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Posts posted by QC-NC

  1. ...where the expenses can be spread over a larger number of unit, or in condo buildings, where the HOA fees can cover.

    This does seem like it could pose a large problem! Ha I wonder if atlrvr's previous quote on the fabric of an urban community shows true here.

    It fills a specific function that is trendy today, but can't be easily adapted as trends change.....it will soon decline as new forms of urbanism or suburbanism render it obsolete.

    If the Enclave community cannot financially operate with its new function as apartments, does that mean we tear it down and build something else. Jeez! It almost sounds as if your forecast and evaluation could manifest right before our eyes..

    reversing this trend is hard/expensive/takes architecural forsight no?

  2. QC-NC....I have to disagree with the assumption that independent retail follows popular chains. This has been true in Charlotte primarily by financing requirements for retail developers. Looking at retail life-cycles in established cities, independents almost always do the heavy-lifting in terms of making an area attractive to larger retailers. Starbucks is never the first coffee shop in a gentifying neighborhood.

    I comepletely see what you are saying.. However, do you not agree that in Charlotte many of the newer developments, especially when an entire area is renovated and revitalized, see the popular chains pioneer the clean slate which has just been constructed. I.E. Midtown (metropolitan), Phillips place, Birkdale, Sharon Corners, Epicenter (planned so far). Because the firstward area has been 'clean slated' id say it falls into this category.

    Dont get me wrong, YOU both are right in your statements that the cache of the admired Georgetown full of upscale retail attraction, constant flow of pedstrians/visitors, and meer physical attraction are not by accident and didnt not happen over night. It is a result of good design that compliments flow of traffic, (ha! ya right... but seriously) reasonable and attractive retail space and presentation, and multiuse structures that can serve as either or both at the same time.

    Realistically, 1st Ward we will never recreate such a magnificent relic of residential, retail, and architectural grace. We ARE the new, stucco covered, quick fab, rushed design, build and keep moving type of city. And part of this fault falls just with the times we are in and the technology we have. If we were in 1800s and had only brick, then our architecure would resemble much more of that sturdy CLASSIC utilitarian feel which most would agree summarizes Gtown's architecture to a T.

    But can we not steer away from the trend that GATEWAY VILLAGE went down?

    Residential above (forgive my diction and narrow minded thought process) pointless retail: Nail Salons, Convience Stores, inpersonal restaurants that fail months later, and random other light commercial space that isnt enought to ever convert to anything of significance or uniqueness.

    I would like to see a community which is not a false conjecture of a cookie cutter "modern village", instead a place more along the lines of(shall i stay with the DC/VA reference) Clarendon, Courthouse, Balston of NoVa. Where the urban feel is aligned with quality retail space and design so that access to most any and everything you want and need is with in a square 1/2 miles.

    Anyon feel me on this reconsidered theory of 1st Ward's potential? Explain, expand, correct my naiveness

  3. So Starbucks, Barnes & Nobles, Banana Republic, Fed-Ex Kinkos, to mainstream and not unique enough?

    I personally wouldnt mind seeing a replica of a Phillips Place or Birkdale type feel. I beleive that the area will soon have a dense enough population to support that type of feel. But unique retail (art galleries) are typically secondary commercial retailers, meaning they exist because the mainstream "common/popular" commercial already has laid a base attraction for residents and visitors from outside of 1st ward.

    Id like to picture 1st Ward as the future Georgetown of Charlotte. With resdences, alonside, mainstream retail, alongside the unique only in charlotte specialty unique retail...

    Anyone know how to kick start this master plan I have haha or even agree with me at all?

  4. Here is my $0.02:

    Basic Sim City 2000 economics -> Industrial job force (charlotte's downtown employers) drives Residential (uptown townhomes and condominiumns) which eventually and naturally yield the need for Commercial conviences such as grocery stores and retail everyone is talking about.

    sounds simple but its so true in our situation and 3-5 years is definitely a reasonable expectation

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