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Posts posted by dobboard

  1. After looking through those plans, I am just plain angry. As far as a development goes, it could not get any worse then what appears will be built on the Kenny's Auto site. So who is to blame? City Council? The developers? The neighborhood groups? Columbia's general bad luck? All of the aforementioned?

    I hate to be so negative, but this entire 5 Points South debacle is so disheartening and exactly what I have come to expect from this city.

  2. Krazee,

    Is the photo you posted (taken on 10/4) the new hotel going in on the corner of Lady and Huger or the one right as you come off of I-26?

    Regardless, where were you standing when you took the photo? Not sure why, but I am having a hard time figuring out the angle.

  3. That is so gorgeous! Just across the street from there the city has taken out all the pear trees that were lined up in front of the South Carolina Supreme Court building, so now we have more columns readily visible within that block.

    Corgi, does it really look better sans the pear trees? Not sure if you were being sarcastic or not in your post above. I hate when any tree is taken down, but I do seem to recall that those pear trees were cluttering up the view of the Supreme Court building.

  4. That project has long been rumored, good to see it is finally moving forward. Hopefully the new building will look nice...it certainly can not be any less appealing then the what resides on that space now.

  5. But is any of this a good reason to build a crappy freestanding bank!? Thats exactly what Five Points is supposed to get away from! You can build quality 1-level urban projects that aren't a drive-thru bank.

    Agreed. Heck, if it has to be one story, make sure that story looks nice as hell. FPS and Kline...two area changing projects that are no more.

  6. Kale Roscoe of Detroit and Robert Heath of Philadelphia

    It turns out, as anticipated, that these guys were worth their weight in gold. Great news for Innovista and Columbia!!

  7. I heard a juicy tidbit tonight. I had dinner with a buddy of mine that is doing the graphic design for the "Touch of the South" place. He had a meeting with them this week, and they told him that the lot across the street is going to be a "W" hotel. This is pretty reliable info, but I have no idea when an official announcement might come.

    If true, that would be phenomenal.

  8. I think you might be overstating the effects of powerlines just a bit here, especially from a corporate perspective.

    Maybe you are right. I hate the power lines so much that perhaps they are warping my perspective.

  9. Even if it ultimately costs you tenants in your condo complex and/or research building?

    I know if I was thinking about buying a condo in Adesso I would take one look at the power lines and look elsewhere.

    Same if I was IBM, and was thinking about relocating employees to the new Horizon block.

    I understand being cost sensitive when planning a project, but at what cost?

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