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Posts posted by willy

  1. I kind of like the London Eye type Ferris wheel. I'm not overly happy about the look, it looks like exposed scaffolding. Like they are trying to go with the VB convention center theme. Like vdogg said, it will probably look different once it's built. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  2. NICE! Urban Outfitters is finally coming to Granby. And it's in an ideal location for the kind of customer it targets.


    $50 min. for jeans in this economy? Sorry to say, but it probably won't work. An Urban scaled down Target would be better I think. Offer products that are not in their other stores, but that are only found on their website. Walmart would work too. They have thousands of products that can only be purchased online. Why not have a store that has those in them? Anyway, if nothing else I do hope that it brings more retail downtown outside of the mall.

  3. Off topic, but since we were talking about fortune 500 companies. I noticed this weekend on my way to greenbrier via 64, Americorp is now a fortune 500 company. There is a huge sign on it that says, Amerigroup, hamptonroads new fortune 500 company..

    They are our fourth F500. We still are chasing Richmond with six.

    Amerigroup Arena anyone?

  4. The taxpayers aren't paying for me to be here at work.

    I don't take home $30 million for chasing a ball around.

    If more people looked to join me in the workforce instead of ball players, society would be a better place.

    Instead, the US falls farther and farther behind other countries.

    My employer has never gone to the city to say they needed a stadium.

    It's why I don't subscribe to cable TV. I don't need to subsidize ESPN for the others, I don't need to subsidize Disney for the others.

    The reason they get paid so much is that there is a market for it. If people stopped watching/going then there would not be a market for their salaries. The reason cities pay to for these stadiums for pro teams is because they see money at the end of the tunnel in some form or another. The reason your employer will never ask for a stadium is that your type of work does not require one. Let's just face it, you are a little jealous that someone that can play a sport and people pay to watch them makes more money than you. And the reason is that you feel that you contribute more to society than that guy "chasing" a ball.

  5. The city and taxpayers shouldn't pay ANYTHING for a stadium for a sports team. Professional sports figures are already overpaid. I don't care about overpaid idiots chasing a ball. Salaries should be capped at $100K. Too many kids set their life ambition on a pretty unobtainable goal. It'd be better to have them aiming to be something other than a baller, so they don't end up robbing convenience stores once they don't make it.

    Also, what's up with the old bank building on York street in Norfolk? Been demo'ed and looks like they are building out something. For sale signs are gone. Was on the market for 1.2 mil (2400sqft x 2 IIRC?)

    Work is progressing on fixing up the front of the selden arcade. Both commercial spots on York are vacant. One has been vacant for 2+ years.

    WOW, how would like it if we cap your salary because we don't think you deserve it?

  6. Wow burt, after looking at DT Richmond parking rates they are pretty high. Here in Norfolk you can park at a Tier 1 parking deck for up to 24 hours for $14.00. Two to three hours will only cost you $2.50 at any garage in the city. They may need to take a look at the pricing if they want people to visit DT. I know they can never offer parking for "free" but $5.00 per hour for some is just too high. Though Va. Beach's Town Center does have free parking in their garages, but it's kind of hard to compare "DT VB" and DT Richmond.

  7. Norfolk should release all of the development projects that are in the planning stages to counter all the negative press the pilot is reporting. Give some figures of additional money that will be funneled into the city because of the LRT. They should do this every time they get a bite from a developer that is even thinking about building because of the rail line.

  8. The posts on the latest article about LRT on the pilot are funny. The "podunk town" comment is funny. These people don't like anything that helps a city/town/metro area move forward. If it's so bad here why do they continue to stay? Just move to some ginormous metropolis like Charlotte, lol.

  9. It's not local public dollars but federal and state monies earmarked for this project. Take away the project and you still don't get the money.

    Yeah, and if we didn't get it it would go to another LR project in some other city. These people just beotch just hear themselves beotch.

  10. The state simply can't provide adequate funding given the current revenue for everything that needs to be done. A tax increase devoted exclusively to transportation woes would help, but would never fly with constituents.

    "Needs" vs. "Wants"

    Virginia had roughly $271,000,000 of PORK packed into the 2005 budget. Cut the pork and we would have more money for transportation. It may not fund all the projects, but over a quarter of a billion dollars would help out.

  11. After reading the consultant firms statements I'm fine with the city's decision not to approve this development. They should also reject the trash dump a.k.a "terminal" for that area. In this case having nothing built there is way better than the alternative. Say NO to trash Portsmouth!!!!

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