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Posts posted by urbanlover568

  1. 20 minutes ago, JHart said:

    You only shop online due to fear of flash retail mobs? Then go on to say it breaks your heart that small business owners struggle to put food on the table for their families after saying you only shop online in the same sentence? Good grief.

    I don't even think Tucker Carlson could bullcrap this much. Nobody is defending stealing. Everyone thinks it is wrong. People are just complaining about the Fox News level fear mongering political posts masquerading around this site from people who love calling out posts for breaking political rules on this site when they are from the other side of the aisle. 

    This isn't the petty theft thread or the look at how awful California is thread. Flash mob retail robbery stories from LA are not relevant and should not be on this site. 

    Stealing is wrong. If you can't understand that then I can't help you. We have failed society and our future generations by normalizing and incentivizing stealing. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, tozmervo said:

    Did someone say that stealing is not bad? Did I miss that statement?

    Just sick of people defending stealing. I had friends shop robbed over and over and their livelihood gone and they ended up homeless themselves with their children. It was heartbreaking.  Poured their entire life savings into their store. 


    • Thanks 2
  3. 1 hour ago, southslider said:

    Not surprising that NC Rs want to increase their seats in Congress not just by 1, as gained by the Census, but by as many as 3, when they already have a 8-5 majority.  Guess the courts will just have to map districts yet again.


    Oregon New Map:


    Oregon Old Map





    Redistricting should NEVER be partisan.  Shame on BOTH parties. 



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    • Confused 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, CLT2014 said:

    Most murders happen within families and among people that know each other. The police just show up at most murders to investigate and try to piece things together. South Charlotte doesn't have less murders due to a better police presence for example..... that area of the city shares the exact same police force. The communities in general have less broken families, less domestic violence, less drug problems, less solving disputes with gun violence, et.... 

    The elusive things is figuring out how to fix up the tragic situation that exists in some households. Fix parenting. Fix family dynamics. Fix poverty. The suspects that killed that 3 year old and sprayed 150 bullets into a house are HIGH SCHOOLERS. We have 14 year olds that are murdering people in this city. We have kids joining and organizing into gangs within our city high schools. 

    My friend was murdered in Charlotte and killed for 100 dollars. She did not know her attacker and she joins 44.1% of the people who do not know their attacker. No amount of social work could have prevented the murder. The shooter was a armed felon drug dealer. 

    • Sad 2
  5. Just now, kermit said:

    Here is a story from WFAE in June which states that the CMPD budget is being increased by $10 million this year. What defunding are you referencing? Help me understand your perspective.



    Can't take no for a answer like my Child. If someone does not want to talk to you, they don't want to talk to you. YOU are the one that initiated the conversation, NOT me. Go try baiting someone into a nonsense argument. Again, bye. 


  6. 1 hour ago, CLT2014 said:

    Charlotte's homicides tend to be concentrated in the crescent and in lower income areas. NoDa, Plaza Midwood, South End, et. can end up with a surprising homicide in their neighborhoods as you have a collision between higher income households and economically challenged areas within blocks of each other. For NoDa for example, there have been 9 homicides in the last 180 days within 2 miles of the neighborhood core. Violent crime can still happen in the higher income areas, but it is more rare in economically "uniform" areas -> such as 0 homicides in last 180 days in Ballantyne, South Charlotte, et.

    Homicides last 180 days:

    The leaders in uptown are too occupied reimagining and defunding the police department to probably care. It's heartbreaking that it's the lower income areas that bear the brunt of these policies. 

  7. On 6/22/2021 at 10:55 AM, davidclt said:

    Unpopular opinions: The CCRs imposed in newer developments to "preserve property values" are mostly like the old redlining. Also, for most "gated communities" the security is theater and cursory at best - designed to keep out the honest or those that "don't look like they belong here."

    Obama's Martha's Vineyard community is gated. Maybe you haven't been to 3rd world countries where people there do not have the privilege of having the police show up to every call, I have. My friend's house in Guadalajara is gated and has bars on the window. Their security has thwarted 2 burglaries. Asheville has already stopped responding to certain crimes. Violent crime is surging in Charlotte. Can you really fault someone for trying to to protect their livelihood and children?! You are free leave your doors unlocked and windows open, but don't force others to compromise their safety. 

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  8. Producer prices climb 6.6% in May on annual basis, largest 12-month increase on record

    • Producer prices as of May rose 6.6% over the past 12 months, the fastest increase on record.
    • At the same time, retail sales declined 1.3%, worse than the 0.6% estimate.
    • Month over month, the producer price index increased 0.8%, also faster than the 0.5% estimate.


    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, tarhoosier said:

    @A2.  Is that you?

    When A2. was here he was "brace for impact" , blue pill/red pill and what not. I went to his twitter account and it was all goldbuggery  and crypto "to the moon". I miss that guy. (maybe this is him?)

    I'm not A2. I really don't care about what you have to say in this matter though. You do what's best for you, and i'll do what's best for me. 

    • Haha 2
  10. 24 minutes ago, rancenc said:

    Sounds like Mr Moss's article might have some correlation to this 2016 study in India on that country's historical caste system. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/skin-colour-tied-to-caste-system-says-study/articleshow/55532665.cms

    Where in the articles does it say White people have incurable parasites in their mind as Dr. Donald Moss spoke about? 

  11. 3 minutes ago, kermit said:

    Dude, I am trying to help you self-actualize here:

    1) Cash out refi all of your equity

    2) Use some of the cash to add a vault to your house

    3) Fill the vault with gold, solver, copper, slim jims and catalytic converters.

    If you are sure that inflation is gonna crush us like it crushed the Weimer then you have options -- take em!

    Let us know how it goes.

    No thanks, i'm holding. I'm not selling and then renting and throwing my money away "Dude". I already am getting physical gold and silver. If things really deteriorate here in the states, I got enough savings(gold and silver) to emigrate to another country. 

  12. 36 minutes ago, atlrvr said:

    Well, luckily, if you trust DB's concerns, and think the bond market is wrong, all you need to do is go cash out as much money as you can from your house at these low rates, and buy as much gold, silver, crypto, real estate, and other hard assets that you can.  

    Why should I sell my home at 750,000 now when it will be worth 3,000,000 in a few years? And with the way Congress is spending like drunken sailors, it may go even higher than 3,000,000. As for gold and silver, it's all based on the dollar after the FED removed the gold standard. Much better to own the actual meal than a paper note. With China closing down and seizing BTC accounts, it's reverberating through the crypto market. Other countries could follow the same path. 

    18 minutes ago, Blue_Devil said:

    I mean, I posted what I think is going to happen... and stand by... I don't live in a suburb, and I don't commute. I love the city, I love it in the city. I don't live in a box, and I enjoy working from home. Nothing I posted contradicts itself. I believe cities like Charlotte are going to grow exponentially, as we add massive amounts of people here. I believe that's already coming true if you look at Morehead and the growth there, SouthEnd and all the proposed Apartments, etc. Charlottes a young city, filled with Banking. They like going out, and meeting people. SouthEnd actually added more businesses then closed during the pandemic. 

    And again you're trying to post gotchyas, instead of looking at the announcements from the major uptown employers saying what they are going to do. 

    SouthEnd is a suburb of Uptown.  

  13. "Whiteness is a condition one first acquires and then one has—a malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility. The condition is foundational, generating characteristic easy of being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world. Parasitic Whiteness renders its hosts’ appetites voracious, insatiable, and perverse. These deformed appetites particularly target nonwhite peoples. Once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate. Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions. Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’ infiltrated appetites--to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation. When remembered and represented, the ravages wreaked by the chronic condition can function either as warning (‘never again’) or as temptation (‘great again.’) Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression. There is not yet a permanent cure. " -Dr. Donald Moss


  14. 58 minutes ago, kermit said:

    The $46 trillion bond market does not seem to be concerned:


    I trust Deutsche Bank over your "analysis" anyday.  Have a good day! 

    35 minutes ago, Blue_Devil said:

    I would rather work from home too. 

    Stark contrast from your previous post LMAO 

    On 5/27/2021 at 11:48 AM, Blue_Devil said:

    Thats what I have been saying. We are about to have an Apartment boom in uptown the likes of which this city has never seen. People want activity after being stuck in a house for a year +. I think COVID will make cities grow even faster as spending every day in a suburb has made a lot of people realize how boring it all is. 


  15. Sky high prices!



    Here's How Much Money You Need To Buy Different Everyday Items In Venezuela  (11 Pics) | Bored Panda


    Get ready for hyperinflation everyone. The Dollar will be debased. 



    “We worry that inflation will make a comeback. Few still remember how our societies and economies were threatened by high inflation 50 years ago. The most basic laws of economics, the ones that have stood the test of time over a millennium, have not been suspended. An explosive growth in debt financed largely by central banks is likely to lead to higher inflation. … Rising prices will touch everyone. The effects could be devastating, particularly for the most vulnerable in society. Sadly, when central banks do act at this stage, they will be forced into abrupt policy change which will only make it harder for policymakers to achieve the social goals that our societies need.” - Deutsche Bank


  16. 7 hours ago, Blue_Devil said:

    Great, that doesn't stop the fact that every single on of the companies I mentioned said they are bring people back to the office: Apple for example.   https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/2/22465846/apple-employees-return-office-three-days-week-september . Google (Which did slightly backtrack after Employees freaked. I am sure the back track will not remain as more come into the office and new hires will have to report to the office) https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/05/tech/google-office-remote-work-pandemic/index.html

    Leases are a tax write off. Employees working from home not so much. 

    Enjoy your daily commute! :tw_innocent: My commute is to my office in my home. Building a garden with my spare time. I'm also building equity in my home. Sucks being in a "boring" suburb.  :tw_glasses: Also, #STONKS

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