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Everything posted by CtownMikey

  1. I may have asked this like.. a long time ago. But can Cianci run for any type of position in Providence? And even if he can't get back up there... does anyone think having him back in the state could possibly bring corruption back the way it used to be when he was here... and the way he scared away whatever development he did.??
  2. love aerials!!! tell your friend thanks and not to be shy to take more I think aerials of Providence remind me of how much I would like at least 1 glassy or shiny addition to the big 3. Thank god 110 is coming. Just too much brick and not enough shine and greenery for my taste.
  3. http://www.projo.com/extra/2005/revitalization/ just posting this for newer members or anyone who hasn't been to this part of the projo site.
  4. how does the 98 el nino compare with the el nino before that?
  5. thats basically what I wanted.. our entire new skyline cant wait for 110 and the diddly around the hilton to be built up
  6. is it possible to get a picture from Prospect Park that would show from at least the waterplace condos stretching past the RISD dorms? maybe around sunset when our 2 condo projects are lit?
  7. What does everyone think Cianci will be doing once he gets out of prison which is soon .. or so i read.
  8. i think people associate the word minority with the current minority in many places (africans, spanish, etc.) and they refer it as a race oriented word... but isn't minority meaning something (a voting poll) or someone (a group) that isnt in the majority??? im not getting whats so bad about the word..
  9. you're waiting until friday morning you mean??
  10. cranston is the 24th safest city place in the country
  11. excuse me, i need to use the bathroom.. wash up
  12. is there a present time picture available from the same angle?
  13. Have we had a thread where we would discuss what we would do if we won the lottery? Lets make the winning amount $500 million would any of you donate to the city or fund your own project??
  14. WTF i MISSED out on a hoodsie?
  15. Boston residents are not idiots, they live in Boston for a reason and they can muster up the intelligence to find where the cheapest places are to live here in Providence bucko
  16. yea Recchia, you're definately a badass with that cookie monster avatar
  17. aww have fun guys!!! I'm off to work until 9
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