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Philly Liberal Blog Capital

city guy

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...calls Philadelphia "arguably the lefty blogging capital" of the country. How so? He has just finished a study for NDN, a Democratic group. Based on stats kept by Blogads.com, a site that manages and tracks blog advertising, he found that 10 of the 50 most-popular liberal sites are written here.

It's not just politics in which the city is out in front. There also are geography-based blog ad networks. Philadelphia, the fifth-largest city, can boast the second-largest ad network of blogs - small to large sites that joined to make money off Blogads. Only New York's is larger.

Henry Copeland, founder of Blogads, said Philadelphia's "very disproportional" presence in the blogosphere can be traced to Duncan Black, the Philly-based economist who writes as Atrios in the Eschaton blog (http://atrios.blogspot.com) - a site that attracts 120,000 visits a day.

Blog Capital USA

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Interesting article there city, I remember seeing something about how Pittsburgh is one of the leaders in activist groups and their blogs recently in the city paper over here (www.pghcitypaper.com). Philly the city I knew was always the liberal bastion of the state, Pittsburgh is more Democratic but largely because of the old union ties. It is nice to see that the true grass roots of our political landscape in this country is taking place in Philly where it all began.

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