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  1. Well I'm glad to see that everyone has taken a lighter look at the DCDA's track record. The past is the past....but the one thing people have to understand is that change takes time - and often the stance has to be "hell-no" first. Mostly because the process between private developer and neighborhood is adversarial from jump....it's always an act of mediation - so clearly both sides are going to come out with their best (and most off the wall) offer first. Enough of that - here's a piece of information every neighbor interested or concerned about development within Dilworth should read: Since the DCDA was asked to review and comment on projects within the historical boundaries of the neighborhood, beginning with rezoning 2002-070 ( Kenilworth Commons Site Amendment) and running through the end of 2007-152 ( Longhorn Steak House redevelopment on Morehead) 28 projects have proceeded through the rezoning process DCDA opposed 6 ( 22%) , as follows-- Richter condo development between Scott & Kenilworth-on grounds of extreme density, minimal parking where there is no on-street nearby, and height across from bungalows Lowes-big box auto oriented in urban neighborhood, very low density housing ( 6 per acre) where plans called for significant housing, significant traffic issues into the neighborhood Blanket rezoning of TOD-Zoning
  2. Not really sure I understand your hostility towards DCDA - unless it's simply a hobby to stand on the sidelines and comment rather than rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty. I'm new to UP, but not new to libel and slander. If that's what this thread is really all about, you won't see any credible discussions on future posts. This could be a very powerful and perhaps valuable forum for the community. But if personal vendettas superceed well thought out dialogue, we can kiss this outlet goodbye. That said - I'll just encourage you to get involved with the projects in the community - the real community, not the virtual community. You seem to make some very good observations and might offer great insight into the develoment of future projects. Dilworth has changed immensly in the past 5 years - as have the people who are leading it into the next 5. I'm glad you agree with some DCDA decisions, and I hope you will become more actively involved day to day. Each project brings its own set of intricacies. It's okay to disagree, as long as you're standing there putting forth the effort with the common goal of achieving the very highest and best use. For the facts - Catellus had a public hearing last night in front of the DCDA Land Use Committee. They're working with HDC to comply with their fenestration guidelines. In fact, because of the "fight, fight, fight" message, these guys have agreed that wood siding and windows are probably the best direction to go (and gain support) for their project. Obviously materials aren't the only issue - scale, massing, and the loss of two more contributing structures within the historic district are not to be overlooked. The full board hasn't heard the project yet, but the Land Use group I heard last night had no problem with the overall use. A hotel, done appropriately, could be a great benefit / addition to the neighborhood. I hope this project will receive support from the community. Last thought - TreHouse is well within Dilworth and clearly inside the border of the Historic District of the neighborhood. In fact, Dilworth used to be marked by the train tracks as it's westen border. How things have changed.
  3. The city determines the setback. Morehead is a 24' setback consisting of an 8' planting strip, 6' sidewalk, and 10' buffer to the building. This measurement is from the back of existing curb. Setbacks are pre-determined - the conditional status relates to what happens behind the city right of way (behind that 24' setback). As for the traffic signal - CDOT didn't make any mention of that in their analysis. I agree it will be a problem and wonder if there's a way to have a study done PROJECTING the increased traffic from Royal Court Residents and the 600 +/- that will be entering this building daily. Currently, CDOT only does the survey on CURRENT traffic to determine needs. With a light a block down and another a block up, they more than likely won't be able to interject a light mid block...but who knows?! At least they'll be looking at it. Are you going to take this to them?
  4. They updated their plans to DCDA recently. Each one of these topics has been addressed. The curb cut along Morehead is gone, the parking deck is still "pressed" up against Morehead, but they've reoriented so the majority of the parking follows a North South orientation now, they proposed stepping the vertical elements back incrementally, they are proposing 15k sqft of ground level retail (with on-street patio to make way for the potential of a restaurant tenant), and they are satisfying a 24' setback consisting of 8' planting strip, 6' sidewalk, and 10' landscape buffer (all city mandated). In addition, they will be saving 3 of the 4 trees in the right of way...a huge plus and in my opinion should be an absolute requirement. DCDA has been involved with this developer for months and, in fact, highlighted MANY of the same concerns. Glad they did - looks like a better project already!
  5. actually, it was a misquoted exchange via email - ask the reporter and she'll back it up...email is dangerous - as are forums - if you can't hear the intonation behind someone's voice. CBJ did a nice profile the following week - Behind the Scenes 2007. Looks like a lot is going on in the neighborhood - glad people are involved and paying attention.
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