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Posts posted by Mello

  1. anyone?

    i work around that area and i dont think they're repaving the entire road, just that one particular section.. for whatever reason that portion of the road had what looked like ordinary street tar on top of it for some time, while the rest of the road looked normal as it does now.. i think its just a quick fix, nothing drastic.. atleast i hope not cause construction on the road could cause some rediculous traffic problems in the evenings

  2. a little off topic but since we're talking about hotels around the bluebonnet area, anyone know what happened to one of the major hotel chains picking up that eye sore that is the Jimmy Swaggert building that he never finished.. its one of the biggest structures in that district, so it sticks out like a sore thumb the way it is, IMO i'd think that would be prime real estate for a Marriott of some sort.. i guess the economy probably plays a role in it right now but i just wanted to see if anyones heard anything.

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