growing suburbs of western chesterfield but I don’t see any industrial zoning being approved in the western part of chesterfield at any point in the future.

    Was just out there last week, and there’s a legit bumper sticker campaign against.

    • Sad 2
  2. 22 hours ago, ancientcarpenter said:

    I was looking forward to my newborn and I having a team together. So happy to be a warhogs, redhogs, or redtails...or almost anything else. They chose Commanders? Can't overcome the nonsense that is that owner. And for that reason, I'm out.


    That field needs to be a park + high density living. Was such an old school RVA thing to do and was a huge waste of space.

    Well said.

    My son, who is 10 and more charitable than I am, still sits on edge every Sunday. But this has him pissed. The ability to see stars like McLaurin and Young from a few feet away can’t be matched. And Ashburn or whatever is no substitute.

    Also, this spoils my pastime of walking out of the Omni in shirt and tie and fooling fans outside into asking for my autograph on the belief I’m team-related. I’ve signed at least half a dozen times over the years.

    • Haha 2
  3. 1 hour ago, flack4ric said:

    It's no accident that the account name here is the same as RIC's Twitter handle.  I monitor this channel for general sentiment and appreciate the enthusiasm of the regular contributors.  I know some dream of a hub. To make that happen, the solution is simple: grow the Richmond Region's population base and create good jobs.

    1) You do a great job with RIC’s twitter.

    2) A fun prop bet is whether RIC gets a hub or a 500-foot building first. One would think the latter, and would probably be right, but …. 

    • Like 3
  4. 55 minutes ago, I miss RVA said:

    This is my biggest concern as well. I have no idea why, when it comes to buildings of differing sizes, the BIGGER/TALLER building always gets pushed off to "phase 2" -- and, as you said, is almost always ends up that the project gets scaled back because market conditions don't bear the results the developers were looking for with the smaller building or the economy changes and the tower portion either gets scaled back to 5 or 6 stories or axed altogether.

    Not to be glib, but doesn’t this answer the question? Why be on the hook for the bigger, ie, more expensive thing until the concept is proven?

    I get that there’s a matter of motivational chicken-and-egg dynamics (an area doesn’t become successful in isolation), but this discussion reminds me of Paul Reiser’s character from “Mad About You.” He’s at his wife’s office party and is hesitant to get appetizers. When asked why, he says something to the effect of “I’m very wary about being the one to cut a cheese.”

    On another subject, happy birthday to your 10 year old! From one dad of a 10 year old boy to another, it’s a pretty awesome age.

    • Like 1
  5. As a follow-up, an NBC12 reporter says the Richmond fire chief said the firefighters did indeed go inside the building, walked it for 40 minutes or so, didn’t find anything, and left, after which they were called back for the fire. To be clear, I’m not interested in blame toward school officials or fire officials, but I thought it fair to include this since I had posted something from the RTD in tension with that.

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  6. Fox Elementary School, built in 1911, was engulfed in fire late last night and my understanding is at least the top floor and roof sustained heavy damage and/or was destroyed. This is disturbing enough on its own, but the RTD is reporting the fire department initially went to the scene, detected nothing amiss from the outside, called the alarm company and RPS to gain admittance inside the building to give it another look, and left after “there was not any access granted as a result of those calls.”  Based on the passive phrasing, it’s hard to tell if those calls were simply not answered or something else. The fire started after that. 

    My wife’s mother and aunts went to school at Fox, and her grandmother taught there for over four decades.

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