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Posts posted by Arctic_Tern

  1. 4 hours ago, baobabs727 said:

    The opinion of a few disgruntled business owners does not a FACT set make.  Closing a couple of dangerous bars has not "ruined" business for other law-abiding businesses. That is laughable.

    In fact,  real crime and the real fear that crime produces has reduced foot traffic Downtown. Rampant inflation and the relatively weak retail economy has hurt business revenues. Wage pressures  via the increase in the minimum wage has increased labor costs, cut into business profits and thus forced price hikes...which, in turn, have had a deleterious  effect on businesses.


    The lack of leadership from the Mayor's office and City Council has both dampened the success of existing businesses... and...resulted in a failure to attract new businesses to Downtown.

    The demise of brick and mortar has harmed small and large businesses, alike. Everywhere.

    Nightlife is not the be all and end all of a healthy Dowtown. Your demographic is not the center of the universe! HA!

    Bottom line, the root of the "business" problem Downtown is SO much more complicated than you purport it to be. 


    Ok Boomer

    • Like 1
  2. On 6/3/2024 at 2:42 PM, baobabs727 said:

    Woah, woah, woah! No need to get defensive, my dear Arctic Char. It's okay if you go clubbing.  Promise I won't call you an indigent fool.  :eyeroll:.

    'Tis a rather sad, yet predictable, commentary on the state of the body politic when one's simple questions are met with hair-on-fire-defensiveness, accusations, assumptions and...alas, zero answers.  

    My questions stand.  They are mere questions, not an editorial.

    Uh huh. Yeah. Uh huh. "Just asking questions" You ain't slick bud.

    In other news, actual business owners talking about foot traffic going down and look what is referenced.


    Foot traffic has lessened over the years, said business owners, citing the failure of a previous redevelopment project and the city crackdown that led two Neon nightclubs to close.  They are worried the construction will further deter foot traffic.

    “It’s been rough,” said Jason Hawkes, Cardinal Skate Shop owner. “I don’t want to close. I’ve got my whole life invested in this.”


    Between those closures and the departure of businesses from the MacArthur Center mall, there are fewer reasons for potential customers to come downtown, Hawkes said.

    “What are people going to do here?” he asked.


    Man it's crazy how being incredibly over aggressive and killing night life has knock-on effects!! Maybe those are the "questions" we should actually be asking!

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    • Confused 1
  3. 11 hours ago, baobabs727 said:

    What type of young people are you trying to attract? What is their average education level? Age?   What type of jobs are they going to be performing? How much will they be earning annually? How much will they be paying in rent or how much will they be able to afford as a purchase price?  What will their other hobbies and activities look like? Where will they be moving from?  

    Do you think only idiots and poor folks go to night clubs? Don't want any of those ruffians in my city! :eyeroll:

    • Like 1
  4. 11 hours ago, ONCE1stBlvd said:

    It's crazy how when the city is incredibly hostile to nightlife, it disappears! I've heard them say they are trying to recruit younger folks to come to or stay in the area, better make sure there's nothing that they want to do while they're here! I'm sure that'll work.

    This city frustrates the hell out of me sometimes. 

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  5. On 5/24/2024 at 12:50 PM, baobabs727 said:

    "Hostile" lol.  OH, how I just love you UP textbook folks! :-) Problem is, said "hostile" condition--if, indeed, the condition exists there--would by your definition pre-date this propossal. I mean, hey, there is a little something called "precendent!" What, with the multitude of fast food establishments , parking lots and traffic lights proximate to the parcel in question, folks who think like you must get the shivers even contemplating ambulating anywhere near there!  By the way, I used to walk that stretch of road fairly frequently and never had any issues whatsoever. 

    As for the proposal in question, you cannot force a square peg into a round hole...no matter how strong your desire to do so. The market has already spoken on that property. For years now. The lending market, that is.  Multi-family is a no-go there. Of course we never say never, and the City Council can dream, but the City is not financing this project, now is it?!? 

    Now, perhaps some deep-pocketed developer will come along one day and self finance 128 apartments or whatever,  but a hope and a prayer does not equate to a workable plan...AND an empty field is NOT the best and highest use of that property!

    The improvements as proffered by the developer would remove that weed-laden eyesore from the shared viewscape, and...wait for it...generate $$$$ thousands of dollars annually in additional property and sales tax revenues for a severly cash-strapped Norfolk!! 

    Case CLOSED.

    Maybe just don't approve stuff that doesn't fit into the greater area plan.

    "case closed"


    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, zeppelin14 said:

    This is so stupid..... I don't like how we went from a decently large building to a Raising Canes, but how is this going to make it any less walkable and bikeable with the already existing KFC, Chic-fil-A, Wendy's, Taco Bell,  Doumar's, and Long John Silvers within the same small stretch? So the planning commission would rather have an empty lot filled with litter? Bums.

    Drive thru's are pretty hostile to pedestrian and bicycle traffic. And I would wager the City would rather have multi family housing there than a Canes. It's a lot easier to build that on an empty plot of land than one that's already developed. 

    • Like 1
  7. Didn't they commit a few million to studying renovating scope? Doubt that an arena would be in the cards. A sportsplex would be funny considering how many there will be in Hampton Roads soon. Feels like they missed the boat on that.  Also 'sports tourism' plans that aren't aren't arenas are usually not super dense, which for Norfolk is a problem because a) Norfolk is pretty built out and NEEDS to focus on density to increase its tax base so doing this feels like a bad move, and b) this is the highest elevation land Norfolk will be able to develop for probably the next 50 years and THIS is what they want to use that kind of valuable land for?

    Lotta time to see what the actual plan is but my gut feeling from this news is that this is all very misguided. 

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    • Sad 1
  8. 3 hours ago, baobabs727 said:

    In perusing the "new" transformORF.com site, it would appear that project value has increased from 700M to 850M!  Also, the pretty jewelry and front and center/customer-focused upgrades--the new glass departures terminal originally scheduled to break ground this Spring and open in 2025/2026--has been given an indefinite or "future" designation re: timing. Hmm. Looks like they are prioritizing the Hotel, the runway refurbishment, the new international arrivals facility, a newly expanded and upgraded Concourse A, etc. The new departures facility with consolodated TSA checkpoint, streamlined and consolodated check-in, expanded and consolodated baggage area, etc., ...plus the new rental facility...are all still planned, but are now listed as TBA.       

    I am not an expert but would not be surprised if that's mostly because the rental car facility and new check-in/facade are more complicated projects and need time for design/review. The TSA consolidation might be tied to the check-in area so passengers only have to deal with such customer facing construction for a certain amount of time. I don't think we're at the worrying stage (yet)

  9. 43 minutes ago, BFG said:

    I will add, the one thing I feel ORF needs is more fast dining within the actual terminals. Dunno if Burger King is still there, but that’s in the main area. Might be moot because I don’t believe this airport has layovers, but they should consider putting a BK, or something like a Pizza Hut/Taco Bell on each terminal like in other major airports. 

    If they can just move the restaurants that are outside of security inside of it I think they'd be mostly fine, which I would not be surprised if that happens since I doubt the leases to those places neatly coincide with their timeline for consolidating security. 

    • Like 2
  10. 6 hours ago, NFKjeff said:

    True it is in Norfolk's history, but it is not the entirety of Norfolk's history, just the part that most people choose to comment on.

    You're on an urban development forum wanting folks to talk about something other than the biggest policy to affect Norfolk Urban life in probably a century. What do you expect lol

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    • Haha 1
  11. I mean just cause the Headwaters casino is failing, doesn't mean that Cordish is the 'good guy' here. Waterside, while it looks nice, has absolutely nothing going on/draws and I don't think that Cordish would have really put their all into making a casino next door work.  I dunno, feels like we're really idolizing a company here that isn't all that spectacular?

    • Like 3
  12. 49 minutes ago, walmartjamesbond said:

    It means that ORF will operate A220’s as well as the ERJ (until they retire them.) We are going to be more like the other bases now like TPA and CHS. Expect new routes in the coming months too. I’m definitely betting on the Provo route.

    Is that meaningfully different than what has been the case so far? I know a lot of the fleet from here has been the Embraer but I took one of the A220's from Norfolk to Los Angeles last summer

    EDIT: Of course the idea of even more new routes is AWESOME


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  13. Does that mean that ORF will be hosting a number of A220s, and if so what does that entail? Would ORF be the normal start/end points of a travel day, or is it more just where aircraft storage and maintenance would be consolidated? 

  14. 7 minutes ago, walmartjamesbond said:

    My guess is we have a few Airlines wanting to start international service but we just don’t exactly meet the expectations for it yet. Probably fast tracked because we know that the business is there.

    Breeze could even have a stake in it, we’re definitely in range for some international destinations with the A220. Even the E-Jets can get to Canada easily.

    Would love if that were the case, but realistically how soon could something like that open? I don't think I've seen a project as big as that get completed in less than like a year and a half (except for the new ODU stadium, and they paid a premium to ensure it got complete in an offseason)

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