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Posts posted by foxmccleod

  1. I couldn't read the article yesterday in the AJC but I saw something about the westside park falling through. Something about the county and city playing politics with the park over prison capacities. I cannot tell you how mad that makes me. Does anyone have any details? Is this a real concern or just political process deciding who gets paid off? The North Fulton 'nanna nanna boo boo we control you too' and the city's 'we want your money' politics is getting real old.

    Basically, the county is asking the city to provide 500 beds (this has been an ongoing debate). The city claims to not have them. In addition to that, though, the county is asking the city to pay 20 million for the land, which was appraised between 10 and 12 million. There was another article about this recently, saying that land prices have risen well beyond the estimates for beltline land due to speculation. The city is understandably irritated, because land is being sold to them for well over the estimated tax value, meaning they are paying more than they budgeted for (whats new?) and they aren't getting that additional tax.

    Essentially it seems the county is pulling a power play, because they know the city wants to buy the land, and ther was much fanfare over the quarry-turned-park.

  2. We have been doing beltline projects here at Georgia Tech for a few years now, mostly located along the southeastern portion, however recently there was a shift more toward the northwest, so perhaps property values, the acquistion, and even demographics are behind this as the first implemented portion. It certainly seems to have perhaps the best ability to connect to MARTA without exorbitant costs, and could help the western spur seem a little more practical.

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