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Posts posted by tangle

  1. Chancellor Anderson asserts that despite this shooting, UALR is one of the safest campuses in the South.

    My personal experience leads me to believe that's not exactly through the efforts of the on campus safety/security/police.

    I've had friends call them when they were threatened outside the new arena during basketball games, and had DPS ask them to wait a few minutes in their cars in the far lot. Right.

    One night I was in my office late. I called public safety around 11:00 at night for an escort to my car. I was told I would probably have to wait 45 minutes to an hour, because of the shift change. a 15 or 20 minute wait seemed reasonable. But being essentially discouraged from using a late night safety precaution because it was kind of inconvenient? Ugh.

    On the other hand, while I worked there DPS was exceptionally talented at issuing parking tickets.

  2. This has been a few years in the making...

    "Gov. Mike Beebe and University of Arkansas at Little Rock Chancellor Joel E. Anderson on Monday marked the start of construction on the university's $30 million expansion of the Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology." Mark Hengel, Arkansas Business 2/11/2008

    "Instead of breaking ground with shovels, construction workers were hoisted onto the EIT's current building to begin work on a skywalk that will connect the old building with the new 120,000-SF expansion." Mark Hengel, Arkansas Business 2/11/2008

    It should be a very nice building. Cromwell Architects Engineers firm designed the building, and Nabholz Construction is general contractor. The Reynolds College of Business Building and the Jack Stephens Center (the Jack) were $20-25 million.

    Where are they putting it? That parking lot just to the north of the current building?

  3. I guess there was a different thread for this but I agree that we desperately need Cuban/Caribbean and Mediteranean as options. There's a little Middle Eastern place that opened up off of Rodney Parham near Reservoir but options are limited. As far as ethnic restaurants, though, there is no Thai restaurant in LR. It's a travesty. There must be 20 sushi places now but no Thai. Where's the logic in that?

    I doubt we see these as mall tenants, though. BTW, Forbidden China is solid, especially for lunch.

    Hear hear on the Middle Eastern, Mediteranean, and Cuban options. I'd love a Middle Eastern place that went beyond hummous and gyros. The closest we have is that counter in the Rivermarket Pavillion.

    Your mention of Cuban food almost makes me miss my stint in Atlanta. OK, so not really. Cuban food didn't compensate for the many drawbacks of Atlanta.

    I remember when they used to have a Ruby Tuesday's there, well before it became a generic small city, dry county place. Ironically it's where the mall employees went to drink when they got off work.

    Bennigan's employees would go drink there too.

  4. LR voters approved a tax increase (65% in favor) for the construction of a Children's Library on the south side of I-630 across from War Memorial Park. The city already owns the land. Plans call for a 20,000 sq. ft. building at a cost of $10 million.

    I am both excited by the library and by development south of I-630. Out library system has grown so much in the past 15 years.

  5. Wow. Has anyone seen the new "Benton" TV commercials?! Jeez Louise...I think we have a new "snooty" award to give out - it might even top the infamous "Riviera" condominium renovation tagline. It goes:

    Welcome to Benton. Welcome to your "comfort zone".

    What the @#$*#! Seriously?! So, they're saying that living in the city is somehow uncomfortable, with the crime, minorities and all. Wow. I can't believe they actually used this. Just....wow.

    I haven't yet seen them--yay for fast forward and Tivo--but combining the words "Benton" and "comfort zone" seems like a not-too-carefully encoded way of saying "white people here."

    There's a difference between a comfortable place to live and a comfort zone. The former implies a quality of life, amenities, and such The latter implies "values," upbringing, a range of tolerance.

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