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Posts posted by einsteinrig

  1. Well if it wasn't for the globalists, their media and the masses being incurably ignorant, Ron Paul would be our president and we would have our lost constitution back. Like Bush, Obama will use the constitution to wipe with. Have you noticed how happy Bush is with passing the baton on to Obama?


    oy, gevalt. i can feel i.q. points falling out of my skull just reading this.

  2. Obama is plasterinig himself into the media with his day of volunteering. I also believe that the media has an agenda with uplifting Obama. The media (leaders) are a bunch of brain washing, control freaks. They know how to control the masses. Which I also believe are incurably ignorant. Obama wasn't elected, he was put into office. Elections are nothing more than a game for the globalists.

    you're right - "plasterinig himself into the media" - obviously, the guy is just a media whore. those "brain-washing, control freaks" of the media wouldn't even be covering this if it wasn't for that "day of volunteering" b.s.

    i suspect that if the inauguration was taking place on february 15th and was dominating the news cycle we'd be hearing about how sad it is that something as important as valentine's day was being submerged by the non-story that is a new president. i mean, valentine's day is a symbol of love...and isn't love more important that stupid political stuff?

    i'm guessing that the people for whom martin luther king's birthday is an important marker are probably okay with coverage of the first african-american president.

    honestly, a bit more perspective and a little less axe-grinding.

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