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Posts posted by OVgman

  1. As long as Mayor Fraim gets his donations, he won't see a conflict either. Sadly this happens all the time in every city, county, state, and federal setting. It's called the old boy network. Like the saying goes it's not what you know but who you know.

    Anybody who has lived in Norfolk for an extended period of time knows that city politics are dominated by the good old boys. It's still the south.

  2. As far as research goes Kirn library has a collection of local historical documents unrivaled in the region. That is something no library in the Beach, or any other community in Hampton Roads can provide.

    I think that a partnership with TCC would have it's advantages (Like TCC seems to have money that they want to spend on a library) but there will be logistical problems. Will students have more priviledge and access than the common citizen.

    Downtown Norfolk is the cultural, business and entertainment center of Hampton Roads. Adding a downtown library to rival the Va Beach Central library with the addition of the aforementioned historical documents will only increse downtown's attractiveness and viability.

    The city needs to realize this and dig into their own pockets.

  3. Maybe, I never hear the name Hampton Roads when I'm away, but Oakland, San Jose, San Francisco, Berkeley etc. doesn't seem to hurt them. They've got lots of money and corporate presence though.


  4. After having mulled over this regionalism thing for the last 30 years, I'm not convinced that the name or proliferation of names or jurisdictions makes much of a difference. I think the relative lack of strong corporate presence here is much more significant, along with the large military population, which is transient in nature. We have the population numbers to support major league sports, but not enough of the kind of people who make loyal local fans. Sharing the money with Richmond is a great idea, but we have to solve the transportation problem to make that work (and right now we're not even past rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic). A 200 mph train ride would be a good way to get folks from Richmond to a stadium. In 30 years, we could be a great major league market, but we can't achieve that with light rail technology, tolls and HOV lanes alone. It will take time and new ways of getting around. We're about to see a post war recession that will delay our growth for a while. It happened after Vietnam and our country wasn't in debt the way it is today. In the meantime, minor league sports and....HDTV..enjoy!

    The name Hampton Roads is totally inefffective and has been so for a long time. I do think that one name would make a difference. Name recognition is crucial in advertising and that is basically what a community does when trying to attract a sports franchise. Norfolk is the urban core. People across the country know about Norfolk because of the Navy base and they know about Virginia Beach because of . . . the beach, but that is only on the east coast as far as the Beach is concerned.

    Why not The Norfolk/Va. Beach Area?

    Because people from both cities HATE being associated with the other.

    Quite a quandary.

  5. Notes from yesterday's AUA meeting with President Runte...

    - President Runte shook hands w/ Mayor Fraim on a land deal for ODU football, she was then made to shake hands again not to tell the public about the details and whereabouts of the land agreement :ph34r:

    - With the addition of football, ODU will add Crew, Softball, and Women's Volleyball for title 9 purposes. They will also add 200 Marching Band scholarships.

    - The indoor tennis facility and Rec renovation are on schedule, as well as the new parking garage beside the TED. The garage will be completed at the end of March (but won't open until June), and construction will immediately begin on the Hotel (125 beds). The Hotel (Springfield I think) will feature top floor suites for VIP/professors/special guest/upscale clientele,etc. Also, at the back of the garage (on Monarchs Way) an Art Gallery will open in October.

    - The new Research building, adjacent to the TED, is ahead of schedule, and they're ready to start the 2nd of the 4 planned research facilities.

    - ODU is working to have 200 beds of the 450 bed phase 1 of the New Residence Hall completed before the fall, so they can market them to students and get them filled.

    - Projects delayed: Science building addition, and the $1 million Greenhouse project.

    - Last but not least, a 3 story bookstore will be constructed behind the TED. The 1st floor will be trade books and other books of interest, the 2nd floor will be ODU text books, and the third floor will have a cafe and memorabilia shop (not sure if thats the right order as it may make more sense to have the cafe on the 1st floor, but this is how she listed them). The contractor for this project will be annouced next week.

    Below is the University Master Plan (I know I've posted this before, but this should help you get a feel for the above mentioned development w/o searching through the whole site). :thumbsup:


    Good stuff. :D

  6. In last weeks design review docket I have spotted the following item of interest.

    f. Newport Ave., The WaterMark; condo construction (preliminary) *

    I have marked the location of this project with a pin and labelled it "The Watermark".

    This image is to give an overall sense of the location of this project in relation to other projects in the Ocean

    View area. Keep in mind that Newport ave. runs the length of that small peninsula from 33rd street to Mayflower road. Since I don't have an address for this project the location is not exact. On the 2nd image you will notice that I adjusted the location of the pin to the end of Newport ave where i believe the project is most likely to be located.

    IPB Image

    IPB Image

    Newport ave. also runs parallel to Granby behind DePaul Hospital all the way from Kingsley Ln. to Little Creek Road. It runs behind Granby High and the old JCC. A condo complex would fit this density pattern much better. The spot you have marked is in Colonial Place. All of those houses are single family.

    Just a speculation.

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