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Everything posted by urbanlover568

  1. 4 hours from the beach ad 2 hours from the mountains. Really can't beat it geographically unless you live in California, but climate change is turning that state into a desert and high wildfire region.
  2. Small government, regulation and constitutionalist Republicans in Mississippi join South Dakota in going against the people's will https://www.clarionledger.com/story/opinion/2021/02/28/medical-marijuana-mississippi-no-to-senate-bill-2765-commentary/6817247002/
  3. Great news about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine!
  4. Tampa is killing it! Waterstreet starting to complete phase 1
  5. Trump: Rally before Capitol breach was 'lovefest' and a 'beautiful thing' https://thehill.com/homenews/news/540964-trump-rally-before-capitol-breach-was-lovefest-and-a-beautiful-thing
  6. Meanwhile, New Zealand has vanquished COVID and life is returning to normal. Jacinda won a second term. Well deserved. Everyone masked up and social distanced and they can enjoy their victory.
  7. I just hate it when people try to diminish the severity of COVID to incentivise people to act stupid/selfish and infect others.
  8. Again, I don't care what you have to say on this matter.
  9. I don't care what you have to say on this matter. I'll trust my local doctor. I'm not selfish and want others to not suffer what my uncle went through.
  10. Daily deaths continue to decline in the United States. Johnson and Johnson is soon to have their Vaccine approved. Can't wait to take it!
  11. You clearly are not in a right mental state of mind to have this debate.
  12. Really? I guess we should let it happen and those who die are collateral damage, right? I see people in store without masks, they all know what they are doing is selfish and wrong, but like teenagers they try and push their limits with their tantrums.
  13. Judge Voids South Dakota’s Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Finding Voter-Approved Measure Was Unconstitutional https://www.marijuanamoment.net/judge-voids-south-dakotas-marijuana-legalization-initiative-finding-voter-approved-measure-was-unconstitutional/ I thought it was the Democrats trying to take away the republic?!
  14. You know what dale, it's people who read your posts and any other anti-maskers post and actually think it's factual will go out and not wear and mask and could be asymptomatic and spread to others. I personally think it's incredibly selfish behavior. The Youtube video has facts to rebuttal your anecdotal BS.
  15. You are sounding like Kellyanne Conway and deflecting.
  16. Russia reports first human cases of H5N8 bird flu https://bnonews.com/index.php/2021/02/russia-first-human-cases-of-h5n8-bird-flu/ Guinea declares Ebola epidemic after three deaths https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/14/guinea-sees-first-ebola-deaths-since-2016
  17. yea, it's short for eff you. Again "Bless your heart".
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