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Posts posted by LoLo

  1. We live a block away from the proposed pool, have two kids who would love it. I don't recall the exact price of joining, but it was substantially more than what we pay at our current pool (Shannon Park) and wasn't going to have a swim team (at first at least). Otherwise, it would have been a nice addition. I do agree that it could have been used as a smokescreen to limit opposition to the condos. I do feel for the folks who live across the street. A bunch of cars would certainly put a dent in the quality of life. That said, the owners have always been great neighbors — hosting several events and encouraging people to walk the grounds. In regards to the number of folks living close enough to walk, it's pretty substantial, but not everyone wants/needs a pool, so they really had to look beyond the neighborhood.

  2. In other news, the townhouse project proposed by Bobby Drakeford, next to the Teeter has now been changed to a single-family home project.  I think 11 single-family homes, on very narrow lots.  The houses in the rezoning renderings indicate they are copying the pseudo-Victorians that Drakeford did on 8th St in First Ward (which actually have aged well I think).


    That is really great to hear. We could use folks who have something invested in the neighborhood to offset, although barely, apartment after apartment after apartment.

  3. Really? The site down on Central looks like fast food or something. With all these new apartments coming in up and down Central, I can't imagine how much harder it's going to be to park at Harris Teeter. I like to walk when I can, but when I drive, it's difficult to find a spot.

    I don't think you're allowed to criticize "developers" or allowed to complain about all the apartments or traffic on this board. You'll be personally attacked and called old-fashioned by some fat-cat loving troll who doesn't even live in PM.

  4. For those who keep defending or commentary on the actual term hipster - you're not listening to what's going on in PM. To keep everyone happy, I'll pull both themes together! My personal opinion, there are two types of Hipsters - the working class and non-working class Hipsters. I'm cool with people that dress fashionable, hold down jobs, and live within their means. This is what PM needs, for both growth and keeping it's historical values. What PM doesn't need is the non-working Hipster; lives on a coach, doesn't shower, has a non-reliable job, has a running tab at CM ;) and most importantly LIVES OUTSIDE THEIR MEANS IN PM!!! These hipsters will hold growth and redevelopment back in PM. 


    Rents will continue to grow in and around Charlotte, PM included. To keep rent's low, there has to be more product available in the market (ie apartments). It's referred to as the law of supply and demand. If people continue to move to PM and there isn't more apartments available, rents will drastically increase as the apartments online (in the market) will be heavily sought after. However, I do agree that Morningside Village, which will consist of 401 units located on the backside of Veterans Park, is a bit too much. I wish the city, not the developer, pushed them to create/maintain the PM 'feel.' 


    For those people that want to 'shed' apartments in PM or stop apartment construction; realize what you're doing - pushing prices up! 


    Don't troll me bro!


    As a developer in a neighborhood like PM, you're going to be hated, by someone, no matter what you do.

    This is a huge cop-out and it's really not true. Some of us PM residents are a bit tired of seeing crappy apartments and bad traffic with zero foresight. You plan 100 homes with .2-acre lot behind Veterans Park and not that many folks are going to be angry. You plan a nice retail spot with parking in the back; not many complaints. It's the path of least ($$) resistance crap that bites.

  6. I'm gay & I love Chick-Fil-A

    As long as its a thoughtful design, I think it'd he a great addition


    So explain, you want fast food if it's a "thoughtful design" but you'll take canyons of apartments (which we are seeing in and around PM) any way you can get them. ...

    As for freedom of speech, you can say what you like, but you might take some heat from time to time. I, for one (and I don't expect you to care, nor understand) do not support Chick-Fil-A. Is that OK? I'm OK with you totally supporting Chick-Fil-A.

  7. You were the one that called developers tools to begin with.  Then called them fat cats. Then complained about traffic. You didn't really lodge valid complaints, you just came off as a whiner. So no, I don't apologize.


    OK, slapdash construction and horrendous traffic aren't "valid complaints." I offered you an easy out; you chose not to take it — had to be a message board "big shot."

  8. This is how you sound:




    Anyone that thought Plaza Midwood wouldn't grow is a fool. This apartment, while not ideal and not somewhere that I would want to live due to location by the tracks, is a huge upgrade over those terrible warehouses.


    Let's face it, there is a lot of great things about P-M, but there are also some really terrible things that I will not be sad at all to see go away. This shopping center/warehouse center was one. The parking lot across the street is another. The area between Hawthorne and the tracks could also be much improved (although I'd love to see the church remain and repurposed). The long (mostly) empty warehouse next to the apartments that are being built up by Central Coffee is another blight on the area. These aren't remarkable structures and the offer no positive value to the P-M community.


    When the president of my company visited, he liked the neighborhood, but thought the main stretch of P-M, except the portion between Thomas and Pecan, looked like a crap hole.


    Thanks for firing a personal shot across my bow, "Burg," on a message board no less. I'm sorry you disagree and I could have done without the vitriol. Unlike you, I don't like the idea of endless apartments with no additional single-family housing nor retail. Can't I voice that without you taking personal shots? And, would you say that to my face? If not, I suggest you apologize.

  9. The tools building yet more less-than-thrilling apartments there know there's a train track 5 feet away, right? And that train is loud and that its horn is shockingly loud. And, traffic on Central has steadily been getting worse and worse and adding to that nightmare is going to make getting around even more difficult and dangerous. It's like building a car without brakes: not smart, yo. Fat-cats' wallets: 1. Standard of living: 0.

  10. As a longtime Plaza Midwood resident, I must admit that I'm not overly excited about the apartment boom along Central heading into Plaza Midwood. The thought of massive, ugly, crappy apartments and more and more bars isn't that exciting. It's Pineville North. It would be one thing if there was a bit more retail, but these apartments will be falling apart within a decade. I have no earthly idea how people claiming to be architects "create" such crap. These apartments are to housing what baby food is to fine dining.

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