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Posts posted by ajfunder

  1. On 2/5/2024 at 6:27 AM, RANYC said:

    There was a report to congress in July 2019 written by the federal railroad administration of the US DOT.  The report provides guidelines for shared use of freight infrastructure, shared between freight and passenger operations.

    In the report, the railroad passengers association suggests a grant program that acquires abandoned or underutilized rail corridors from freight operators. 

    Im wondering if there’s something in the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that’s creating incentives for freight operators to share infrastructure for passenger rail?

    It’s pretty simple, passenger rail upgrades also mean upgrades to the freight infrastructure. Freight railroads can’t be a grant applicant or recipient for most federal programs but they can immensely benefit from them if there is a public entity involved and willing to be an applicant.

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  2. 3 hours ago, elrodvt said:

    Denver has a situation that seems to me to be very similar to our Davidson one. Residents of Boulder believe they got the short end of the stick when RTD converted the Denver to Boulder plan from commuter rail to a BRT plan. This after residents voted for higher sales tax and have paid it many years. Then RTD determined that based on new estimates (after they gained a lot of experience) it was not the right choice economically. From what I read i believe RTD did the right thing and think it's applicable here. We should focus on reducing headways and increasing reliability before more rail expansion. 

    The last I read Boulder brt will open in '25. We can learn from how that goes.

    A couple things from a former Boulder and now Golden, CO resident.

    Boulder and the NW corridor was promised BRT AND Commuter Rail. Not one or the other. The Flatiron Flyer (FF) as the Boulder BRT is branded has been open since 2016 and is long since completed. It is very much an expressway, BRT lite concept. It still runs in general traffic utilizing express lanes where available. Major flaws are the stations are on the Shoulder and the express lanes are in the median which requires some time-consuming maneuvering at every expressway stop, it runs in general traffic in Boulder, has a segment that is subject to a reversible toll lane coming into Denver, and has no signal priority along its route. The FF is a good service usually but it is not true BRT, it is honestly just a high frequency, well branded regional bus system with a few different service patterns.

    I will add, the FF at its peak had 7 different bus patterns which was great while it lasted, but operator shortages coupled with the pandemic have made the original service plan impossible to maintain. RTD has had that issue across the board though and is honestly pulling a CATS across its entire network in terms of frequency.  RTD even cut two light rail patterns and tried to chop a 3rd. They still have 30 minute headways on quite a few rail routes that used to be or were promised to be at least every 15. RTD is now unfortunately commonly referred to as “Reason to Drive” across the Denver Metro due to their service woes.

    The Northwest Rail Line, aka the B line, legally has to happen and coupled with service issues has been a huge black eye for RTD (as well as the 3 other segments of Fastracks that haven’t been completed SW extension, L Line extension, and N Line extension). RTD has been squirrley and has tried to get out of  building the B Line a few times but the Governor of Colorado and a few other powerful politicians keep having to remind RTD they are legally obligated to build the B line which is not a great look for RTD. It also would serve the towns of Longmont and Louisville which presently don’t have any improved transit and have also paid a large amount of taxes for Fastracks. RTD’s latest questionable scheme is to hitch its wagon to Colorado Front Range Passenger Rail which is not a bad idea as long as the NW corridor eventually gets a high quality commuter rail service in addition to the intercity trains.

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  3. 2 hours ago, CLT2014 said:

    Very cool map.... and dang the eminent domain on the routing is no joke. Very insightful on why the cost of the line is going to be pretty high. LOT of properties to demo. 

    Axios posted about the Silver Line again today. Just sampling from the Instagram comments which had fairly good engagement/reaction. Like it or not, Axios is well followed even if their reporting is iffy/click-bait-like at times.

    Main summary: Airport connection is a political winner. Probably half of the 200 comments mentioned wanting a line to the airport.

    Is it just me or is CATS really failing to capitalize by marketing the fact the Silver Line hits the airport (kinda). Furthermore, CATS really should reconsider realigning the route to better serve the airport but that’s another issue in itself. Just some observations and thoughts.

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  4. On 12/19/2022 at 6:06 PM, elrodvt said:

    I don't know very much about the history of rail in the USA. But, weren't those right of ways essentially gifted to the rail companies? The "robber barons". Let's pretend they're American Indians and steal it back from them. Just kidding but it seems like the govt. should have a stronger negotiating position than we're seeing? 

    Depends, many of the lines out west were land grants, less so on the east coast. While the system was certainly taken advantage of and probably should have had more stings attached, it also was a form of a low-cost subsidization which enabled rapid private investment into the building of the railroads.

    Three words, Interstate Commerce Clause. Only Congress and thus the Federal Government has say over Interstate carriers like NS…. unless you know, you lease a double track mainline to NS . That ultimately is why NCDOT does have leverage here and is partially why NS is so protective of the O Line. They aren’t used to a state having this much leverage over their core business.

    Im not necessarily defending NS but I can see where they ultimately are coming from.

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  5. 23 minutes ago, kayman said:

    Yep! I represent the transit riders of all types not just local but regional and visitors (to and from the CLT Airport) . They should have a grade separated rail transit ride that is ADA accessible with all the infrastructure and amenities the ability to induce more TOD, walkable and scalable development throughout all of Uptown not just along Trade Street. The Gold Line is already there.  Interlining and at-grade crossings is cheap, value engineering, and pure garbage. This city is getting too dense for more at-grade light rail transit unless it's going to be streetcar.  The Silver Line doesn't need to be at grade anywhere.  I'm long past TIRED of everyone always value engineering because they are afraid of the NC GOP naysayers and apolitical skeptics.  

    This APTA & ULI induced nonsense is why it's going be nearly another decade before we move forward with the LYNX Silver Line. 

    They need to do right by this rapidly densely, developed major city and metropolitan area.


    Just rode Vancouver’s SkyTrain system this week. Completely grade separated, scaleable (some lines only have two car trains), and completely automated. I was impressed. I wish the US would look at more systems like this.

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