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Posts posted by donNdonelson

  1. That whole debacle last year or the year before with zoning or whatever it was for the proposed location on Gallatin Pike where Young's Fashions is probably pissed off the development team.


    WOW, I was unaware of the situation covered in this article! Looks like East Nashville would, indeed, have a Publix right now, but for the unwillingness of the city planners to work with the developer to get the project done. Too bad!

  2. Publix does urban store locations in many cities. I've shopped in Publix stores near downtown Tampa, Atlanta and Greenville, SC and they are very busy locations for the chain. My guess is that their studies of the numbers do not make financial sense for East Nashville at this time. There WAS talk of a Publix being included in a development that was proposed for the Music Row Roundabout area.

  3. Here's a pic of MCC I snapped on Friday night (7-6-12). Not the best pic, but it does give an impression of the sheer mass of the building!mcc.JPG

    Sorry, I am doing something wrong and have not been able to attach the pic...but there is the oxblue webcam where you can see both the convention center and the omni/country music hall of fame expansion construction as they continue to grow!


  4. I hate to ask since I'm not able to contribute much, but could anyone go take a few photos of the MCC, Omni, Hyatt, and any other construction that is going on right now? Thanks in advance!

    Here's a pic of MCC I snapped on Friday night (7-6-12). Not the best pic, but it does give an impression of the sheer mass of the building!mcc.JPG

  5. Here is some information regarding the funding of the park being build atop the Woodall Rodgers Freeway in Dallas.

    The Park, expected to complete in late 2012, is funded through a public, private partnership, including more than $37 million in private donations, $20 million in bond funds from the City of Dallas, $20 million in highway funds from the state and federal government through the Texas Department of Transportation and $16.7 million in federal stimulus funds. The Woodall Rodgers Park Foundation will continue its capital campaign and privately manage, operate and program the park.

    from McCarthy.com dated 11-15-11

  6. I agree that it's a weird name, but what does the name of a single business have to do with whether or not the neighborhood it's in is considered "up and coming"?

    My point is that the name would not seem so completely inappropriate if it were in a less trendy/hip/up and coming location...but seems remarkably TACKY and out of place in the gulch. I was not raising a question as to whether or not the neighborhood is, indeed, "up and coming." (I think the Gulch is becoming a beautiful part of the city)

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  7. May as well go ahead and call it "Klassy Kocktails and Kouture" so we can get the whole KKK imagery going...if you want to project a backward, hicksville image, that is!!! This is a seriously STUPID name for a business in what is supposed to be an up-and-coming neighborhood!

  8. A "May Town-type" development is in the works for Donelson already...north of I-40 between Donelson Pike and Stewarts Ferry Pike. I am in full support of that project (and I live VERY nearby) AND I support the May Town project in Bells Bend also. Well planned and executed, both these projects can contribute to the form and function of our community.

  9. The building that stood at the corner of Church Street and Fifth Ave. was home of the Cain-Sloan Department Store and was not a historic structure. The historic Castner-Knott building still stands at the corner of Church Street and Capital Ave. and is fully renovated and home to Morton's Steak House and office space.

    Monsoon is right on, there is no reason for Tony to build this tower! He tried to build another 1000+ foot tower here for HCA, it failed. 850+ feet is not much different. I can think of only one world city off hand that will build a 60 story building in 2010, and that may be Dubai...maybe.

    If Tony were smart, he would build what he wanted to do 20 years ago and build the 10 story parking garage and retail center with a 150 foot clock tower on the same lot right after he tore down the Castner Knott building that had been there for almost 100 years. Tony is good about tearing down historical structures as is Alex Palmer and not building anything to replace them. That is Nashville's history...tear it down and HOPE to eventually build something. I know Tony, he is a class act and a fine gentleman, but he is a dreamer. The Viridian, Cumberland, and Encore were done with Novare's help. He has not done anything of any large scale on his own yet, but he is a great salesman. But he has his limits.

    Alex Palmer did exclusively 3 story style suburban office buildings, and yet he wanted to do a 25 story 400+ foot twin tower development called West End Summit? His 18 story Palmer Plaza took 20 years to get leased.

    Face it Nashville built environment freaks, Nashville is a small city. We are built out. Kudo's to Monsoon who has the where with all to try to keep us grounded. Most projects like these outside of NYC, Dallas, Atlanta, Chicago, San Fransisco do not get built. There is no need for them.

    When Tony embarks on a building that is actually needed, it will get built.

  10. As happy as I was to see the new public library built downtown, I was saddened that it meant the move of Watkins College of Art out to Metro Center. It was a great shot of young energy to see those art students coming and going to classes. I whole heartedly agree that that youthful energy is a great addition to a downtown. Maybe some of the local institutions will see a need to add a downtown campus for an urban studies institute or some such program. We can dream, eh?

    I just wish Lipscomb was closer to downtown... and same with Trevecca. Lipscomb has a beautiful campus, but I wish it was maybe on the East Bank where the PSC metals is....

    I have not seen Trevecca but would Love to have them downtown as well.

    Young college kids really help a downtown's vibrancy. They live on or near campus, their residence pushes the need for more retail, restaurants, etc. and they tend to be more willing to use public transportation.

    I'm just holding up hope that Vanderbilt and Belmont will work with private developers to implement lightrail/streetcars throughout downtown someday!

  11. I am in Portland right now and have really enjoyed riding the great streetcar system. Many times my thoughts have wandered to how this system could be adapted and function in the Nashville area. I've pictured a route that circulates from downtown to Baptist hospital, Vanderbilt, Hillsboro Village back through Midtown and the Gulch and returning to the center of the city. Another that might work well right away would be a line from downtown into East Nashville. If the connections could be close to the current Music City Star station it could improve ridership on the commuter line. (I've also dreamed that Nashville could have the beautiful canopy of green trees that Portland has, but the climate and soil conditions here are more suited to that ammenity.)

  12. I think the May Town Center development is a true win-win situation for Metro Nashville. It provides space for concentrated, planned and quality growth AND secures the conservation of over 800 acres of the land FOREVER. Suburban sprawl deeper and deeper into rural Middle Tennessee is a much less desirable alternative.

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