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Posts posted by Deleted.

  1. Don't ask me why they did, but supposedly, through the grapevine, American was looking at vacant and new build offices in CLT couple months back. Now, I don't know if this is true or not but it's certainly interesting to think if AA had leased Tryon Place. 


    Back to Duke Energy, it seems that with their continued coal ash and solar issues, does it really make sense to lease a brand new office building when their existing building would probably undercut the lease price by a wide-margin?

  2. 17 minutes ago, ricky_davis_fan_21 said:

    Construction can't begin until the plans are submitted to the planning department, plans are approved, and permits are issued. These items could take 3-6 months easily, then utilities would need upgrading and moving, not to mention demoing and grading the entire site is going to take forever. I wouldn't bet on this breaking ground in 2016, maybe not even mid 2017.

    Yes, thank you. I know that. What I meant was are they just demolishing the buildings and sitting on the land or going to demolish the buildings and start construction when permits are issued? 

  3. CDIA_1.jpg


    I'm not sure how accurate and old this is, but this is/was the Master Plan for the Airport. It looks accurate and up-to-date but I'll try to find out if this is the actual Master Plan for CLT. 


    The main features of the plan (as shown by the letters) are: 


    A) Taxiway around 36C/18C to the new runway

    B) The new 12,500ft runway, tentatively called 1R/19L

    C) The new control tower 

    D) New terminal, supposedly international (!!!!) 

    E) Concourse B & C expansion 

    F) New Concourse A Annex 




    This plan makes my mouth drool, the prospect of an international terminal (which would be built around 2030) is so exciting! 

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  4. 1 minute ago, archiham04 said:

    ^ I would assume that by taking trolley off wire there they have avoided the need to replace the bridge?

    Nope, the existing bridge cant support the weight of the streetcar vehicles, thats why it is being replaced. I think the cost of replacing Hawthorne bridge is why Phase 2 doesn't go beyond Sunnyside. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, ricky_davis_fan_21 said:

    Little did not win. This won't ever happen :-(

    But Hines backed-out. A recent new article stated that Bank of America was going to finance the project: Bank of America partnered with Little, no?

  6. 3 minutes ago, ricky_davis_fan_21 said:

    LOL, no renderings yet. The one above is from 2007. I've heard from a couple people around town that Northwood Ravin is putting together plans that involve keeping Polk and developing a high rise. I'm skeptical, since they have a 17 floor building under development on Stonewall. 

    I'm confused, what was your post about last year then? 

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