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Posts posted by Vertigo

  1. The tax money being used for the Museum Plaza project is for general improvements to the surrounding area. A new flood wall must be constructed, River Road must be re-routed, and a new plaza/park will be constructed. The develpers requested assistance with these projects from the start. It was granted because the lot is virtually useless due to flooding concerns at the moment and the city's long term plan was to make these improvments at some point in the future anyway.

    The tower itself is being funded privately. Then again the developers are billionaires so that was never really an issue to begin with.

  2. I appreciate that you've acknowledged my apologies from my earlier "misdeeds".

    However, I'm not sensing any response as to the actual support of existing retailers in this thread..which one of you will make the commitment to support us all?

    As far as my shop is concerned...Yes, we have tattooed/pierced customers...we also have good clean upstanding customers buying everything from Miles Davis cds to the latest artist that pitchforkmedia.com recommends.

    We are NOT an intimidating force in any way. You just need to stop in...away from the comfort and security of the internet and see what we have to offer..and what other retailers are selling as well.

    The internet:

    If there ever were a city/culture killing machine....this is it.

    Use the internet for knowledge/information and take that to your local community/retailer.

    Let us try to help you with your needs and desires. Please!

    I have many customers that do just that...They want our presence in their community.



    Thanks for being upfront and honest with the board Herm. I'm sure many of use have said things on here that we later regretted. :blush:

    You bring up some excellent points about the brain drain. Related to a discussion going on in the other retail thread, it seems with every Bloom that opens, another locally owned business closes. I hate to be a pessimist, but there are serious mammoth economic problems happening in this State, and we are not immune to them. Many young people do not see Michigan as a viable place to settle down, and it's starting to affect middle-class families as well (even if they currently have a job). For every automotive Big 3 job lost, or supplier job lost, there are probably 3 - 5 ancillary jobs lost. Add to that the retiring boomers heading South and it's a perfect storm. We're a little more insulated from it here, but pick up a little of the mood of the rest of Michigan and people are seriously starting to compare Michigan to abandoned former Communist countries, and they don't ever foresee things getting better. The new developments and exciting things happening around GR are just barely keeping us above water. One hesitation or one slowdown in momentum and we're going to be headed downstream in my opinion. In other words, it's like GR has to take 3 steps forward just to make 1 step forward in momentum.

    Secondly, while restaurants like Bloom are great additions, our entire metro region is judged by outsiders by our downtown. How many times have you (and everyone else) been on business trips or gone to visit family and friends in other cities, and you end up downtown? And if it's cool with thriving retail, art and entertainment venues, you think "Wow it would be cool to live here". People love to show off their downtowns (if they are nice). I have a lot of family in the Denver area, who mainly live in the suburbs, but every time we would go to visit they would take us downtown, not to the new mega-mall out in Broomfield or wherever. That same image applies to Grand Rapids. How does our downtown feel during the day? During the night? On weekends? On Sundays? Do visitors say "Wow, this would be a cool place to live!"

    Personally I'm not advocating for a widespread leveling of blocks downtown and adding a mall with 2000 parking ramp spaces, or building a casino to patch the situation.

    Sorry to sound so ominous, but I think those are the challenges ahead. That's why I think getting this group going will at least get some more ideas going, and possibly raise some more awareness of downtown. But it can't be all hype, there has to be real meat on the bones when people get downtown.

  3. Firstly, I apologize for my rant. It's becoming increasingly difficult in our current state of the economy to keep a retail venture going. The "brain drain" in this town is shocking as I've counted 25 customers who are leaving the state (in 07 already).

    The evening of my initial rant was fueled by poor sales and a bit too much beer. Again, sorry.

    As a local business operator, I make every effort to shop/eat/etc at locally owned businesses. I forego convenience to do this.

    I'd like a city with a diverse retail mix and am willing to pay for this if in fact there is an upcharge.

    I avoid the internet for purchases unless it's the only option.

    I'd hate to live with the option for a book purchase only being Amazon.com.

    And that was my drunken point...make the EFFORT to support what's already in your midst and the chances of local vibrant

    retail increase. Really it's that simple.

    I suspect that many of you could afford to spend $10 a week in the local downtown economy at whichever retail store you choose. Would that be a tough commitment to make?

    Best, Herm

    P.S. We're looking to hire a P.R. person...know of a good cheap one?

    I think Herm has a valid point but probably needs a PR person. ;)

    I think people here do support downtown retail. Now that doesn't mean I've been to your shop (I shopped at Vinyl Solution twice a week when I was younger, but I'm an internet guy now, sorry), but part of the problem is critical mass and getting all of the items I want in one trip. A diverse mix of retail, and more of it will help tremendously to keep me downtown.


  4. A question for you all....How many of you ACTUALLY support the retail that is already downtown?

    Have you been to my shop...Vertigo Music? How about Savenger Hunt? All-City Kicks, etc?

    Really...where are you? Stop talkin' and start supporting! Otherwise shut the f... up!


    Herm...call me if you have a beef 742.5106..I'd love the conversation

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