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John Hargrove

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Posts posted by John Hargrove

  1. That plan is disappointing. Orlando might, if politics allow, plan to begin work on a small stretch (phase 1) of a new bus route that does not improve over existing buses because it's just going to be stuck in traffic on SR50 like everyone else. Nevermind that it's covering a stretch of SR50 that is likely substantially better serviced by existing bus routes.

    I'll be shocked if the east-west transit situation has materially improved by 2025.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Naqiy90 said:

    LYNX approved BRT for SR50 in 2015 but don't have the funding currently, but work on the project is progressing slowly. Presumably if the transit tax was passed it would be the first project to develop, Idk how much shorter the travel time will be, but demand is definitely there, there are 6 LYNX routes along 50 which have high ridership and are always crowded. I traveled from Metrowest to UCF for years and the buses were always jammed packed, I started taking an Uber to the Rosen campus and talking the shuttle to avoid the buses. Although with the UCF Downtown campus opening, there will be express shuttles between the two campuses so maybe LYNX won't be as focused as serving UCF with future plans now.

    I didn't know about this. Sounds like a good idea. Do you know of where I can read more about it? Any route plans or anything like that? 

  3. 3 hours ago, HankStrong said:

    Here I sit just looking for East/West lines

    For sure.

    East/West transit in Orlando is basically non-existent. Transit from Winter Garden/Ocoee to UCF is 30 minutes by car or 3 hours with connections at LCS, riding buses that will stop 92 times (not an exaggeration, this is the actual number). Demand isn't there, I'm guessing.  Of course, it never will be as long as transit times are that horrible. Demand doesn't exist because the available options are nonstarters.

    If you use transit to go from the west to the east side, you will spend 6 hours a day commuting 30 miles.

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  4. 2 hours ago, dcluley98 said:

    While I agree with you about the importance of the OUT, I would vote more for greater connectivity of the trail system in general as opposed to spending so much for just one portion.  The pedestrian bridge here is a lot of money, but is more of a statement piece. I think I would rather see them connect the rest of the network with the actual trails themselves than bridges, infrastructure, and landscaping. 

    We have a great base system of trails here in Central Florida, but they need to be better connected. I think the OUT is great; I ride it at least once a week, probably, but it is only about 4.3 miles out of a much larger system. IMO the CadyWay connectivity to downtown is more important. 

    We started a trails thread a while back here. Some good insight on that. Connectivity is the biggest thing with these projects, as a strong backbone is key to get people to use the system on a regular basis. The bridges and other amenities are great, but the money would be better spent on just making the trail system itself in some areas! 

    Completely agree. And the trail should be a trail, not a bike line on a road pretending to be a trail. 

    • Like 4
  5. 34 minutes ago, jrs2 said:

    You are right about Rick Scott and I was one of the first to call him out on that and state my theories about FEC's involvement with his decision.  By contrast, Buddy is one of the biggest Dems out there and I've been behind him virtually every step of the way since he took office.

    But on the media, that's the pot calling the kettle black, Castorvx.  The liberal media outnumbers the conservative media by a factor of 6-1 or more, and you complain about the effect of the 1?  I don't know how the "1" has the influence to perform "society level gas lighting" when the numbers are clearly on the other side.  You complain about peoples' facts yet you just stated you yourself show people your facts to prove your view.  What makes your facts right and others' not?  "Politics is a cancer":  I agree.

    But don't be pointing fingers at me about "scaring off people."

    I had a few disagreements with Spenser1058 in the past and got over it and that was that, and I have the utmost respect for his input and posts and point of view.  I had a few "need more info moments" with Prahaboheme and that was that.  Just because Jernigan decides to fly off the handle and paint what I said to be politically charged is flat out ridiculous.  And for Prahaboheme to state that I have "thinly veiled" political commentary is a stretch too, when I, and others have to bear overtly reading about things like how the City of Kissimmee should be given a pat on the back for signing onto the Paris Accord, and then talk about Progressivism as it applies to the restructuring of an intersection.  That being said, I still have respect for his posts as well, not because of his views, but because of why or how he has his views, based on things he's stated.  The process; I respect that.  And that includes JFW657 as well; we had a few disagreements in the past, but that's the end of that; end of story.  HankStrong made a comment before and I'm perfectly fine with it.

    That being said, I think you all missed my point.  I gave my warning to be safe and the reasons for it, but nobody wanted to acknowledge my reasons for stating so.  Instead, some of you chose to complain and try to discredit it.  A simple "thanks" would've sufficed.  Instead, (and I can go on, but I won't).

    Should I instead have said that the cops bring it upon themselves because of (fill in the blank)? Wouldn't that be a politically charged statement also?  I mean, seriously, for example, if I agree with an African-American eye witness in Ferguson, am I a racist because those specific facts don't mesh with somebody's general paradigm about police?

    Or, is it simply a politically charged statement or stance, or called out as such, when you don't agree with it?

    I think some of you need to realize that sometimes information is just information and nothing more.  If you are reading politics into it, then look in the mirror.

    The reason I think it's partisan isn't because I disagree with it, it's because it's literally the exact talking points I see from every hard line right winger on Facebook or Twitter. You have said nothing original about Charlottesville. The alternative to what you said is definitely not "they brought it on themselves." Anyone who paints with that broad of a brush is a jerk too. The reality is that these arguments are extremely nuanced, and I don't take a "side". The police have an immensely difficult job. African Americans DO deal with discrimination. Police abuse IS an issue. And we DO owe the police a great deal of reverence for putting their life on the line. But that's not what you said -- you posted something I could just go copy and paste from any of thousands of Facebook comment threads. It's just copypasta conspiracy theories.

    As for your point about the media, I'm interested in what you consider liberal media. This is a genuinely interesting thought. Because I consider liberal media to be: MSNBC, any of a number of totally failed left-wing radio shows, any of a number of successful left-wing podcasts. Do you consider NPR a liberal media outlet? CNN? Hell, Fox News (I've literally heard this.)? 

    What defines a media outlet as liberal? Would love to continue this aspect of the conversation in the coffee house so others can enjoy the forum.


    • Thanks 1
  6. I understand your desire, but politics is inextricably linked with development and urban planning. You can't disconnect GOP control of Florida's state government from the shutdown of the HSR initiative. You can't disconnect the politics from the planning. Even infrastructure is political at this point.

    Unfortunately politics is a cancer in our society, because we have developed a system where everyone feels entitled to their own facts. It's completely self-evident to just about everyone that this is a problem that certainly didn't originate with conservative media, but was certainly MASTERED by the conservative media. I have spent the last 20 years watching the systemic distribution of misinformation on the right.

    It's basically society-level gas lighting, in which I have spent 2 @#$!% decades losing my breath literally just showing people facts that conflict with their world view.

    Liberals are full of crap too, but at least they have the decency to be bad at it. 

    EDIT: And if people like @jrs2scare off people like @spenser1058, this board is screwed. I wont mince words here. I'd rather have spenser, regardless of the politics. Objectively his presence here is more valuable.

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  7. 17 hours ago, Jernigan said:

    What intersection is the square at? I'm not familiar with Oakland at all but this thread intrigued me and after a quick Google Ariel search I saw 2 marked civic buIldings a few blocks apart but couldn't make sense of it 

    It's easy to miss. It's basically a roundabout with a couple tiny 1 story buildings next to it. But charm is the right word. 




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  8. 3 minutes ago, Tim3167 said:

    It's funny, I live in Oakland right on the West Orange Trail and walking hasn't been an issue. I can walk right into downtown Winter Garden on the trail without issue.

    My biggest issue is the interesection of Oakland Ave with old 50. It's a disaster not helped by the test drive routes of all the new car dealerships up 50 in Lake County.

    Yeah I guess I tend to agree. When I said it "needs it", I mean the place just generally lacks dedicated pedestrian pathways outside of the trail. But the lack of traffic, and general sleepiness of Oakland (how long will that last?) makes walking around fine. It's good to see Oakland getting out in front of the issue, though. Growth is inevitable. Prices are rising in the area quickly. Especially for us renters.


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