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Posts posted by cityhopper

  1. Which area will you be settling in?

    Looks like Shockoe Bottom. After visiting, I fell in love with Carytown (as an area) but did not have any great luck in finding a good living quarters (to my likens).

    In the beginning, I wanted to stay near the "action" in hopes I can intermingle quicker. I suppose Shockoe Bottom is in good relation to downtown and such.

  2. If things do not work out in Richmond, Philly is my next stop LOL.

    Thanks for the photos. I am looking to come up to Philly as a weekend trip this summer. I see there will be lots of landmarks for visit.

    [/back to off-topic Richmond]

    Well, it looks like I will finally be making that move back to VA and become a new RVA'er. I am excited and nervous. It's been a few years since I left. I hope I can acclimate quickly and meet people.

  3. Sorry for the late reply... So much has gone on since the trip and the trip in itself kept me busy with less time to meal hop...

    Bottoms Up Pizza

    Yummy! I had a pretty high expectation given the reviews I had read on it from here and in the gazillion Richmond magazines I picked up within my first few hours of arriving. I went in on Sunday afternoon and the crowd was tame, not busy at all. Well, that is what I thought until my individual pizza took a good 25+ minutes. I forget the name of the pizza; I believe it was Steve's Chicken ".....".

    The taste was really good and I enjoyed their thin crust. While, I didn't expect it to fill me it was quite enough.


    Monday ended up being quite a busy day. I ate some hot food from the Market. After running around handling other business I decided to go with Unos (Sandston). Preparation and service was fast but I have to say I was unimpressed with the food. I ordered a quesidilla appetizer and a classic Unos pizza. For a $20 tab I would have preferred another night of Bottoms Up.


    I was in the mood for fresh fish but Southern "fixins" and that led me to Comfort. I parked two blocks away and walked into a full house. However, I was seated promptly and acknowledged they had run out of 'tato salad. BUMMER! I sided with fried catfish, mac 'n cheese, and sauteed green beans (which is not one of my favorites but they do not do okra for lunch). Anyhow, the food arrived quickly and BOY WAS IT GOOD! The only thing I disliked was the portions were small. I ordered the mac 'n cheese to go. I could have easily eaten two plates without a second thought LOL.

    All in all, I enjoyed my eating experience, while limited, in Richmond. I am more excited to continue to taste wide selection of options available in the near future.

    Thanks to everyone for their suggestions; I'll have more than enough time to plummet through the 500 local restaurants upon my arrival :D

  4. There are generally signs on every block detailing the :unsure: cursed :unsure: parking hours.

    Thanks for the heads up. It looks like my first day could involve some levels of rain; so I may just end up more car bound than I intended. Oooo well. I am going to hope for the best that the rain holds off at least until the evening.

    I thank everyone for their input over the last few weeks. I promise to report back my details of the visit, restaurant visits, and the job interview. Thanks again and everyone have a GREAT weekend.

  5. This question is in regard to "walking tours" and parking. I want to venture through the following neighborhoods/areas :


    Church Hill


    Shockoe Slip/Bottom

    Museum District

    I am looking to browse around the areas to get a feel for the area and also to see any local postings for rentals/leasing that are not posted online, etc. Are there specific places in those areas where I can park or is it acceptable to park on the street? Are some of these places simply easier to drive around rather than walk?

    Thanks for all the help

  6. No way, I have never heard of them. Thanks for the tip. I definitely have to stop by there when I come up in April.

    Another odd topic/question. Do the Krogers in Richmond have gas stations? What stores/marts are most competitive when it comes to gas?

  7. I miss *sings* my WAWA.

    I would always get a quick fix there after class while I was a WM. Is the food still good? Prices cheap? Gas cheap?

    That Diet Green Tea was scrumptious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, if I try to fly back with some containswer of Green Tea are the airlines gonna through it away?

  8. Thanks... This is great. My family will only be around for a few hours so it'll be either Strawberry Cafe or Star Lite. Since I have some names, I'll give a call to the restaurants and let them know my situation. Once we eat there, I will provide a review so if future people have diabetic concerns, we can have some feedback available.

    After that, I am open to anything (fat, carbs, libation and chocolate) LOL.

    This is a great board and it's great to be apart of it. I hope to contribute more once I relocate.

  9. Thanks Burt. Really appreciate the suggestions. I figured the diabetic choice would be a bit harder to fulfill. I am really cexcited about visiting COUS COUS and Brio Tuscan Grille. Sounds right up my ally. I can't wait to venture to TTC because if I come back with a review then there is good news to share.

    Thanks again for the feedback. If anyone can come up with nice lunch or dinner venue that may have menu choices catered to a diabetic it would be greatly appreciated. I am open to even a place with good grilled meats (steak, chicen, chops), good salad bar (or salad options), and NON-formal. My folks (see) are country ;)

  10. Need some recommendations for places to eat when I come up to Richmond in April.

    Recommendation #1

    My parents will be meeting me up there on Sunday. I am looking for a nice restaurant, relatively inexpensive, that (possibly) caters to the diabetic. Need choices in the menu that do not include excess carbs or sugar. They are very particular in that category. And possibly not a place like Applebee's, Chili's, etc; you get the idea. Maybe a place that offers a great steak and salad bar would be fitting. Prefer casual dress environments as well.

    Recommendation #2

    Basically, what are cool places where I could sit down and eat and get a taste of the "Richmond scene". I am going to be there for 2 1/2 days. I am mainly looking for inexpensive (but good) places for brunch/lunch and dinner. I'm open to cafe's, american food, italian, or asian cuisine. I'd like to visit areas that are non-formal in general and it would be nice to find venues with free wifi. I'd like to eat near/in downtown/Fan/Carytown area or near Short Pump (of course I have to visit the mall).

    Recommendation #3

    Now this recommendation will be needed for the celebration of my job interview (yes I am claiming it before I have even gotten there :P ). Seriously, if I get a job offer I want to go to a great restaurant, staying in the 20-30 range for one person. Possibly a resaturant where individuals may go alone, good scene, great food, etc...

    Thanks for any assistance one can provide.

  11. Others younger and more knowledgable can answer most of your questions sbc.

    Why don't you check out the VCU Development thread as well?

    Awww, I actually never been through that thread (DOH!). Thanks for the advice

    It would also depend on what graduate program(s) you are interested in.

    Master of Acc.

  12. Can anyone give me information about Univ of Richmond. I am currently looking into a graduate degree but would love to hear more first-hand information about the college. Some info that I'd appreciate are as follows:

    How are the professors overall?

    Are the staff helpful?

    How is the career service department?

    How are the job fairs?

    What is the temperment of the student body?

    Do you feel you got your values worth?

    Anything additional would be great. BTW, I received my BA from W&M.

  13. The only advice I'll give for the young folks, is to soak it all up now, because memories are a wonderful thing for the times when you can hardly remember yesterday or the week is just one exhausting day.

    I really needed to read this. I'm in my mid 20s and NOT living life to the fullest when I know I could actively be doing things to make life better. 10 years from now the only person I could blame if I do not change things now would be myself.

    One thing I am actively doing is focusing on finding the right job so I can come back home. Things are looking good but I am taking it one step at a time.

    Thx for sharing your advice, know you at least touched one person.

  14. How's the relocation effort coming? Richmond's got plenty of non-chain restaurants to choose from.

    Well, it's going to take a little longer than I'd like. I will only be able to move with a job offer. Although, I do want to attend UR or VCU, I want to reestablish my residency before applying. I anticipate a Fall '07 move but I expect to make several trips before then for interviews and hunting for living quarters.

    Nevertheless, I cannot wait to join the city. I'm sure the area (HR included) is different from the last time I was there a few years ago.

  15. I notice Richmond has not been in the Top City rankings recently... Moreover, it seems the Tidewater/HR always ranks and ranks higher than the capital. I always through the job market and educational system was better overall in Richmond vs Tidewater/HR.

    Any thoughts why?

  16. I guess I should reintroduce myself; I had not been to forum in quite some time. Computer crashed, life, etc... etc...

    I'm in my mid 20s and previous VA resident. I attended/graduated from W&M '04 and later relocated to ATL (fatal mistake). I am looking to relocate to VA either Richmond (preference) or NOVA. I miss VA so much; I loved her when I was there but I really respect her now that I have left.

    I'm in management and looking to pursue two Masters degrees in the near future (Accounting & MBA).

    Its good reading this forum as I feel it keeps me close to home until I return.

  17. I just wanted to chime in and introduce myself. I went to William and Mary for three years for my undergraduate degree; that was the first time I lived in Virginia. Although, Williamsburg can be an extremely boring area for a young college student, I love the HR area especially the Peninsula. I was looking to move to Newport News post graduation until other situations led me to Atlanta (which I despise).

    I am very happy with all the development going on in the area for the 2 1/2 years I have been gone. I miss everything about HR and the Peninsula. I hope to return soon. I am glad to have found a place where so many people appreciate the good points to the 757 area.

    I hope this is not in the wrong forum. Sorry if it is...

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