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Posts posted by dromulus

  1. This is great. I have just joined a company in Atlanta where one of my projects is the McBee Station Apartments. I've not been to the site yet, but plan to next week. We have already started drilling for the elevators and will be pouring the retaining wall and slabs with in 30 days (weather permiting). I was surprised to see a thread on this development and have scanned through the history of it. It looks like you all have been tracking this for a while. It will definitely be a quality product and I'm glad to see all the enthusiasm for it.

    By the way, I was also responsible for the Walgreens at Augusta and Faris. That was when I was with a different company. I seem to keep winding up in Greenville. I'm not complaining, It's a great city and seems to have a very good hand on its progress.

  2. Hi MikeR. I grew up in Augusta and consider it a great place to live. One day I would like to move back there. As far as good schools go, Columbia County/Evans is the place to be unless you are interested in sending your kids to private schools. If that's the case, I definitely recomend the West Augusta or Hill/Summerville areas of town. Between the hill and downtown is where you will find the most arts abd culture. I'm sure that there are plenty of other good areas, but that is my two cents.

  3. I grew up in Augusta and haven't been back to look around in 5 years (been back to the parent's house, but that was it). I drove up Washington Rd. towards Pollard's Corner the other weekend and was blown away with all of the development along that road in Columbia County. It is trully amazing how it has grown in the last few years.

    I think if Columbia County consolidates, maybe it will encourage Augusta's leaders to get their act together and focus on their own. South Augusta would be a great starting point. Plenty of room to grow into a stand out area of it's own. West Augusta is full. South Augusta is where the focus needs to be.

  4. does the "blue moon salloon" ring a bell. i remember that place had some of the worst local tv commercials.

    it's sad that the port royal development did so poorly. i think it was a great idea, just a little bit ahead of its time. if something like that were done today, it might just make it.

  5. that's great news for augusta, i hope they somehow incorporate the canal into this "villiage." maybe some walks and pedestrian bridges and even docks for paddleboats or canoes.

    as far as the idea for a commuter line from atl to aug, it makes too much sense that i don't see how anyone will get it done. who would fund it? gadot, they are too busy adding lanes and maintaining the existing highway. i would love for someone to really initiate something like the rail, and i am certain that if it was built, they all would come.

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