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Posts posted by OrlandoMagic3

  1. ^^ Oh for f^%#'s sake! Possibly worth more later... A stitch in time is worth two in the bush... or something like. Pass a law that allows tenants rights when the landlord defaults on the mortgage, then worry about these folks. The answer is simple to a non-lawyer or non-MBA. Make good for the folks who get the short end of the stick so they come out even to ahead. Those that want to make an issue of it to 'cash in', give a lesson in instant Karma. You wanna play? Let's play. Its 'Let's make a deal.'

    (Definitely ramping up the crotchety factor in my dotage)

    did u watch the video of the vet? he seemed pretty mad

  2. Ellis said Kuhn was traveling and not available for comment. She said Gateway Hospitality paid $24.3 million for the land, currently a parking lot, and a portion of the south side of the Church Street complex, including the ballroom. The ballroom, she said, will be used for conference and banquet space.


    so he gets it for 32 million and sells part of it for 24.3....lucky guy..haha

  3. [This is the same note for all of my picture posts today] I'm in town for a few days and today I went for a ride around downtown to see what's new. I took a few pictures as I drove around and the weather turned pretty crappy, so I'm not too proud of these shots...but at least you'll get an idea of what's happening.


    Yep. It was hard to see the area all cleared out! Very exciting. They took down the building on south and division sometime last week.

    anyone know whats going on with the 2 houses who are battling it out in court for cash? Hope they meet halfway and both parties are happy.

  4. quote name='Pieson' date='Apr 13 2007, 01:24 PM' post='749263']

    I do believe the children are our future...teach them well and let them lead the way

    7 Ways Black Orlando can Share in Venue Success

    Pieson, Looks like Willy agrees with you, and so do I. I am afraid the black community is already too late to have a strong say in what role they will play in the new Parramore. The savvy developers have already started to assemble large tracts of land. Considering how overpriced the east side is and how underpriced the west side is, can you blame them? Guess where investor's stand to get a better return on their investment? Parramore! Once the venues get going and a few more "big" developments get subsidized, the momentum will really increase. The private investor will overcome the fears of the past and you will see the mom and pop shops spurting up everywhere. I have always said that big developments generate momentum, but the small private investors are the ones that make a business community sustainable.

    It should be interesting to watch Parramore evolve over the next few years...shouldn't be long before we see Buddy Dyer's statue go up on the entrance to the new Central Park (Parramore Heritage) right next to that wonderful 4-way clock! At least now the homeless know what time it is! :thumbsup:


    what is the town square next to hd supply building on w. church...?

  5. Yeah, there are a LOT of people who still tie downtown Orlando to Church street. I primarily work over by the convention center. However I have to sometimes commute to my other office in Lakeland. As I talk to these "polk folk" (I made that up, btw) and mention that I live downtown their first reaction is usually - Oh, you mean by Church Street Station? Living in Thorton Park I answer "sort of" and then give my canned speech about what's happening downtown.

    The discussion almost always ends with them mentioning the "terrible" traffic problems we have. Down in Lakeland, they seem to think we are like LA or something! Yeah our traffic sucks but it's not THAT bad!

    Anyways, I always chuckle when I go through this routine (and trust me, it's a routine!)

    i heard lakelands the place to be these days:)

  6. More than likely the park at the corner of parramore and Church where those two ponds are on either side of Church St.

    they call that a park? It looks like 2 retention ponds although that little clock looks nice...also what happened to proposed naacp building at that site? I remember they had a poster board saying "future home of the naacp" with a picture of a 4-5 story building?

  7. I'm dead serious on this. Take a trip into the future with me...

    Orlando with all of its model citizens. A new law in downtown makes it illegal to ask for food ANYWHERE. Forget the blue zones. The vagrants get taken away to Homeless World. Tourists get to go and see homeless people in different exhibits. There is a crack exhibit. You can buy crack (government sactioned of course) and throw it over the glass enclosure and watch the crackheads scramble. There is a general population (no convicts or drug users in this lot). Children, with the permission of their teachers, can buy sandwiches and throw them over the glass. Here's the best exhibit... the alcoholic homeless exhibit. What you get to buy to throw over the glass is a balloon full of booze. The homeless are trained to their favorite flavor... blue balloons are vodka, red balloons are rum, yellow balloons are beer... you get the picture. The reasoning for the balloons is to make them concentrate to try to catch them. They're twitchin' and they fight over them, so the balloons break all over themselves and they start licking their arms and legs to get the alcohol. The children students learn what happens when you get addicted to booze and crack. There can be other exhibits. By the way, each exhibit is filled with lots of trees (fruit trees mind you) and maybe throw in some vegetables. If they can exhibit the know how to feed themselves and rehabilitate, they may be worked into a release program like injured birds and sea otters.

    I haven't fleshed this thing out totally yet. (Some may think I have thought about this too much, but I just think it meshes in with what Orlando is trying to become).

    This will make Orlando the model city for all others to follow. Maybe the City of Orlando can just get an exhibit at EPCOT city of tomorrow and Disney can help promote it through ABC (as an example for families) and you know ESPN followers will love it. "C'mon kids, throw a sandwich already, it's time to go the Monster Truck show back at the newly renovated Citrus Bowl."

    You have a creative imagination. Why don't you write a book.

  8. They can build Homeless World and they can all have jobs just doing what they do. We feed them, but they stay in glass enclosures. It will be a mini park with lots of trees where they can take naps all day and just be themselves. It can be funded by another half cent tourist tax and we can put the new park right next Rosen's Shingle Creek.

    On another note, Maupin from the Sent. just reported that Morse Foundation gave $1 million to the PAC.

    thats messed up man :lol: ..

    The problem with some of the homeless is they don't work to bring themselves up..they work for something else which isn't good for them.

    Is it true that some cities use to take them onto a bus and ship them to the middle of no where promising some $ or something like that? I heard some crazy stories.

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