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Posts posted by xivinrah

  1. Wout benning columbus would be city of 140k -- or less. Explains why dt so small, bldgs so short, etc. Of all nc cities columbus most like fayetteville. Big military presence explains a lot for both. Even at that fville may have advantage of being close to hipper triangle ambiance

    I sure wish Columbus had better ways of diversifying its economy. Too much of one thing (Ft. Benning) and half of Columbus will look like a ghost town if the federal government decides to shut it down. A sprawling ghost town at that.

  2. Most metropolitan regions that have more than one agency running public transit in the area work out deals or offer cards that are accepted across the board. I know San Francisco's MUNI and BART and Tokyo's Metro and JR lines offer this.

    JR is a national transit agency in Japan. It services all of Japan and not just Tokyo. I see it a bit differently as JR makes traveling throughout the nation much more efficient and effective, whereas Tokyo Metro makes traveling through Tokyo Metro much more efficiently. Not that they shouldn't offer cards that are accepted by both, but I wouldn't say that JR and Tokyo Metro serve the exact same purpose. But I could be wrong.

    I kind of figured there were two different transit systems serving San Francisco seeing as though the trolley system had always been extremely popular there and the BART is widely used. I wonder if there is a third transit system in the Bay Area as well... because San Jose is another major city close by.

  3. Th believe that columbus would look more like WS -- if it were more like WS. Unless I am mistaken, however, WS is not so close to a military establishment as we are. A LOT of the infrastructure that would be located in town (ie, urban area) is actually located on post out of sight and out of mind of most of us civilians. Like the hospital, PX and Commissary. If those and othe post facilities were private or non-military then they would be a part of the Columbus landscape as they are in WS. Long story short, altho Columbus has same population as WS, a large part of it is military-oriented and has nothing to do with the town per se. Columbus does not have a civilian population nearly as large as WS and does not, therefore, seem as large or urban. As such it cannot and does not support the same type of new urbanism as WS

    Also I am beating a dead horse but WS has better transportation, ie interstate, connection and this too adds to the urban ambiance and encourages the type of development that has become fashionable of late.

    In addition I am not discounting the cultural factor. Columbus is certainly less "hip" than similar sized cities, especially those in NC which has a large educated class in and around the Triangle-area. New ideas take longer to get here and even longer to become accepted.

    Wow... you make really great points. You explain a lot of things I have been having a difficult time understanding. So basically if we were to factor out Fort Benning, Columbus city population numbers would be more like 140,000 versus nearly +/- 192,000? Columbus has spread out SO much over the years... its unbearably frustrating to always have to drive to the other side of town for everything.

  4. Columbus should have looked more like Winston-Salem, NC. Both cities have almost exactly the same population numbers. Only difference... Winston-Salem looks and feels more urban. Definitely check out its downtown on Google Maps and do a street view on any of the downtown streets or the highway adjacent to it. Just thought I'd throw that into the mix. It's rather irritating and discouraging to see how slowly it's taking city leaders to catch on to the concepts of New Urbanism.

  5. Cobb County is drawing up its own plans for a commuter rail for its County. Not heavy rail, but a light rail line that will begin in Kennesaw and terminate at the Cumberland Mall. The project is in its very early stages... simply planning, nothing in the way of funding is secured at the moment (I hope). If the project proposed is acted upon, then it will not be in operation until 2019.

    11Alive.com {sodEmoji.|} Atlanta, GA {sodEmoji.|} Video - Cobb Commuter Rail

    In my opinion, I think it is a really really stupid idea. MARTA could easily service these areas and with much more efficiency, by creating a NW line that would merge into the main N/NE lines that are in existence. It would dramatically ease the congestion along the NW I-75/I-285 Corridor.

    But I guess that's just how Cobb County is...

  6. Agree that defeat of TAD was a BIG mistake. However, as I recall, old TAD law was shortly thereafter overturned by the Supreme Court? So not sure that, even if enacted, TAD would have been of any present value (nothing to grandfater in). But is still correct to say that Columbus is remiss in failing to bring to another vote under new TAD law. The problem was that the City utterly failed to explain TAD to the voters. Needed more time to explain it to the electorate and assumed that a good idea would sell itself. I was stunned to talk to seemingly intelligent voters who opposed TAD for misguided reasons. It was defeated in the affluent northern burbs essentially on the ground that they would be "paying" for blighted areas. Actually tax abatement would not "cost" anything as blighted areas were not paying significant taxes. The concept that turning blighted areas into tax-productive parcels as a long-range plan never took hold. The prevelant mood was that TAD would be used to build low-rent (in all senses) "projects" at taxpayer expense. Probably reason that there is no new vote is that government has the "once burned, twice shy" syndrome. Hopefully a new mayor will be more progressive and proactive in this -- and other -- regards. A missed opportunity if not done soon after elections are held in Fall. By the way, the similar "build it, they will come" syndrome has infected the City in other ways and may explain why there has not been expected private capital followthru on public expenditures. Cannot ASSUME that folks will flock to use facilities. Columbus needs to promote itself as a viable destination -- like Chattanooga does in the Atl (and I assume in Bham, etc) mkt. I suppose that expense is the excuse for failing to promote more aggressively -- but unless you have viable mkting then facilities are not being put to higest and best use.

    To my mind Columbus needs atleast one more gigantic infusion of public money -- getting us on the interstate hwy system. It makes NO sense to me why there is not an allout push to get a short connection to I-85 in Tuskeegee and I-16 in Macon ASAP. Long range we NEED connection to B'ham-Brunswick, extension of I-185 south to Fla. and a new connection between I-75 at Cartersville and I-185 in La Grange to provide a trans-Ga route to Fla that bypasses Atl. I simply cannot understand why the CofC and our federal and local representatives do not make this a urgent priority. Makes NO sense to have expended all the money on local infrastructure when it is still a pain in the butt to get here from there!!!! Not to mention the security aspects of connecting Ft Benning with the rest of the country.

    Bottom line -- I suspect that the missing parts of the puzzle are: end of the Great Recession; new interstate connectionS (plural); intense mkting; and new dynamic mayor who will jump start the next phase of growth.

    Really wish lurkers on this site would join in the discussion and add to the debate. Would be interesting to see what other Columbusites -- and other Georgia/Alabama folks think of present and future outlook for CSG.

    I don't think you would want to hear my thoughts...

    Now, to most people... Columbus has made significant strides toward progression. However, in comparison to other southern cities it's size, it is barely keeping up. In 10 years... (from 1999 to 2009) all of these efforts the city has made to become "what progress has preserved" has only KEPT Columbus exactly the way it was 10 years ago. I assume that is what is implied by "what progress has preserved". Sure... there are a few more places to go, and while other places have grown, Columbus was just keeping up. That's how I look at these past 10 years. As for the next 10... I don't see too much of a difference. Columbus City Council (regardless of the mayor) and the people, are going to want to do everything that they can to keep things exactly the way they are. Only differences are that I do foresee a great deal of traffic problems...

    - Perhaps even a widening of I-185 all the way up to the northern city limits - 4 lines north and southbound... maybe even a complete make over of the J.R. Allen Parkway interchange. (its existing design is too dangerous to handle heavily congested vehicular traffic)

    - There will be new stores, maybe they may finally decide to fill up downtown... but not with the dynamic urban development that I would like to see. Just like everything else, the structures will be no more than two or three floors with huge lots and surface parking. Gridded street layouts that are poorly developed and underutilized. More in-town areas will also see suburban development... but not until the northern areas are fully occupied.

    - Macon Road will look like North Columbus. Lots of open space. Green space. Parking lots. Few buildings. New venues, but nothing really urban about it.

    - The Wynnton Road corridor "The Heart of Midtown" might look like Uptown Columbus... almost.

    - MAYBE... an extension of I-185... or an extension of J.R. Allen Parkway... but I wouldn't hold my breath. Not both... but one or the other.

    - Whitewater rafting and a Phenix City skyline... and while Columbus might still have the tallest buildings - Aflac and the Government Center, Phenix City will actually have a skyline.

  7. Shocking new development proposal from the Business Chronicle...

    A developer is proposing a luxury hotel project on the site of the One Museum Place project across from the High Museum.

    As with the One Museum Place proposal, this project will have an art gallery for John Wieland's personal art collection.

    Here's the kicker...

    Link:Developer plans $350M luxury hotel near High Museum

    I know! =) ...and I am hoping that gets built. Besides... I always thought something was missing in the North Midtown area (around Arts Center). It needs a good hotel. Plus, that would be a straight shot via MARTA to the Airport, Downtown, and Buckhead/Lenox.

  8. Okay... so while I'm sitting here looking at all the little developments going up here and there based upon the findings in these forums, I stumbled upon an in-depth analysis of the redevelopment plans for Fort McPherson. I believe that this will be much needed growth and redevelopment catalyst for South Atlanta city proper. Depending upon your connection speed, it might take some time to open up the pdf file - documents/3a.LandUse-v5-0-wCover.pdf'>documents/3a.LandUse-v5-0-wCover.pdf

    For more information check out -


  9. No wonder I haven't seen that massive tower being built yet... Besides, I always wondered where such a demand for office space was coming from seeing as though the economy is still shrinking. I just can't believe the magnitude of these foreclosures... the article doesn't just mention Allen Plaza, but also Greenbriar Mall, Mansion on Peachtree, and I wouldn't be surprised to know if whether or not parts of the Streets of Buckhead development will enter foreclosure as well.

  10. The Phenixian high rise condominium that was set to be built just across the river in downtown Phenix City has ditched by the developer, Ronnie Gilley Properties. As of now the Phenix City Council has not been given the final word on whether or not the development of the condo will be pursued, but from what it seems and what has been reported by WTVM, it will not be built. I've tried going to the Ronnie Gilley Properties website, but viruses have tried to infiltrate my computer by doing so... so I advise others to exercise caution trying to visit there. It also sends a clear indication that their business might be in disarray.

    Even though this development is partially irrelevant to Columbus, it is an extremely horrible loss to both cities. This could have become the catalyst needed to spur the dynamic urban development that we so desire in both areas.

  11. Ok guys. I've been living in Atlanta for a few months now and figured I'd finally contribute some pics to the board. I used to take pics of Nashville and post them in the Nashville boards when I still lived there but until recently, I had been slammed with work here so I couldnt contribute much. Sorry! Anyway I have been casually scouting for good spots here and there and found a wonderful vantage point from the Vinings area on Cumberland Blvd that as far as I know, is the only area where you can capture Dunwoody, Buckhead, and midtown/downtown all in one panorama :shok: . Because of the extreme size of that pano, I also did some of just Buckhead and downtown so as to get more detail of the two (more impressive) skylines. I also made a night pano. Enjoy!

    (Note) Because of the extreme size of these images, please be patient for them to load. Especially if your connection is slow.

    Buckhead and Atlanta Panorama (Day) click here

    Buckhead and Atlanta Panorama (Night) click here

    Dunwoody, Buckhead, & Atlanta Panorama (w/ Lables) click here

    Dunwoody, Buckhead, & Atlanta Panorama (w/o Lables) click here

    These links aren't showing up... :(

  12. 03-09-09%20CS%20Exterior%20View%203%20EDITED%20II.jpg

    Columbus State has released some new pictures of there proposed rec center. Also, they're changed up the location of the rec center, it's not going to be in ANY of the original places, it's going to take the place of the parking lot in front of the Lumpkin Center.

    Some people might say "Wait.. seriously? That's stupid" - but really, it's very smart. CSU is running out of land, so the only way to continously grow is to force people to park in the parking deck and use the extra land to build their campus.

    The CSU Foundation also has alot of land around the school, they own ALOT of houses but they don't own enough to get rid of the whole neighborhood just yet.. CSU is in it's early years and there are alot of great changes are new things coming, i'm proud of was the new president is doing.. alot more change that when the past presidents have been around.

    I am so proud of the new president and CSU for doing this... the school is doing an excellent job for pushing away from the sprawling layout of the campus into a more efficient semi-urban look. It'll be much more easier for people like me (who walk) to navigate the campus. I love the design of the building as well. It looks bigger than the original Lumpkin Center, by the way.

  13. Woah, you're 19? You're well spoken (written) and thoughtful for your age. By school, I assume you mean CSU. What's your major, if you don't mind my asking?

    Thanks... and yes... I am at CSU. Right now I've not really decided on a major. I am absolutely horrible in math (I struggle a lot) so all of the things I am really interested in like architecture, urban planning and development... are out of the question. I am a very good writer though... and that is something that I am very passionate about. So, I suppose it'd have to be a field that is writing intensive.

    Concerning the economic viability of Columbus and working toward formulating the comprehensive plan for Columbus... I assumed an active role throughout much of the earlier months of 2008. I was 18 then... I had attended the forums, workshops... even took up an administrative assistant position at Midtown, Inc. However, I quickly became discouraged after I began to realize that none of my input really amounted to anything. Especially considering the simple fact that I am not a business owner, developer... someone who could be one of the catalysts propelling the change that I sought so adamantly for the city.

    I guess you could say that being a part of the forums has really become a way to bury myself into something I love. I really don't have friends or a life down here (and that's the reason why I really don't want to stay here); I spend all day looking watching CNN, writing poetry, homework/study, and looking up new developments coming to Atlanta and Columbus. Either way, it's still my hometown... and I would hope that maybe someday... it will be open to change.


    Does anyone know what the designs will look like for the Baker Village Revitalization? What about the new construction going up across the Brewer School on Buena Vista Road?

  14. This will look very nice. I still say it was a mistake not to go ahead and reconfigure I-185 and 280 to extend I-185 limited access through Ft Benning to GA-26 in ChattCo. Now, when that project does happen, that interchange will have to be re-done... what a waste.

    I agree 100%... if they are supposed to be extending I-185 all the way to Florida, then this project will only make it harder to make that feasible. If it was Atlanta, something like this wouldn't even have the time of day. That whole highway would have been redirected and merged into 280. That intersection further down would have been reconfigured as well.

    Sadly, I've just accepted that Columbus will probably never grow/develop the way it should. I'm 19, and I have absolutely no intention in living in a place like this... (it's depressing in my opinion) - I'm here for school. But since it IS my hometown, I still hope that in time... a higher population and crazy sprawl will force it into absolutely unbearable traffic, car smog, and wasted resources -- quickly. It's sad... but to be honest, if it wasn't for all of these factors, Atlanta wouldn't be doing what it's doing now. So I guess this must be a Southern trend --- wait until the poor use of resources in sprawl is absolutely ridiculous before following the national trend -- going green and living efficiently in an urbanized environment.

    Besides... since Columbus is on a dead end interstate, it's not like we have a huge flow of traffic from people who are headed to and from the Florida panhandle. Ft. Benning is the largest employer, employing at least 35-40% of Columbus's workforce (I speculate), so what good would it do to have them reconfigure the alignment of the interstate, if most of the traffic is headed in the other direction?

  15. A new CVS is going some where in South Columbus (don't know the location as of yet), it may be somewhere along Levy Road.

    Also, a Dollar Tree is set to go in the place of Fred's next to Hobby Lobby in the near future.

    Dollar Tree was always in that plaza before. I don't know when they decided to move out, but they did... and I suppose they are coming back? That makes them look very indecisive about settling in that location.

  16. That is going to be the new Rob Doll Nissan. It's suppose to be twice the size of the current location on Box Road There is a drawing of the master plan in one of these forums that shows use of hotels and other structures at the location.

    I think I've seen a detailed layout of the proposed development. I wasn't too impressed with it, but I do hope that it does serve more than just being a car dealership and hotel. In my opinion, they should have incorporated something with greater density... and the hotel is too small (just 2 stories). I have really taken a liking to the Staybridge Suites up there... and would have loved to see another 4-5 story hotel. Preferably 5-7 stories since that immediate area only has three or four hotels. If it's going to be surrounded by those hotels... it's also going to need to be competitive. I think it's time we got something like a Hyatt or Hilton for that area. Not the little "sub-versions" Hilton, Hyatt, and Marriott. I mean a full blown 4 star Hilton, Hyatt, or Marriott.

  17. I really hope that is some bad info. Surely the marble part of that beautiful building won't be torn down...

    Now I do see much greater potential for that particular space... but considering how things are developed down here, I'd have to stand by your concerns for it. If the new development would embrace that same rich architecture and marble exterior with brick or light beige stone, and ascend more than 5 stories, then I am all for the change. Other than that I think it should remain in tact... but renovations are much more expensive to do for a building like that than to just build a new structure that meets the codes and standards needed for the proposed development. That's the reason why the old sears building was never converted into a multifamily complex.

  18. Lets all hard our breath lol they should tear down the old ymca building and put a 7 story hotel in the same spot where the old ymca building is. Heres an example of a 7 story hotel that would look great where the old ymca building is.


    Mmm mmm... if it's going to be downtown, then it's going to have to adhere to the building and facade codes that are designated for that area. This is a rather boring concept... it lacks the urban concept that we aspire for the city. Very anonymous, simple, and suburban.

  19. Does anyone no what there building behind the carmike cinemas headquarters in downtown columbus. I am hearing rumors that it is going to be the new ymca.

    That is the site for the new ymca, and the historic one closer to the Government Center (I was told) will be torn down.

  20. Einstein Bros. Bagels has opened a store on Columbus State University's campus. Einstein's is very popular in the Atlanta area.

    I'm a student at CSU, it's pretty nice and it certainly looks like something you'd expect to see in Atlanta, but like all of the Atlanta cafes, bistros, etc... the food is very much overpriced. The only things worth buying are the deserts, (my personal favorite is the cinnamon twists -- warmed up), they have specialty bagels and such and those are good, but I wouldn't spend $7-$8 on a meal that would probably better constitute as a light lunch/snack (something to tide you over until the actual meal).

  21. Einstein Bros. Bagels has opened a store on Columbus State University's campus. Einstein's is very popular in the Atlanta area.

    I'm a student at CSU, it's pretty nice and it certainly looks like something you'd expect to see in Atlanta, but like all of the Atlanta cafes, bistros, etc... the food is very much overpriced. The only things worth buying are the deserts, (my personal favorite is the cinnamon twists -- warmed up), they have specialty bagels and such and those are good, but I wouldn't spend $7-$8 on a meal that would probably better constitute as a light lunch/snack (something to tide you over until the actual meal).

  22. I think the nighlife has picked up. FlipsFlops downtown is nice. There is also one in Statesboro, GA and Atlanta. Columbus nighlife is definitely getting better.

    Really? Because I've been downtown a lot lately... and it's just doesn't even come close to anything urban like in nature. Living in Atlanta and San Juan, Puerto Rico... it's almost like a sleepy kind of nightlife... lately it's been dead on some parts of Broadway (I'm guessing because of the season, weather, economic circumstances, etc). But I guess it's alright for starters. I was told that even Montgomery is better.

    I think the problem with the nightlife scene is the fact that Columbus only has two relatively small universities in the area. Where as Atlanta, Montgomery, and even Auburn have large colleges that creates the demand for multiple venues and a variety of entertainment. Plus, the landowners and older citizens in the Columbus call the shots on what is developed, and youth flight has become a really prevalent issue down here. So unless those two influential factions are willing to see the viability in allowing certain areas to foster venues for nightlife, then it will only stagnate.

    I think the only other variable capable of thwarting their decisions is the influx of citizens through the BRAC realignment. 30,000 troops are surely going to want more than what two strips are capable of giving them in terms of entertainment. So I do see Columbus boasting a VERY respectable nightlife scene in the future. But for the mean time... I personally think that it's just what it could be. But I might be wrong. I heard that summer of last year, Broadway was packed with people.

  23. Update on Mandarin Oriental - 1/1/09



    Update on Academy of Medicine:

    - Ga Tech announcement of "restoration" and "proudly owned" control of the "Academy of Medicine at Georgia Tech" as posted on the AOM home page below:


    Always looking for more good Midtown/West Peachtree news.

    The design of the Mandarin Oriental is absolutely breathtaking! Oh gosh that is so beautiful... I would love to just live in it's vicinity. Seems like that whole area will be even more vibrant in appearance with that as an addition...

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