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Posts posted by CMBX 4

  1. Once the gold line is up and running (street car), CPCC isn't a bad choice at would still connect commuters, Elizabeth, PM, and anyone else up and down 7th street. There are plenty of people outside the local commuters that want to enjoy the food trucks, but hassle of parking and waiting in line is becoming too much (I might be bias).  

  2. Pretty sure they can't get away with 'whatever' they want. I think you're being a little dramatic. I too have been to food truck events and they aren't held in such tight corridors. 

    Yes, I agree that they have some freedom and could park curb-side; but it's not in their best interest or they would have already done this by now. I disagree with shutting down streets every Friday; too much disruption for residence. 

  3. Ricky not bad thoughts, but I have a hard time believing they would work: 


    1.) Close off Camden... Where are we going to get the money for this? Also, everyone on that street would have to sign a petition. I don't see this happening anytime soon. Massive undertaking.

    2.) Basically on the street outside Carabbas etc. Um yea... I don't see this happening either. The food trucks draw in HUGE crowds. I'm sure major tenants like Carabbas and bars/rest along this street would love it. Too many people to keep this contained. 

    3.) Atherton Mill Parking Lot - again, either you would need a petition and crowds are way to big! You would be disrupting any residential unit along that strip. Not a bad thought tho. 

    4.) Hawkins - maybe the only smart thing you've said so far.

    5.) unused land/single tree - you sent a link to the location; it's smaller then where the food trucks are now. Awful idea. You're basically saying let's move from a small location to a smaller location.


    If food trucks have a strong following; which some of them do; they need to divide and concur. People come from all over to wait 3+ hours for a sloppy grilled cheese, but its 100% worth it. My top two choices would be;

    1.) CPCC? there's a stadium over there and ample parking. I'm not 100% sure how often this gets used but I drive past it frequently and it appears to be empty the majority of the time.

    2.) Music Factory!! Ample Parking and tons of space.

  4. For those who keep defending or commentary on the actual term hipster - you're not listening to what's going on in PM. To keep everyone happy, I'll pull both themes together! My personal opinion, there are two types of Hipsters - the working class and non-working class Hipsters. I'm cool with people that dress fashionable, hold down jobs, and live within their means. This is what PM needs, for both growth and keeping it's historical values. What PM doesn't need is the non-working Hipster; lives on a coach, doesn't shower, has a non-reliable job, has a running tab at CM ;) and most importantly LIVES OUTSIDE THEIR MEANS IN PM!!! These hipsters will hold growth and redevelopment back in PM. 


    Rents will continue to grow in and around Charlotte, PM included. To keep rent's low, there has to be more product available in the market (ie apartments). It's referred to as the law of supply and demand. If people continue to move to PM and there isn't more apartments available, rents will drastically increase as the apartments online (in the market) will be heavily sought after. However, I do agree that Morningside Village, which will consist of 401 units located on the backside of Veterans Park, is a bit too much. I wish the city, not the developer, pushed them to create/maintain the PM 'feel.' 


    For those people that want to 'shed' apartments in PM or stop apartment construction; realize what you're doing - pushing prices up! 

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  5. Generally speaking, people act and dress the same. Dress like a thug, act like a thug. Look like a duck, quack like a duck. Dress like a bum, you're most likely a bum. There are exceptions to the rules. 

    If people in PM are worried about the rising cost of housing/living - then it's time to buck-up and go get a job, stop letting society and the 'man' drag you down, or simply move to a place that you can afford. This is the nature of evolution; not section 8 housing. 

  6. Also, how about these genius quotes: "We're the last neighborhood in this city that cares about artists." and this one "Jenna Thompson, said, 'Development is going to happen no matter what, and that's okay. But I feel like we have to do it in a way that everyone-- particularly the people who built this neighborhood out of a horrible, scary place to be-- they need to be able to stay here. They need to be able to afford rent. They need to be able to afford their property tax."'


    I am sure she cared about the "scary" minorities and older people that lived here before she and her cohorts "built this neighborhood."  I don't see much in the way of affordable housing for those people.


    This complaint really hits a nerve with me.  This protests is clearly being led by people that do not understand much, if anything, about development.


    I agree with this quote: PM is an up and coming neighborhood. We need to clean up the trash and move these hipsters out. They do nothing but hold us back. Every time I walk into CM it feels to me that it gets grungier by the minute. Hopefully the Gold Line will bring better character to the neighborhood.  


    PS. did you see the people in the link above, Read more here: http://www.charlotte...l#storylink=cpy, these people need to grow up and get rid of their troll-like hair. They are a joke to society. 



  7. Oooh, this one is even cooler: http://www.census.gov/censusexplorer/censusexplorer.html


    P-M is mostly tract 10 I think, but if you count the south side of Central then also tract 11 (which also has good stats).  Some of tract 12 should be included, but 12's stats aren't good, so we'll ignore.  10 and 11 are actually almost identical in stats, so it doesn't matter if you include 11 or not.


    Tract 10 and 11 average 86K income, 97% high school grads, 66% college grads, and 26% masters degrees.


    Ballantyne is tracts 58.37, 58.40, and 58.41.  Those average 104K, 98%, 69%, and 21%.


    I couldn't find any EIFS per capita stats.



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