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Posts posted by CharlotteDave

  1. It all looks very good to me. I think the main logo is absolutely brilliant. Never expected anything like this. As most probably know, there have been numerous minor league teams in the past that achieved national popularity because of some unusual new nickname. Don't know if the Knights have any way to duplicate that, but this new logo and color scheme should be very popular locally.

  2. I'm glad to see that Charlotte is bidding for the 2015 ACC Baseball Tournament. It isn't as big as the basketball tournament, but it has become a pretty big deal as the ACC is now generally considered the best baseball conference in the country. It is hard to see why they wouldn't have a excellent chance to get it.


    Concerning the announcement about the opening date for the new ballpark, I hope that doesn't preclude them from scheduling an exhibition game with their parent team, the Chicago White Sox, near the end of spring training. It would seem somewhat surprising if they didn't do that. Those types of exhibitions are pretty common even when a team isn't unveiling a new ballpark. How bout an Atlanta Braves vs Chicago White Sox exhibition in uptown Charlotte? The Braves would probably consider it because of their huge fan base in the Southeast.


    A recent edition of the Charlotte Business Journal had some real good articles about the new ballpark that have just now become fully available to non subscribers. I've included the links below.

    Of course, no discussion about the Knights ballpark would be complete without a quote from our old buddy, Jerry Reese: Asked this week for his thoughts on the potential impact of the minor-league stadium, Reese answered, “You reap what you sow.”





    Uptown Site Gives Ballpark New Dimension



    Third Ward In Play




    Ballpark Reshaping Franchise




    • Like 2
  3. I'm one who does believe that Charlotte could support Major League Baseball, but it's sort of a moot point.  There  simply aren't any teams available right now and no plans for expansion in the foreseeable future. People can talk about the possibility of relocation, but that's a real long shot. That's why I believe Charlotte's best chance to get Major League Baseball in the future is by building this ballpark and hopefully becoming one of the national attendance leaders. If they do that, I think we'll see Charlotte quickly emerge as one of the top expansion candidates just like it used to be.  When Baseball finally decides to expand agian,  I think Charlotte should have a good chance to get a team, but until then, we just need to enjoy this new ballpark, which I am excited about.


    The main negative you often hear associated with this ballpark is the parking issue. I see this a lot first hand with older family friends, senior citizen types who are not the the type that would take the light rail. As a result, they're very negative about the uptown location and don't act as if they're planning to go to any games in the new park. That's a shame because they're typically big baseball fans who used to go to a lot of games in the old ballpark known as Crockett Park. I hope the Knights can find a way to reach out to them, maybe through group sales or special promotions. Maybe if they can go with a church group on a bus they'll be willing to go to some games.


    Given the new developements in recent months, it appears likely that the Bobcats will probably change their name to the Hornets. If that doesn't happen for some reason, I'd love to see the Knights take the name. As most probably know, that was the name of our minor league baseball team for the better part of a century going back to 1901 in Latta Park. 

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  4. One does have to wonder if the Mayor's comments are a bad sign. The question is, would it be a deal breaker if the extra money isn't approved? Would that be the death knell for a minor league baseball park in uptown or would the Knights still be able to move forward on their own? It seems like I remember reading that there were two different plans, one a more ambitious plan that involved a restuarant and another that maybe was a little less costly. I'll be anxious to hear what they have to say on Thursday.

  5. Apparently the grand opening for the urban section of the greenway, as they call it, is April 20.

    The greenway was very active yesterday during the middle portion of the day, especially near the Metropolitan and the newer stretch towards Target and CPCC. It was the first time I noticed the little overlook they've built next to the Duke Power building overlooking the creek, which I thought was a nice touch. I was also glad to see they have a pretty decent parking area near the Captain Jack statue.(photo below) Does anyone know what they're building at the old CPCC parking lot on Elizabeth next to the greenway?




  6. Tpost-20149-0-40455100-1325816775_thumb.jpost-20149-0-56478600-1325815753_thumb.jpost-20149-0-14276900-1325815875_thumb.jpost-20149-0-91957200-1325816065_thumb.jpost-20149-0-65950900-1325816926_thumb.jpost-20149-0-60081200-1325817049_thumb.jpost-20149-0-02339000-1325817148_thumb.j

    Today I got my first look, at least up close and personal, at some of the newer parts of the greenway. I'm speaking of the stretch next to Thompson's Park and on down in the area of the Captain Jack statue. I was very impressed and actually like it better than the high profile stretch on King's Drive. Even in its unfinished state, it has more nuance and there is just something about the layout that I like better. There are still unanswered questions: I have no idea if they're planning to do any landscaping on the opposite banks of the creek, which has a lot of unattractive overgrowth or exactly what they're getting ready to do with all that construction near the Captain Jack statue. - looks like they may be about to build another large fountain.

  7. Today, Gwen Cook, gave me a brief update on the Sugar Creek Greenway and the timetable going forward. As mentioned above, work has started on the Charlottetowne to Elizabeth portion. Currently, the focus is on stream restoration, but they hope to start work on the retaining walls if they can get some decent temperatures. It will go under Charlottetowne, 3rd and 4th, and the goal is to have it finished by the end of 2011.

    After all this time, it's hard to remember exactly what they're planning for that section of the greenway. Looking at old diagrams from the Park&Rec site, they show an amphitheatre and various fountains and pools but beyond that I'm not sure. In particular, I have no idea what they're planning for the stretch of greenway that goes behind the Target store. Of course, over the long term, the Trail of History will be a big part of it. Meanwhile, things are gradually looking better and better on the Kings Drive portion as they continue to add more and more trees and finish building various features. Based on the information above, the Charlottetowne to Elizabeth portion should really be starting to take shape by mid summer and then we should be able to get a good sense of just what type of attraction this greenway will be.

  8. I have a couple of questions related to the Sugar Creek Greenway that I wanted to see if anyone could answer: One, what is it they're working on at the site next to the Metropolitan. Second, what is it they've recently started working on back behind the Captain Jack Statue. I've driven by there a few times lately and noticed they've got the bulldozers out and huge piles of rocks and dirt. Is it possible they're finally ready to start working on other parts of the greenway? Just curious. We don't hear much news anymore about these things.

  9. Great photos. I've seen most of them before, but it's always nice to see them again. Below is an even older photo taken in 1873 at the Square by the photographer, Rufus Morgan. The white house on the far right was the home of Charlotte founder Thomas Polk, although it had been moved from its original location. It was the first house in Charlotte made out of treated lumber instead of logs and the house General Cornwallis had lived in while the British occupied Charlotte during the Revolutionary War.


  10. ^I heard late summer/early fall of this year. One holdup has been the bridge underpasses for the shared-use path. But I also heard NCDOT finally approved going under Morehead.

    You may be right about the late summer/early fall thing. I recall reading something about the official grand opening being around that time, but I figured they might have a so called soft opening before that for people who want to walk on it or maybe enjoy the creekside plaza.

  11. The Charlotte Culture Guide is reporting that the Spirit of Mecklenburg statue will be dedicated (on time) May 20. Happy Meck Deck Day.

    I drove by the site today and it looks like the statue is already there but with a covering over it. They were working on the base or pedestal of the statue. They're certainly leaving the rest of the work, the landscaping and paving, etc, to the last minute, but I guess they'll have it ready two weeks from now. I'm anxious to see what it looks like in its natural environment and whether it has any sort of dramatic presence. If nothing else, this statue should serve as a reminder that Charlotte has been around a long time and that a lot of interesting things were going on here in those early days of our country. Regardless of the controversy surrounding Mec Dec, no one questions the Captain Jack part of the story. It's just a question of whether the document he delivered to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia was Mec Dec, the Mecklenburg Resolves, or both. In either event, it was a dramatic moment in our history and Captain Jack is well deserving of this honor.

    In other greenway related news, it's obvious they won't be able to complete the Kings Dr. portion of the greenway this month like they had planned. The slowness of this project has been baffling. That said, though, there are some definite signs of progress: I'm sure some have noticed the good sized trees they've starting planting along the street the last couple weeks and they've also started work on the clock tower. I can only guess when that portion of the greenway might be finished, perhaps mid June to early July?

  12. Just thought I would mention that I got another brief update from Gwen Cook the other day:

    She says they are still struggling a bit with Morehead, but have approval for 3rd and 4th and hope to advertise Elizabeth ave to Charlottetowne for bid in less than two weeks.

  13. ^NCDOT or CDOT? Given the pedestrian refuge island going in on Kings at Baldwin, CDOT would appear to work well with County Park & Rec. I'm guessing it's more likely NCDOT. 3rd and 4th Streets are State routes, just like Morehead. At Morehead near Kings, NCDOT has delayed Park & Rec plans to add an underpass and connect the new greenway with the Liz Hair Nature Walk by CMC.

    You're right, it was NCDOT that Gwen Cook was talking about. I last conversed with her on November 20th and below are her brief comments on the situation at that time.

    From Gwen Cook:

    We have not yet been able to attain NCDOT approval for either the Morehead St underpass (our greatest challenge) or the section from Elizabeth Avenue to Charlottetowne Ave. We will bid the latter as soon as we get approval and that approval appears to be getting closer. We are still hoping to be able to bid in December but just can’t be sure. If we are successful, a late fall 2010 opening may be achievable.

    The Morehead St underpass remains a challenge for us. We will continue to work with NCDOT because this underpass is critical to the connectivity of the greenway system.

    A view of the Creekside plaza area:




  14. When will the section between Charlottetowne and Elizabeth start construction? I saw a previous post say it was to be completed by 2011.

    I last conversed with Gwen Cook about a month and a half ago and asked her the same question. She said they were still having problems with DOT but she was optimistic they were on the verge of getting things worked out. She indicated that if they got things ironed out quickly enough, they might have a chance to finish Charlottetowne to Elizabeth by late 2010 rather than Feburary 2011. Based on that timetable, one would think they would need to get started sometime fairly early in 2010, but I don't know for sure what the plan is. I just hope they finally have the go ahead from DOT. The original plan was to have the entire project completed by spring of 2010, so things have had to be delayed quite a bit.

  15. I have some new updates on the Sugar Creek Greenway from Greenway Planner, Gwen Cook. The news continues to be pretty frustrating, but not all bad, at least better than many of the projects around town that have been delayed indefinitely. They continue to have issues with the DOT, to the point that now the Charlottetowne to Elizabeth stretch isn't expected to be ready until Feburary of 2011. The stretch from Pearl Park Way to Morehead isn't expected to be ready until May. On the positive side, they plan to open the short stretch from the Metropolitan to Pearl Park Way this November. Also, she tells me that the Captain Jack Plaza is still on schedule to be unveiled this coming May. She says she has heard that Captain Jack is really big. Below I've included the detailed schedule she sent me, which she said is fluid. It is a shame there have been so many delays, but at least there will be a couple nice attractions to look forward to next Spring: the Captain Jack Plaza and by then, the entire stretch from the Metropolitan to Morehead.

    Little Sugar Creek Greenway Construction Status

    Kings Drive (Pearl Park Way to Morehead): Under construction, Anticipated completion date May 2010

    Midtown (Charlottetowne to Pearl Park Way): Under construction, Anticipated completion date November 2009

    *The Gap (section of trail between Pearl Park Way and Old Baxter St): Not yet under construction. This section will not be completed until May 2010

    *Elizabeth Ave. to Charlottetowne: Not yet under construction. Anticipated completion date estimated February 2011

    *7th Street to Elizabeth: Phase I (CPCC culinary art building and Duke Power) -- Under construction. Anticipated completion date Oct 2009

    *Phase II (gap between CPCC and Duke Power) -- Not yet under construction

    Belmont Ave. to 12th Street (CSX): Construction complete

    *Alexander St. Park to 7th St: Not yet under construction

    *The construction schedule and ultimate build out of portions of current projects are funding dependent. The debt diet the County encountered in February of this year put several projects on hold. Construction will be dependent on those funds being activated.

  16. I'm sorry to have to report some bad news about the Sugar Creek Greenway. Today I recieved an e-mail from Gwen Cook, Greenway Planner for Park and Rec, who told me they've run into a major snag with NCDOT. She said they're in the process of working through it, but it has delayed their ability to advertise and bid the Charlottetowne to Elizabeth stretch and has delayed construction of the underpass at Morehead Street. She said they still hope to open all sections in 2010, but now it will probably be later in the year than the Spring to Summer opening they had hoped for. She didn't mention when the Metropolitan - Kings Drive stretch would open, but looking at it the other day it was hard to see how it could be ready by September like had be predicted a couple months ago. On a positive note, they've started work on the Captain Jack Plaza, so it looks like at least that part might be on schedule for a May 20th unveiling next Spring.

  17. I''ve received a couple updates on the Greenway lately that I thought people here might be interested in. Just today Julie Clark of Park & Rec informed me that construction is expected to begin this September on the Charlottetowne to Elizabeth section and that part of the greenway will probably open this fall. There had been some talk about this summer, but apparently that isn't going to happen. I got a more complete update the previous week from Gwen Cook, Greenway Planner for Park & Rec, and have included her entire e-mail message below. Although they have some issues to work around, the overall outlook seems pretty positive.

    From Gwen Cook:


    We are still planning to fund 4th St to Morehead St in their entirety except for an event garden next to the Metropolitan. Elizabeth Park, Elizabeth Ave to 4th St will be bid in about 2 weeks with alternates. We will not be able to construct everything at this time. Phase 1 of the Culinary Arts section, 7th St to Elizabeth Ave, will be completely constructed by this Fall, we think. There will be a gap in the greenway (Phase 2) until CPCC is able to construct the parking deck at 7th St and Charlottetowne Ave and then remove the parking on their Culinary Arts site. However greenway users will be able to get up to 7th Street via streetscape along Kings Dr.

    We will complete the greenway through all sections, which is critical to our funding source, NCDOT TIP. We are still planning on a Spring 2010 completion date. That's beginning to look tight for Elizabeth Ave to Charlottetowne Ave, but still doable. That is a very exciting goal around here. What we do will be a wonderful amenity that only gets better it time and with economic recovery.

    Thanks for asking! Let me know if you have other questions.

    Best Regards,

    Gwen Cook

    Gwen Cook, RLA

    Greenway Planner

    Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation


    "Life is what happens outside your car"


  18. The latest word from Gwen Cook is that possible delays will occur in completing the restrooms and garden space between the Metropolitan and Pearle Park Way as well as portions of the block between Elizabeth Ave and 4th St. Still, she tells me that as of now, all the sections of greenway are still expected to open in the Spring of 2010. Further north, the greenway from Belmont Ave to 10th Street, will still be completed by the end of 2010.

  19. I contacted Gwen Cook this morning, the Greenway Planner for Park and Rec, to try and get some clarification about what's going on. Below is her response, which I find pretty encouraging:

    We are still hoping to be able to connect the trail itself through from 7th to Morehead at the very least. We are still attempting to sort our priorities between parks and greenways with funds allowed. Things have not completely settled yet, but we are considering these delays, not cutbacks. There will likely be some ancillary areas that must wait until funds are available. We still hope to have the main trail from 7th to Morehead complete by Spring 2010. There are many partners in this effort counting on certain sections being complete.

  20. I just saw a story on WBT's early news that confirms what Dubone said, so I guess that's that. Perhaps the one remaining hope is to get some help from the stimulus package, but I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. I do know that greenways are on Mecklenburg County's wish list and apparently pretty high on the list.

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