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Jin Kim

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Posts posted by Jin Kim

  1. Does anyone know what is going into the building in Greektown that is finishing renovations by JC Beal right now? I love the work they've done, and hope the building is put to good use. Based on the amount of glass, I think it's safe to assume it's going to be a two floor food venue. Thats just my guess though.

    If you are talking about the building next to New Hellas Caf

  2. DDOT ridership has actually been on the rise, though, since 2004 or 2005, I believe. I'll see if I can find the source where I remember seeing this. SMART's ridreship is actually down quite a bit, though.

    Perhaps rising but still low compared to when they bought the articulated busses decades ago.

  3. Does Detoit have any articulated busses?

    just wondered.

    They used to, but recently I have not seen any after they started to switch to new busses. I think ridership is low enough that there's no need for them anymore.

  4. I'm in agreement with Lmichigan on this one. Increase in drug related murders is probably is an indicator of increase in drug related crimes in general and for that matter drug use. Those problems don't happen in isolation. When left unchecked, they can have a profound affect on a community. I don't think that the Chief McCoy is unaware or ignorent of that. Nevertheless, the statement is too simplistic and at least a bad PR.

  5. A bit of update on the MGM development.

    I saw the first of above ground structure this morning.

    It seems like a ramp to a parking structure, not surprisingly located by the Grand River exit on North bound I-75.

    So that's one structure down... Anyone with information on how many structures will be built in that lot?

  6. It's a litte late for the type of improvments that would be necessary for a temporary storefront, but maybe they plan on a quick sprucing up of the building's exterior...ala the fine arts building?

    They could even paint the first floor bright red to mask its abandonment! :P

    Well I didn't mean it to be actually used as a temporary store, but rather just a window dressing that'd make it appear as if something's in it. For example, Lindell AC displayed various Detroit sports memorabilia in windows before they closed. It's actually considered a landmark among Detroit sports fans. I thought they might just do something similar for the Superbowl. Which might be kinda cool.

    However, for me, it's more important to display signs of redevelopment during the Superbowl. For example, I think a half dozen or so giant cranes in the new MGM lot alone is going make a huge impact on the image of the city.

    BTW, it's amazing how quickly they've moved on the new MGM lot. I think just about all of the buildings' foundations are complete. It just goes to show what motivated developer can do in the city. Having the casino money obviously helps.

    Question: do any of you know what's planned for the lot where a city parking structure used to be next to the Ramada Inn on Bagley?

  7. Does anyone know if there's anything going on with the Lindell AC building? I saw about 6 workers doing work on the exterior of the building today.

    Hmm. Odd. I hope they're not planning on wasting even more money by doing one of those temporary storefront makeup jobs for the Superbowl on a building that'll only get demolished shortly.

    They should have just demolished it right after the ceremonial ground breaking then put a fence around it with a sign describing the new transit center. At least that way people will see development happening. Instead they now have a bunch of signs in CBD telling visitors that there's a transit center there when clearly it's an abandoned building.

    I hope not too many people end up going there expecting to catch a ride somewhere.

  8. About the Asiantown thing..... It sounds very interesting, but will there eventually be a district or is it just going to be in the parking garage. It would be nice to have a destination for Asian immigrants to flock to like they do for New York and San Fransisco.

    What's been proposed is nothing more than a (small) group of businesses that'll be branded "Asian Town." It'll be very artificial like New York's K-town in Manhattan, which in reality is just a few Korean restaurants along a city block. Most Koreans apparently actually live in a section of Queens.

    I don't expect an ethnic neighborhood to spring up along Detroit river.

  9. With all the other stuff going up in the city, I think many of us have forgotten about the Lower Ann Arbor redevelopment project. The project you see in the rendering will be built on what is currently a recently abandoned strip mall.

    Where about is this and what will it become? The thought of taking a strip mall and turning it into what looks like it could be a mixed use development got me a bit excited.

  10. I think most of what was planned was done in conjunction with the preparation for the All Star game, so it's pretty much done with exception of a few things that'll have to wait until we get close to the Superbowl week.

    For example, the lower Woodward will be closed for the winter festival, Superbowl banners on the light posts, etc.

    Remember, the city still has to put on some "makeup" for the Autoshow in January.

    The only visible developments going on that people attribute directly to Superbowl preparation are the newly paved sidewalks along the Woodward north of I-75 and finishing off the Stadler lot. The sidewalk pave job looks half-assed to me and I'm not sure what they're trying to do with the hole left by the Stadler demolition. If its just matter of filling in the hole, I'd think they'd be finished by now.

    I believe there are still a few unoccupied buildings in negotiations to be rented out for corporate parties, temporary offices, etc. I've heard ESPN is still looking for space as late as last week, though I doubt that's true.

    The NFL will be based in the Ren Cen and Paris Hilton apparently leased the Blue Lounge on Woodward.

    Beyond that, I haven't heard of any other concrete deals.

    Some buildings owned by the city that are supposed to get temporary facelift are still pretty much untouched as of early last week. I suspect that unless there's potential safety issues (e.g. marquee on the UA building) we're not going to see additional changes to any structure unless they're specifically part of long term renovation.

  11. 1) What/Where is chene park?

    Chene Park is a park/outdoor theater with docks for boats located between the Ren Cen and Rivertown along the Detroit River (next to where the cement towers used to be).

    2) What is the building to the left in this picture. It looks like it would be a bad a$$ house.

    That's part of the outdoor theater complex.

    Someone had posted a photo of the cement towers on this forum a few weeks ago, but I cannot seem to locate it. You could see the fabric roof of the theater next to them.

    At any rate, there's a better photo that'll show give you better sense of the location and what the theater looks like at...


    Unfortunately that site is more of site for concert information than park itself.

    On the side note, I imagine the fabric roof on the new bus terminal/transit center in Time Square would be made of similar material and would withstand the time just as well as the Chene Park theater roof.

  12. Come on! 3 ft steel I-beams are way better than anything built in the 20's!

    I've actually been able to convince few people that those were sculptures. Well at least for few seconds until they realized what they were. :lol:

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