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Posts posted by traal

  1. Mesa is going through an identity crisis. It's still clinging to its desire to remain a small town, like the large dog that still wants to sleep on your bed like it did as a puppy. I'm sorry, but there's no way to uncook the egg. People need to realize that.

    Edit: not you people, I meant the citizens of Mesa need to realize that. :)

  2. What we can learn from Portland

    To summarize, Pima County hit the 1 million population mark last November and can accomodate another million, but the question is whether to keep that second million from coming or prepare for it. Portland, Oregon is the model city for Smart Growth. Unfortunately, the same kind of planning takes a lot of work, time, money, and cooperation. And a leader.

    Portland residents are nearly evangelical in their zeal about creating habitable neighborhoods that are close to nature and close to the bus or streetcar.
  3. Sorry, I was excited to find that article. :yahoo:

    Except for Civano, the same arguments in the article could be said about Phoenix or any of its suburbs. The closest thing Phoenix has to Civano that I know of is Agritopia in Gilbert, but the homes don't incorporate either active or passive solar in their design.

  4. Found an interesting article this morning:

    Out-of-state experts ride bus to size up Tucson

    They enjoyed Downtown's pedestrian ambiance, but shuddered at South Houghton Road's car culture.

    They admired the architecture of Civano's energy-efficient homes — but not their far-flung location.

    They loved the rugged, red brick homes and businesses bordering the University of Arizona, but not the endless strip centers clogging East Broadway.

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