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Posts posted by Pachuco

  1. Yeah, the only thing I am afraid of is this. I personally want to see him in office another for years, but with delphi closing and the potential 20 million dollar flood lawsuit, how will he handle this without raising taxes or hurting city service? Also, I've met with the man and he is more of a "Show me, I'll support kind of guy" which isn't bad, but can potentially hurt developments.

  2. I dunno know about ya'll, but lets be honest, I really believe Don Williamson and his administration have made an impact on Flint, although they've had to learn from mistakes.

    I mean I've seen so many new streets paved, less garbage, more houses being torned down, programs to fight blight, promises to open the city jail,which is becoming more of a reality and hopefully, 50 more cops within the near future, plus his sudden support of downtown and the area.

  3. Yes exactly. I mean it would've ment 250 new patrons, a new place to jus chill or read a book and in the winter a place to skate on(on the plaza), plus it would enecourage more development, add density and beautify the area.

    I dunno know tho, seems like Juan and the Trustee's are BSing around. Do they even have funding yet, whats the holdup ?

  4. Thanx for the welcome. Well we have some more good news. Here is a clipping fromy UrbanFlint:

    Land Bank Votes to Buy Berridge Hotel

    August, 16 2006

    The Berridge Hotel will likely have new owners soon with the Genesee County Land Bank Authority voting to purchase the historic building for approximately $725,000.

    There are said to be 17 sources of financing according to Amy Hovey, president of The Protogenia Group, in a Flint Journal report.

    Early plans have the 80-unit hotel being converted into 20 condominiums - ranging from $90,000 to $140,000 - and two businesses.

    Board members expect to close on the sale "by the end of September".

  5. There is couple of 19th century building throughout the entire city, in the grand traverse district, the cultural neighborhood around Mott College, in the western section of greater downtown, around the cultural center, but there is very few around the county.

  6. I was wondering what the crane in front of the Character Inn (or whatever name that place is going by these days) was for.  I was paying more attention to the band that was playing across the street.  I only stayed around there momentarily, since I was filfthy & dehydrated from crawling around inside abandoned buildings in the 90 degree heat. 

    By master plan do you mean that massive powerpoint presentation?


    Yes. Yeah the tunes in noon or somethin like that, how long haven been in Flint, plan on taking any photo tours ?

  7. Downtown Update

    I was walking down Bukkam Alley today and noticed a huge garbage dump behind the PSI and the Jewelery World building while workers were throwing away some stuff, so I think they've just started the demolition process.

    Also workers are working on the amphiteatre section of riverbank park, they're painting the concrete, adding mulch, cutting the grass, and planting flowers. I just hope they could start working on the other parts of the park and clean the river and the river banks. I really hope this only short term, so later on they could bring back the natural appearance of the river and add the new promenade and all the other stuff they mentioned in the downtown master plan.

    Also at the Character there is a huge crane doing someting and at the Brown Sugat they've added a counter, and finally the city is working on the water main downtown.

  8. I like the pages bookstore, its has a really nice storefornt and interior, but the streetscape sucks, and I think the new area won't serve them better than the one on S. Saginaw.

    So have any of you noticed the increased foot and vehicle traffic downtown ? I have and the restaurants and other buisinesses have been more packed too.

  9. What does that even mean? Make downtown bigger yourself? I don't understand...


    He said I am happy that you want to makr downtown bigger and something like I hope you try to do this yourself or something like that. Ah, these are not my words, I am just as confused as you.When he said I am you happy want to make downtown bigger I think he was referring to when I asked him to think about buying properties off S Saginaw st. and then develop them too.

  10. Man, if the UM-Flint dorms didn't get delayed, there'd be a nice influx of new downtown residents next June.


    They were delayed ?! arew you serious, when will the construction start?

    Also I emailed Ridgway about starting development downtown other than Saginaw st. and he emialed me back and told me that "I am happy that you want to and to make downtown bigger and this excites about your love of downtown" and said something like take the time to make downtown bigger yourself. :blink: Was he serious ?

    I'm sorry I write so fast, I mispell so much words.

  11. There was a article in the Flint Journal today about Artist condos. The project is being lead by the Greater Flint Arts Council, it mentions building 24 condominiums,a studio and a art gallery somewhere in Flint, but most likely downtown because they mention the studios and art gallery will be across the street, they havn't revealed the location.

    Prices range from $80,000 to $135,000 and the project will cost 3.6 million. It is expected to begin in October and be finished by June 2006.

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