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Posts posted by wally2169

  1. Only in the United States could people get so worked up about parking and/or having to walk a few blocks. I've never had any problems finding parking downtown, it's just free parking that is hard to find generally.

    They need more parking that you can pay for with credit cards-if there is any at all now. I never have any change or cash when I need it...

    Am I to assume the CNL parking garage or the Citrus Center/Signature Plaza/ Lincoln Plaza parking garages will not accomodate these people during non-business hours?

    Aren't those garages similar to Suntrust, where workers and non-workers park but have to pay to do so?

    I would believe that there is ample parking in those areas unless it is not allowed after business hours

  2. If they don't get the needed funding, they should go with the larger auditorium and a smaller theatre. Then, they can keep the Bob Carr as the mid-size theatre. I don't want this to happen, but I don't have a cool million to donate to the cause either.

    This really pisses me off

    All the reason why we should A.) dump the Citrus Bowl renovation or B.) have increased the tax a little more

    It's my understanding and correct me if I'm wrong because I cannot look on the prior pages of this thread to confirm or not, the increase was either 1/2 cent increase or 1 cent increase

    Would it not have been better if it was 1 1/2 cent or 2 cent increase instead?

    This would allow not only the PAC or Arena to be built with no issue but would allow the Citrus Bowl to be reonvated to such a large degree that it would give Raymond James Stadium or Alltel some major competition with regards to being the best in the state

    I don't think such an increase would have been unreasonable, the tourists will come regardless of our tax stucture, they would be frightened off by the rising park prices more than anything else

    Pity really, a little more and we could have done so much more

  3. I got to tell you guys. (Let me qualify this statement by saying this is just my opinion), I don't think that Turners performance on this project bodes well for The Verde. As much as I like TT, Verde is (again my opinion) one of the most crucial projects currently on the table.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

    I personally think TT is slightly more of an important project because it is of an opulent nature and will be perhaps the gateway to Lake Eola, more so than the VUE, Dynetech or Rosalind

    I think the fact it appears that TT has flexed major muscle to keep 205/215 from being approved by the MPB is indicative of the influence this project has

    If anything, Verde is of major importance for the sake of Uptown, this project will probably determine if the Flatiron, North Orange, Sky, etc get built so I say bring and bring it soon

    The start of this has been delayed way too long and I'm getting quite concerned

  4. Thomas: Raise our tolls? They must be kidding

    Published November 21, 2006


    Sad to say, they are not kidding

    I guess it's a sign of the times that raising the tolls is the only way the Expressway Authority can really shut Geotzloe up

    I hope for our sake these added revenues will bring a hell of a lot more roads to help with the traffic

    Knowing our luck, these new roads will be heavily tolled also

    Such as life

  5. I love these recent pictures

    This place is so amazing

    I can't believe this used to be a rotted out ghetto, a shell of what once was

    Kudos to Kuhn

    Kudos to Dyer

    Thank god someone like Dyer stood up to the preservation board and made it happen

  6. No, you know what, F*** it, im right here just to piss you and DelGreco off. Anybody else who wants to side with them and state that I was being childish has probably never contributed anything to this site either.

    I would love to know what type of insider information you guys have produced, I'll wait.......oh yeah you haven't. I build them, and you two have something to talk about.

    DelGreceo, wake up. I own land in Parramore dumbass, as well as uptown, Eola and in the CBD. Last year alone I was one of the single largest contributors to the revitalization of Parramore and I'll do it again in the fiscal year 2006 and 2007. All the while, I toyed you along and let you label me as a (non-visionary) I might as well have put you on a string, you were so easy to play with. Add these words to your English diction: Devils Advocate.

    You know that little building downtown, The Plaza. I built that while you marveled at what forethought and good planning the people who built it must have had (Ironic isint it?). Guess I did turn out to be a visionary.

    So as far as packing my toys up, well all I can find here in my office is the preliminary plans for M&M, the new and revised Lincoln Center, and another major fortune 500 relocation project. If you wanna give me a hand putting them away let me know.

    So in the end let me explain what I got pissed off about. Day in and day out I put my neck out there to offer complete strangers information that I probably shouldn't. In the end I get nothing but smart ass remarks and ignorant feedback (borderline trolling) from people who aren't qualified to take out the trash in my office. Its not about disagreeing with me or not having the same opinion as me. Its about not bitting the hand that feeds you.

    On a lighter note, GO MAGIC. Dwight Howard for president.

    For what it's worth, I have always appreciated the info you have put up on the board in the past

    I'm sure it's not been easy to dispense this info in light of confidentiality clauses these days

    Don't mind the bickering of a few that haven't appreciated it

    We welcome you back with open arms and look forward to any other new info you have

  7. Alright, now that Dyer, Crotty and the Magic seem to be on the right page for once, what kind of timetable are they looking at to get a final design of the new arena and then begin building it in order to make the fall 2010 completion?

    Also, when does anyone think that the city will begin to demolish the block across from city hall to begin the PAC?

  8. In my opinion, any mayor would have been considered Orlando's finest mayor during this period of time. With interest rates where they were over his term (and notice how there has been an urban renaissance throughout the entire country), urban renewal in the downtown core was inevitable.

    With that said, he has still done a good job in keeping the developments rolling. He could have laid down to the historical society and we could still have an old McCrory's building. That's like saying that the KMart building on Colonial should always stay there, because people in the 80's and 90's will always need to remember shopping there as a child. He has made some decisions that may not have been made by someone else with less of a backbone. I'll give him that, but I don't think we need an arena named after him. I would just as soon have it called the Bubbalou's Bodacious BBQ Basketball Pit.

    If the sporadically sponsor a free all you can eat BBQ night, then by all means get that name on the building

    One can dream

  9. These pictures are awesome, hands down

    It's definetly a new era in Orlando and this project is the perfect example

    As much as I love what I see here, I hate to be the one to beotch and whine but wouldn't it be great if each of the 2 office towers was another 5 floors each and the Solaire another 10 floors?

    Imagine that

    I should stop beotching, this is so much better than the nothing that we had before

  10. I think its because they know they'll make $ either way so they can care less where it is as long as the new arena is made. Of course this is just pure speculation but who really knows? Only they do. If its on Idrive, they'll get international fans to come more to games (tourists etc.), if its in downtown, it'll be easier for locals to visit games as it is a CENTRAL location for orlando residents. another benefit for it being in Idrive is the fact that tampa/lakeland area fans can also come to games as the drive would be 50min-1 hour which isn't too bad for crazy fans:)

    I prefer it to be in downtown of course as it will boost the downtown redev projects.

    Amen brother

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