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It's Official - Iraq War is a Failure


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It shouldn't be any news by now to anyone here that the Iraq study group has concluded the Iraq war was a failure and that it's very close to becoming a disaster. And this from a group that went to great pains to pull their punches. The headlines in one major French paper today said "We Told You So" in reference to their urgings that diplomacy be used in Iraq before the gun. There were similar stories in papers around the world.

Stay the Course is dead. What should the USA do now?

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Pull out, install a US friendly, secular-minded, dictator.

The denizens of the middle east aren't capable of being peaceful, and supplying a steady stream of oil, without some degree of force being applied from a monarch or small ruling class. On the whole they can't operate in a rational, democratic manner with Islam dominating the scene, as basics tenants of the faith are at odds with civilization.

The US shouldn't have engaged in this war, but since it did, it is necessary to determine where it went wrong. The US didn't fight this war the way it should have been fought - with the full firepower of US military, it went into the war too timid and concerned with public perception, especially the opinion of the irrelevant Europeans.

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Why am I not suprised? This is the result of combining the rightious forces of a moron president, a knuckle head secratary of defence (resigned, thank God), and a do nothing neo-con congress (voted out, thank God again). So lesson learned: politicians are self centered power hungry rats whom reguard the commom people as pesents and surfs and precieve the Delaration of Independance and the US Constitution as meaningless toilet paper to wipe there butts with. Oh but we will see changes when the Dems take over the house and senate starting in January. Okey, fine. But I'm now from Missouri when it comes to politics. So show me. Prove to me, politicians, that what you say and claim is more than just empty election promises as usual just to weasel more votes to your favor.

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Interesting that before his trial, Saddam was saying that the US and Britain would eventually come to him asking for his leadership because "I'm the only one that can put the country back together and hold it together".

In a bizarre way he might be correct. Albeit twisted and sick to the max, Saddam was certainly able to hold the country together. Of course who in their right mind would want Saddam back at the helm in Iraq?

Since it looks like only sheer dictatorial force will hold the country together, perhaps now is the time to consider partitioning the country. I've always thought it was the only long term solution to this maddness.

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I'm just wondering how many people have to die as a result of this war to get the knuckleheads in DC to realize that this war is pointless and that force feeding one's way of thinking down a foreign people's collective throat dosen't work. The greatest leaders and empires in the history of the world have tried the same thing the US is trying to do in Iraq and failed. What makes Mr. Bush and his chornies think they can succeed? Bush might answer that question with his "The forces of Freedom and Democracy shall always prevail" pitch. But I don't buy it because the concept of Freedom and Democracy, as noble as they are, are just items in a box full of various ideologies that a culture picks and chooses from to make their civilization work.

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To go into Afganistan and taking out Osama and his terroist network that was behind 9/11 is what I was Chevy-Pickup-Truck-drivn'-Red-Neck gung-ho for. But when Mr. Bush decided to pull up stakes and go beat the snot out of Iraq for no apparent reason, that's when I started questioning the war.
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Since we are no longer doing "Stay the Course", the "Great Decider" has said that we are going to have a "New Way Forward" now. Unfortunately the great decider has decided he can't make any decisions about this right now and needs more time to figure out exactly what a new way forward might be. My guess is that he has not figured out how to repackage stay the course so that it is acceptable to the public.

Meanwhile at least 100 people were killed in both Afghanistan and Iraq today, including Americans. Despite this Condi today indicated there is no great urgency to get this done now. Wonder how many more will die while our President sits around making great decisions? :ph34r:

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