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Green Construction Practices in the Southeast


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The US EPA Region 4 Office of Pollution Prevention and Innovation is sponsoring a 2-day conference in Atlanta Feb 25 & 26. They're asking planners (public and private), builders, developers and the like to come and here about here about the everything from water quality to how to recycle excess building materials. Go to lifecycleconstruction.net to get info.

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I'm sure there are builders out there that are cashing in on this 'green' movement, but I imagine many builders and developers are simply trying to stay afloat during these harsh times. One advantage they do have is the ability to safe the homeowner money, unfortunately that sometimes means a higher up-front cost for long-term benefits.

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I'm sure there are builders out there that are cashing in on this 'green' movement, but I imagine many builders and developers are simply trying to stay afloat during these harsh times. One advantage they do have is the ability to safe the homeowner money, unfortunately that sometimes means a higher up-front cost for long-term benefits.
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