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Everything posted by mfowler12

  1. Hi All, Does anyone have any information related to the recent advisory council hearing covering the Steward Creek/Irwin Creek Greenway that runs from Seversville Park behind Lela Court in Wesley Heights area.The last information I heard was a proposal to move the greenway adjacent to the rail bed due to this rail being part of a future transportation corridor (interesting). There was also a discussion to add an extension of this greenway to go towards the rail yards adjacent to BofA Stadium.
  2. Although investors were definitely involved in some of the previous 3-4 years of Charlotte's condo blitz, I believe most of the appreciation was pushed more from the developments that were announced one after another. Example, those who bought in early at Courtside or Court 6 benefitted from the new market pricing of trademark, avenue, and other newer towers with better ammentities. I think other markets have suffered due to an investor feeding frenzy - but to dismiss this practice as something evil because a "flip" investor adds no value is a bit dismissive. Another example, buyer A secures a contract for 5-10% deposit, waits 24-30 months during construction, and is able to sell (hopefully) for the new market price based on 24-30 months of apprecation. Now take buyer B, buys an existing condo uptown, lives there for 2 years, makes no improvements and is able to sell for the same appreciated value. Who deserves to make a profit? - I say both equally deserve that appreciation. I agree that doing this as a business is not espcially wise, but those who tried and failed will suffer the consequences. As for the homeowner's that will suffer from an immediate drop in value due to foreclosed units, they also benefitted from the flippers that supposedly artificially drove the prices up. Let's call that a wash.
  3. Does anyone have any information/update on the Morehead Corners project at Freedom and Morehead. It seems like that sign has been there forever. Is Landmark waiting to lease-up?
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