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Posts posted by growingup15

  1. 15 hours ago, victory said:

    Is the Don Tomlin plan to build multiple skyscrapers atop existing parking garages, dead in the water? If anyone has any definitive info, we can either close the file on this, or have renewed excitement over what would truly transform the downtown skyline.

    I can email Matt Kennell about it and see what's up about this. The last time i emailed him about it he said that they were tweaking the first one because of structure issues. But that it was still on. 

  2. 12 hours ago, victory said:

    How did you like what you saw? Making progress down there? I can't wait til the Kline site and the parcel beside it get moving. There will be a lot of density.

    I love it a lot. It's gonna be so dense down there in the next couple years. Canalside along with the Kline City Center and big box stores next to it all coming together. 


    Next we just need the Riverfront to get started. The quicker the city get the Riverfront built things will really start talking off in Columbia because right now it's untapped land ready to bring in some serious development.

  3. On 4/21/2017 at 6:18 AM, victory said:

    Thought we'd see some activity on the Kline site by now. Would be nice if they could get something built there before we host the NCAA Regionals in 2019.


  4. 3 hours ago, carolinagarnet said:

    USC has directly or indirectly generated almost all of the new development downtown in the past few years.

    Yes but USC also is a little power hungry with it comes to development on or near their campus. It seems like anything near them it gets held up, shrinks or shut down because of USC.


    Just my opinion that's what it seems like

  5. 3 hours ago, carolinagarnet said:

    USC has directly or indirectly generated almost all of the new development downtown in the past few years.

    Yes but USC also is a little power hungry with it comes to development on or near their campus. It seems like anything near them it gets held up, shrinks or shut down because of USC.


    Just my opinion that's what it seems like

  6. 4 hours ago, SouthernBorn said:

    Yes this 6 story version is the final product compared to the old 12 story version.

    So yeah we can knock this up as another columbia failure since we've lost 3 12-15 story buildings in 2 years.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Bummer that we lost out on another taller development but it still does look good. 


    Columbia wants density but seems to always turn down dense projects. Also USC needs to stop dictating the city half of the time.

  7. 4 minutes ago, carolinagarnet said:

    Wow, very nice! Is the entire side of the WXYZ bar glass or is it like an open garage door?

    I wish it was a bit bigger but it looks beautiful :)

    11 hours ago, BrasilnSC said:

    Here's a view from the completed phase two of the Vista Greenway with Finlay Park in the foreground. The greenway now connects the Vista to Elmwood. It will eventually be extended to the Earlwood Neighborhood. We walked from the Vista to Elmwood Cemetery, a hidden gem. 



    I haven't been in downtown in almost 2 months. What's that crane in the distance for?

  8. 1 hour ago, wwmiv said:

    LOl Thanks man, it was you who unwittingly brought me here from SSP. SSP has a total lack of Columbia related content, whereas this forum doesn't so... just as I split my time between Austin, San Antonio, and Columbia in real life, you'll probably see me here pretty often as well as on SSP's Austin subforum still. 

    You should try City data also I use both UP and CD both are pretty fun. CD is a bit more active though.

  9. 12 hours ago, ColaFan said:

    Depends on what you mean by higher rise.

    Generally speaking, all of the newer county courthouse tend not to be more than four or five stories and generally speaking have a bigger footprint.  If you are putting Charleston, Beaufort, Horry, Sumter, Dorchester, Lancaster in the vertical category then that is certainly what is being built.  I don't consider them as particularly vertical and they certainly are not high rises.  

    Really the only high rise on the state level is Florence and it is being replaced with a structure along the lines of the others.  A relatively spread out facility of moderate height.  The Florence courthouse was constructed as a combination court house and city county offices complex.  It is a disaster logistically.  you have three elevator banks feedings the entire building.  So you have criminal roll calls on the elevators with citizens trying to pay their water bills or get a building permit.  You have inmates sharing elevators.  The halls are terribly cramped and there is no real space for people heading to court to congregate outside the courtroom.  The Clerk's offices are on different floors from the courtrooms.  

    I'm not sure why the feds would favor verticality and I'm not saying it is impossible to design something that would be functional, I just have a hard time seeing how it would flow as well as the current fashion.   You'd still need a wide footprint to make it make sense and that would likely eliminate the cost saving and footprint.

    Also state courthouses have a very different need and a very different volume and variety of courts and cases.

    I don't see it as a very functional or desirable design plan.


    It's called planning. Every heard of it. The city and county can easily plan this out so it be a disaster like that of which you speak of. Because one example is bad doesn't mean they're all bad.

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