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Music & Theatre Explosion in Philly

city guy

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I'm green with envy over here cityguy.

It just goes to show that a city with pride and some hometown boys (or girls) made good can go a long long way in improving itself. That is great news for Philadelphia and your city is lucky to have a company as loyal and as charitable as Comcast. I recall that some big shareholders and leadership of the "other" firm wanted them to move to NYC and Wall Street when they did the AT&T deal.

I just wish Gulf Oil ('84 merger with Chevron), Westinghouse ('97 buyout of CBS then reverse naming), and RPS ('02 or so merger to become FedExGround) would have all had as much loyalty and hometown spirit as Comcast over here in weststate.

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I'm green with envy over here cityguy.

It just goes to show that a city with pride and some hometown boys (or girls) made good can go a long long way in improving itself. That is great news for Philadelphia and your city is lucky to have a company as loyal and as charitable as Comcast. I recall that some big shareholders and leadership of the "other" firm wanted them to move to NYC and Wall Street when they did the AT&T deal.

I just wish Gulf Oil ('84 merger with Chevron), Westinghouse ('97 buyout of CBS then reverse naming), and RPS ('02 or so merger to become FedExGround) would have all had as much loyalty and hometown spirit as Comcast over here in weststate.

Well my friend, corestates bank tried unuccessfully to buy out one of youe beloved pittsburgh banks and was then quickly snapped up by first union. Bell Atlantic bought verizon and then after a board revolt moved to NYC. Peco swallowed by Excelon. Shall I go on? We have much more sorrow then you. The Robert family is by far the exception not the rule.

The boyd is at 20th (?) and Chestnut, not atop the World cafe. The house of blues will be at 15th and Chestnut across from the residence of the ritz. Oh and by the way, the addition of the boyd, run by clear channel, will have an impact on local theaters. Already the Walnut street teater, the countries oldest, has said it will most likely go under. The forest and Players theaters will take heavy damage as well. Is this really a big win for the city? All development is not good development. Soon we may look more like Charlotte than Philadelphia. Only time will tell.

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The boyd is at 20th (?) and Chestnut, not atop the World cafe. (I meant ontop to be not a location but in addition, my fault)

Already the Walnut street theater, the countries oldest, has said it will most likely go under. The forest and Players theaters will take heavy damage as well. Is this really a big win for the city? All development is not good development. Soon we may look more like Charlotte than Philadelphia. Only time will tell.

Stinkweed, where did you hear this from? I was at the Arts & Business Council annual luncheon, they said the theatre and dance industry in Philly is the strongest it has been in two decades. The advance box office for Beauty & Beast is Walnut's highest show ever and although it is not public knowledge they are in the quite phase of a capital campaign for a brand new theatre complex next to the present theatre. The new 400 seat theatre has a pledge from Rendel for $5 million, it went for the purchase of the parking lot. Another new theatre is on the top floor of the University of the Arts...Mrs. Dodo Hamilton of Campbell Soup (just gave $ millions for a new "Sky Theatre" it has yet to be announced)

I do agree with you that not all development is good development...but this is not one of those cases in my opinion.

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Stinkweed, where did you hear this from? I was at the Arts & Business Council annual luncheon, they said the theatre and dance industry in Philly is the strongest it has been in two decades. The advance box office for Beauty & Beast is Walnut's highest show ever and although it is not public knowledge they are in the quite phase of a capital campaign for a brand new theatre complex next to the present theatre. The new 400 seat theatre has a pledge from Rendel for $5 million, it went for the purchase of the parking lot. Another new theatre is on the top floor of the University of the Arts...Mrs. Dodo Hamilton of Campbell Soup (just gave $ millions for a new "Sky Theatre" it has yet to be announced)

I do agree with you that not all development is good development...but this is not one of those cases in my opinion.

It was in the Philadelphia business Journal. There were a few articles regarding it. I remember it well because my friend was one of the many who helped to petition the demolition of the Boyd theater. It is down the street from where I used to work at 23rd and chestnut. I cut the article out and brought it to work just to show him. This is just one reason I've stopped with keeping up with the journal. It flip flops on issues but never gives any reasons why.

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