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interstate 22?


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That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my life. Im pretty sure giving Sandersville an interstate isnt going to boost the economy of our state too much, or make the populated areas any more navigatable. People are weird. CITIES people - not towns! Lets get the PEOPLE (not cow pastures) connected to each other... commerce, not agriculture. I mean, have you ever got stuck behind farm tractor using a highway? Yes it happens too.

Perhaps East GA and the Coastal Empire should succede from the state and create our state thingie. Every politician from Atlanta or outside of our region just continues to ignore us although we are one of the major economic engines of Georgia.

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Is this guy for real? Doesn't he know that I-22 is already assigned to the future Memphis-Birmingham portion of the Memphis-Atlanta route? There are signs already up in Alabama and Mississippi that state "Future Interstate 22".

And this is the guy running for Governor of Georgia??? (I stand corrected. After reading further, I see that he failed in his attempt to run for governor. I can't imagine why.)

And besides, what he's proposing might as well be a bypass for the entire Atlanta Metro. It's absolutely crazy.

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He has the right idea, sort of. Take the theoretical interstate from Huntsville/Memphis through Rome to Gainesville to Athens to Augusta to Savannah and tie it in with I 95. That would be a useful route. It would serve a bypass for ATL tie a number of important GA cities together and ultimately connect to the port of Savannah.

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He has the right idea, sort of. Take the theoretical interstate from Huntsville/Memphis through Rome to Gainesville to Athens to Augusta to Savannah and tie it in with I 95. That would be a useful route. It would serve a bypass for ATL tie a number of important GA cities together and ultimately connect to the port of Savannah.
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Is this guy for real? Doesn't he know that I-22 is already assigned to the future Memphis-Birmingham portion of the Memphis-Atlanta route? There are signs already up in Alabama and Mississippi that state "Future Interstate 22".

And this is the guy running for Governor of Georgia??? (I stand corrected. After reading further, I see that he failed in his attempt to run for governor. I can't imagine why.)

And besides, what he's proposing might as well be a bypass for the entire Atlanta Metro. It's absolutely crazy.

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Portions of I-22 have begun to open in northwest Alabama. The Governer has established a commission to work together to capitalize on the economic development opportunities in the areas served by the freeway. Eastern Alabama and Georgia interests are promoting the idea of extending the Interstate to Georgia's coast, probably at Brunswick to take advantage of growing International shipping through the ports and enhance South-to-Midwest economic development opportunities.



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I'm not sure how this improves port access for Birmingham (or Memphis, which already has the fourth largest inland port in the country). There's currently interstate access via Atlanta and Macon to the port in Savannah. The two facilities there include North America's largest single-terminal container facility. Aside from their automobile and agri-bulk facilities, nothing in Brunswick sets it ahead of Savannah in terms of general trade. The distance from Birmingham to Brunswick doesn't look appreciably different than Birmingham to Savannah.

My personal opinion... As for Columbus, an interstate connection between there and Macon (I-16 anybody?), or even the proposed I-185 extension south to I-10, make more sense and should be of greater concern.

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How can I-22 not be a good idea? It gives Georgia another east-west interstate which is greatly needed. This would open up many cities to new development opportunities. Columbus deserves this connection as well as Albany and the other cities that it would pass thru. The southern portion of Georgia is underserved when it comes to interstates. That loop around Columbus looks awesome! I can't imagine what this will do for Columbus is it is built.
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Connecting Columbus to Birmingham does have some merit, but that alone is not enough. Brunswick is not a significant port, and Columbus is pretty far away. I'm not sure how much they would benefit from this.

As for the loop- have you seen Atlanta ourside of ther perimeter? SPRAWL is all you will get from a loop. That is a well proven fact. If you build in connectivity into your local road network you will achieve more than you would with a circumferential interstate.

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actually Brunswick IS a farly significant port (esp for auto import) AND is becoming more significant all the time. Not a Savannah or Jaxville -- yet, But connecting it to midwest (via Columbus) can only be a huge benefit. Columbus to Brunswick is about same distance as Columbus to Savannah. as for benefit to Columbus, connecting Ft Benning to port(s) and to Ft Stewart woud be a really economic boost.

As for loop, doubt Atlanta experience would be repeated -- for this reason. Ft Benning will be a barrier to sprawl on he south and Harris County a barrier to sprawl on the north. So not much close in land avaialble for sprawl. Development therefore mostly to Marion and Talbot Counties (on Ga side) -- which counties could use it. Not sprawl there,but simply filling in large empty spaces. Loop would therefore be used for intended purpose of routing thru traffic around the city, as opposed to magnet for sprawl. At least that would be the hope

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Previously I did not see the neccisity of I-22, but i guess it does make sense for an economic boost to the poorer areas of southwestern Georgia. IF not I-22 then the I-185 extension to I-10 will be great also to bring economic development to the more rural areas of that portion of the state.

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Previously I did not see the neccisity of I-22, but i guess it does make sense for an economic boost to the poorer areas of southwestern Georgia. IF not I-22 then the I-185 extension to I-10 will be great also to bring economic development to the more rural areas of that portion of the state.
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