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Posts posted by urbanlover568

  1. 1 minute ago, Nick2 said:

    What source do you have for the video besides a radical racist Qanon loon sharing it on Twitter or a radical website that shares more lies than truth? But then again the trump cultists are used to believing the constant blatant lies by their dear leader.

    It's fascinating how gullible some people are. :tw_joy:

    Zero source. Thanks for the confirmation! 

  2. 1 minute ago, davidclt said:

    Nope, you are wrong. I like civil society where we treat all people with dignity and respect.

    We are currently the most wealthy nation in the world with health care costs spiraling out of control, declining lifespans, increasing inequality, stagnant wages, executive compensation is at all time highs (enabled by fiscal policy which enables and then by extension makes boards excessively compensate and protect executives. We don't live in a capitalist society.

     I like civil society where people are taxed heavily* 


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  3. 1 minute ago, davidclt said:

    I'm starting to see a theme here from the conservative folks, "Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps. F*ck you! I've got mine. I worked hard for all I have and no one is "entitled" to it. Don't raise my taxes and don't do sh*t for anyone who doesn't look, think or act like I do. Only 'job creators' and corporations are entitled to bail outs and support. Privatize the gains and socialize the losses."

    Until now @urbanlover568 , I've responded completely, respectfully, transparently to you. You persist the practice of ad hominem attacks in this forum and I personally do not feel like you are here to do anything other than troll people.

    I get it, you :tw_heart: socialism and hate capitalism.  Completely understand. 

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, davidclt said:

    I tithe my income across different organizations (Community = schools, land trusts, environmental causes. Healthcare = hospice, healthcare justice, elder care recognition, "causes" (cancer, HIV). Human Rights = ENC, EFF, ToY, UMC). Media = Public radio/TV, Internet Archive Wikimedia Foundation). That said, in a civil and rich society, providing accessible healthcare to all is civil and we have been less than civil for far too long. The Republicans are bereft of useful answers.

    I'm starting to see a theme here from the liberal folks, higher taxes more government mandates and control. Really sad... 

  5. 12 minutes ago, davidclt said:

    My first kneejerk response to this was going to be, "So‽"

    As it stands now, I have to get approval from my insurance company for medical procedures. In addition to  this approval, I get to pay $854/month (medical and dental) and then pay family deductibles of $10k. Assuming a salary of $100,000, that means it's 20% of my income and I have the pain of dealing with my insurance company and even then I'm never convinced something won't come up. Tell me how having to deal with Medicare like insurance would be a bad thing? The for-profit model of healthcare in the U.S. is horrifically broken. The ACA (aka ObamaCare) was a half-assed, neutered answer to providing healthcare and remains under Republican attack with no replacement.

    Thom Tillis' staffer succinctly summarizes most if not all of the Republican Party's stance on healthcare (in my estimation):



    Insurance and government healthcare inflate prices across the board. Eliminating these will drop the costs.

    Capitalism = self-charted destiny.

    Socialism/Communism/Fascism  = government predetermined destiny. 


    One reason for rising healthcare costs is government policy. Since the inception of Medicare and Medicaid—programs that help people without health insurance—providers have been able to increase prices.


  6. 1 minute ago, SgtCampsalot said:

    Cuba - *especially* so, because they have thrived and gained their quality-of-life and health in spite of murderous sanctions, and coup/military attempts over the decades from the US.

    Also, let me redirect your question: Can you name a truly Socialist country that has not been intentionally besieged economically and militarily by the US? I can't think of one. This list needs to include coups whose combatants are trained/supported by US intel agencies, etc. The US state is terrified of any successful examples of indigenous/populist Socialism. 

    You are going to list CUBA as a answer? WOW! I know Cuban's who would disagree with you. 

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